So this thread is for buyers who don't know what game to buy. So mine are Marathon 2urandal/Halo Combat Evolved?I'm only gonna get one then later i'm gonna get Mortal Kombat and Gears 3.Soooo... OR You can also post your own and vote for one of mine and explain why...
Is Marathon 2 not free on the PC? Also, if you're getting CE, there's two better things you can do than buying it on the Marketplace: A) Wait for CEA. Don't buy it AND CEA, that'd be stupid. B) Get it on the PC.
Yeah, wait for the anniversary edition. In the meantime, buy Deus Ex: Human Revolution or save your money for Anniversary edition AND Skyrim... ALL MARATHON GAMES ARE FREE ON THE PC. There's a thread on this site about it, just search it in Game's discussion.
Get gears 3 this september 20th, then get Skyrim (<3) and then get CEA, there you go, your life is now complete
Buy Deus Ex: Human Revolution and save up for Halo CE Anniversary and afterwards, get Saint Row The Third or MW3.
Here's my thoughts remember I LOVE CE regular but I want something new [In my way] like Marathon Marathon/Halo CE or CEA l8r Mortal Kombat Gears 3 MW3 [br][/br]Edited by merge: WEEEEE AR TRYING TO FIGUER OWT WHAT GAME TO BUY AND TO SHOW OTHER PEOPLES PROBLEMS FOR WHAT THEY WAN TO BYE ...BYE THE WAY I LUV YOR CAPPITLES /CAPS
Xbox version is mehhhhh. Download this. Naoo. To play online, you need a MariusNet account to play online.
Like others said: I'd wait on CEA. I'm also getting Gears Of War 3, Battlefield 3, Saints Row 3, and Skyrim (C-c-c-c-combo breaker!!!!). I hope that is all i will need for this year lol.
the question is, did he know it was a KI reference, or was he just saying it because its a meme as well?