So a new Counter-Strike game was announced a few days ago for XBLA, PSN, Mac and PC. But today there was a trailer released revealing that it will have cross platform play between PC/Mac and consoles. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Intro Official Trailer - YouTube I cannot wait to get owned by PC gamers.
I heard about this around a week ago, got really excited but then I forgot about it due to a complete lack of info. That trailer, however, is sexy. And cross platform play? Hell to the yes. I've been an avid CS gamer since 2000, pity I can't run source on my laptop. I used to go to LAN Parties all the time with hundreds of people and just play for the entire weekend. Fun times. Seriously can't wait for this.
Why would anyone play Counter Strike on consoles in the first place anyway? PC GO has mods and custom settings while consoles only have matchmaking.
There will always be those of us who don't have a PC with decent enough specs. That plus, I'm a lot more comfortable on an xbox. If it was on PC, I'd have to sit in this chair and play, and eventually get sore and uncomfortable. Where as with the xbox, I can just chill on my bed and play. It's really up to preference.
PC all the way for this. The Xbox or PS3 would be good if you didn't have a good enough PC to run it, but the controls are too clunky on a controller and dont have the precision like a keyboard/mouse combo would. Flame on.
PS3 users have the option of using K&M... is it just me, or is that creating an unfair playing field?
I love that the trailer goes through the short list history of the franchise and neglects to specifically mention the flop that was Condition Zero lol. CS:S was my baby, so I cannot wait for this to premiere. I still play gungame on Blops solely to relive my glory days on my favorite long-gone servers.
is it just me or does this game look a little sloppy right now? the models seem a bit chunky and the animations seem a little off. the ak-47 animation were they rack the gun... bleh. hope they're just placeholder animations.
My 8 year old Dell PC with a stock video card and 20 gig hard drive can run any Source engine game save TF2, but that's a specific reason. Unless Global Offensive has the same reason, any PC or laptop built within the last 5 years will probably run it fine. It's a Source engine game, and Counter Strike has always been about the gameplay anyway so most big Counter Strike players don't really care about how it looks. Regardless, it's still a huge step up from CS:S.
Does seem a little unfair, but what other players don't know can't hurt them... well, in this case, it can hurt them. Their fun at least, anyway. Still going to get this on PC, though. Don't really want to get a PSN account based on the recent transpirin's.
I didn't know about it, so I doubt many others know about it, therefore, not many people would use it. Gives a bit more of an advantage to people, but there would be things that are activated for controllers, like slight aim tracking, that wouldn't be available to people using K&M.