AVALON Even the most prestigous of warlocks seek sanctuary in troubled times. 6-12 players DOWNLOAD Avalon is what you get when you want a four way multiteam map and have a frothy love of all things Halo 2. Avalon's a fun and freaky kind of symmetrical. It's rotationally symmetrical for the teams opposite each other, so for red and blue, there's a shotgun to the left and for green and orange there's one to the right. It creates a fun two team rush dynamic off initial spawn as well as keeping things even across the board for all teams. The shotties are there for all gametypes, but the rockets only spawn in games that can't have a neutral objective such as slayer or headhunter. I also took the liberty of color coding the whole map and adding a central guidepost depicting which bases are on what side. If you get mixed up, the center column will show you the way. The man cannons always fling you towards the enemy colored hubs as well. Your "home" hub is always to the base's left- meaning the callouts for shotgun are either red or blue. Another small touch is the individual team loadout cams will show the team's flag, as well as Shotty and Rocket Spawn- which I might add is standing at such an angle that every base's can see it off initial spawn. Though I built this for multiteam, it fares rather well in standard red vs. blue games, and is PHENOMENAL when played with ffa- or so I've been told. Had a few people say that they usually hate ffa objective, but on this map they called for seconds. It almost made me tear up... You can play almost anything on this map, slayer, ctf, ball, koth, headhunter, rally, stockpile, race, assault, whatever! Just NO INVASION. Oh, and no insane stuff... Well except Hog-Ball, although if you'd like to maintain your sanity I don't recommend it. But I digress... As far as transportation goes, there are man cannons out of each of the four bases, a fourway lift going up to the center platform, and jumpups to the center platform from the corner plasma/shotty hubs it keeps things pretty fluid. Also, you can jump up to the hubs from the ground floor without crouching, and those players with sprint will find they can make it from the hubs straight up the sides of the bases, saving valuable seconds. I designed this map around the gameplay of Warlock mixed with Sanctuary, and as a result the map benefits from fast-paced cyclical action with a sleight touch of height variation to keep things interesting. With a pair of shotties and neutral rockets, things tend to stay pretty lively. Admitedly, this wound up being a tad small for twelve, but it plays into how frenetic the action on this map can get. When I last tested it, two player splitscreen worked just fine, but that was a few builds ago. I haven't run four player splitscreen yet. ON TO THE SCREENSHOTS! Purty... Top-down Oh look! Rockets! More the up close and personal type Allez... OUP! What's over Here? Nice little view... Ack! How'd he get up there? Aha! Oh, and there's Plasma. Weapon Set: Rockets(in Slayer, Headhunter, KOTH, and Territories) Shotguns, 2 Plasma Pistols, 2 DMRs, 6 NRifles, 4 ARs, 2 Spikers, 2 Grenades, Yes. Also there's tons of health.
Oh look, it's the Guh-napster with his map Av-lol-on! I gotta say first of all, that I like the map description. I generally like the way Bungie would always work in a clue if the map is remake, and you did the same here. Good jorb. It's good to finally see this map posted, I played on it for the first time at some point during or shortly after the golden days that were filled with non-stop Cargo Port testing. I think I always preferred two-team games on here, as multi-team got rather hectic, depending on the number of players. That said, I would love to play some 4-flag on here sometime. I certainly enjoy this map a lot more than most medium-sized, symmetrical maps, and would love to see this replace Ass-ylum in matchmaking. Get me in some more games on here soon, I definitely enjoy the map. In the future, you should make a symmetrical map that is half blue, and half purple. That way, your color-blindness would confuse you, and my blindness would confuse me until I got within two feet of a colored object. It would be great fun.
Looks pretty good, I'm always a sucker for the multi-team, though I never gets to plays it custom. I like the layout of the map from what I can see, though the ways to get to the upper level seem few. And do you mean the rockets are set for asymmetric gametypes only by "gametypes without a neutral objective"? Seems easier to describe that way to a forge community. Otherwise, I'd have to dl it and check it out for greater feedback.
Topic reply: Duck you always know just what to say to make a girl blush. I'll consider that map Idea, if for no other reason than some Stevo-level trolololol action. Is that good or bad? Did I forget something? You get to the upper middle stuff by either the central lifts or the jumpups from the outer hubs. You can put shots into the middle easily from the bases, and up into the jumpups from the tops of the corner tunnels. The only real issue I've noticed is in gametypes without grenades. It seems that the tops of the corner tunnels can get a little campy. Glad to see some activity on this. Keep me posted after you guys check it out.