
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by EleanorRoos, Aug 30, 2011.

  1. EleanorRoos

    EleanorRoos Forerunner

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    I'm a long-time browser, brand spankin' new contributor. (This is literally my first ever post.) Apologies in advance if I do or say something wrong!

    I have really put a ton of work into this map. I literally have 16 different designs of this map on my hard drive. I've been OCD style working on this final version for a solid 2 weeks, but I haven't got nearly the amount of testing I would like (I NEED TESTERS!!). This most current design has the game play I feel I can finally really proud of, which is the most important thing to me.

    Brimstone is a medium sized map (8-12?). The map is fairly large/complex and anything less than 4v4 feels too slow, or so my feedback tells me. I have set up the map to play a variety of game types: Assault, Capture the Flag, Headhunter, Infection, Juggernaut, King of the Hills, Oddball, Slayer, Stockpile, and Territories... so like, all of them. In the hours of play testing I've already done with friends, I feel like the strengths of Brimstone lay in the Slayer and King of the Hill game types.

    My sly motive for this preview is to hopefully get some testing volunteers so I can get some more game play feedback. Everyone here seems to really have some valuable insight and I would be eternally grateful if I could get a group together to play a few rounds of different game types.

    Please leave a reply to this thread if you're available soon so I can organize a few games!

  2. Silentraine

    Silentraine Forerunner

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    For your first map posted and first post on forgehub I would like to welcome you to the ranks :). I actually enjoy the area chosen and the design style of Brimstone, it seems you have taken considerable time to pick and choose what works best for you as a forger. I also love that you were able to fit the cave area into your map in some way as I feel that area isnt used often enough for anything other than big team battle maps as more natural terrain.
    I cant really say I see anything wrong with the map itself either from the pictures which is another thing I really enjoy about it. Hit me up anytime on live GT: SilentRaine, if you do decide to test it sometime :), just dont get angry at me if im away or in forge and dont reply right away lol I go back and forth lately alot.
  3. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    Count me as one of your testers. My GT is Aleksnipez37. I'd be happy to take part in testing Brimstone. If all goes well, i'd say this could make FHF.

    This clearly took an enormous amout of time and dedication to create. I love the way that the entire map uses pieces that are unique to the map itself. I have absolutely no complaints. :)
  4. EleanorRoos

    EleanorRoos Forerunner

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    Thank you! I too have wondered why area isn't used more often. It is a very aesthetically pleasing part of the map. Perhaps it's because it was sooooo difficult to come up with a good layout in this funky sized space. I gave up on this map 3 times but kept coming back to it because I knew someone could make good use of this space.

    I will definitely hit you soon. I would really like a few more volunteers so we can put together some full teams. I haven't had a chance to test the frame rate with full teams. I designed the map in a way to where I don't think frame rate will be an issue but here's hoping. I'll wait a couple of days to see if anyone else is interested. Thanks again.

    Man thanks so much. Yeah I actually was really pleased with how the natural terrain fit into the map. Making the terrain flow well with the map was by far the most difficult part of the design.

    There is actually a lot more of the natural terrain in the map that I don't have pictured. I'm not sure if posting more screen shots is something that's frowned upon at Forgehub, so again, go easy on me!

  5. X2Sora

    X2Sora Halo 3 Era
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    You can count me in as a tester my GT: X2Sora

    Now about the map it certainly looks nice, and the location in which you built the map is certainly a feat. My only real urk with the problem so far is how some of the pieces are a darker shade, but there is not much you do about that. I will make sure to post back my feedback if I ever get a test on this map.
  6. EleanorRoos

    EleanorRoos Forerunner

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    Yeah unfortunately that's an issue I won't be able to fix. I will definitely drop you an invite soon, thank man!

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