...what Halo 2 map did you find exciting and not irritating? Most of the maps were symmetrical, small, arena style maps. Doesn't get any more boring or irritating then dying in a circle.
By most you mean, like, 3? Depending on what you're idea of small is. Warlock, Midship, Sanctuary, Gemini, Foundation are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head and one of those is a remake and Sanctuary and Gemini can be considered debatable. Also, don't get me wrong, because I absolutely love every map in Halo 2, but I would rather they remake Terminal over Headlong any day. Hell, I'd take Relic, Containment, or even Colossus over Headlong. It's definitely not a bad map, but it is severely overrated.
I loved Headlong. I have some extremely fond memories of just dicking around 3v3 there. I'm not sure what it is about the map, but it, just like Beaver Creek, felt brilliant to play on. Then again, it could just be memories and nostalgia that's bringing it up, but Headlong in itself seems like it would translate really well into Reach gameplay.
Three. Shot. Pistol. *drools* Also Prisoner, soooooooo happy right now. Would have reeeeeeeally like to see Chilly but I guess they didn't want to do anything that had existed on 360, thus Cold Storage sadly ruins the chance at that map being done right. Still.
I'm curious if the DMR and Needler Rifle are also 3-shot like the Magnum. You say it like Bungie intended it to be a near game breaking feature in the original. I highly doubt they'd let you up there.
I'm not a huge fan of circular arena maps either, though I did like Midship. As for my favorite Halo 2 maps, I would say Lockout (of course), Ivory Tower, Relic (very fun flag map and my LAN group was big on CTF), Zanzibar, Sanctuary, and Turf. Also enjoyed playing Ascension even though objectively it's not a very good map (and is worse in Reach). As for Headlong, I enjoyed a few games of snipers on it, but snipers isn't really my thing and everything else we ever played on it was very boring and camptastic for some reason. To me it's kind of weird that they're remaking a Halo 2 map as part of anniversary. There are a couple other good choices from CE - I would have been happy with one of those.
They could just put delete-able kill barriers up there for matchmaking. Now that I think of it, with the inclusion of forge, they'll just make an invisible barrier up there probably.
Chilly or Sidewinder would have been ideal . EDIT:OP Updated with a bunch of new stuff, videos and information
the TU will allow for the configuring of the reticle bloom on the Reach pistol (and other semi-automatic weapons, like the DMR) <3
I wonder how they're pulling off the 3sk Pistol, whether it's a damage toggle or just a different gametype with a higher damage Pistol. We know that the bloom will be not only toggle-able, but changeable with different degrees of bloom from full to none (really want to know more about how many options there will be in between), but it would be interesting if we're forced to have 3sk Pistol (or "CE Pistol") and 5sk Pistol gametypes. Also very interested to know if (assuming the Pistol damage increase is a toggle) it can be applied to the DMR as well. I'm not too fussed either way since using the Pistol is fine (the small clip should help balance the insane kill time, the fastest Halo will have ever seen if I understand correctly), but it'd be a nice option to have for even more tweaking potential.
I'm hoping that, assuming the zero bloom option doesn't mean zero spread, the Pistol would be what it always should have been: A strong weapon to start with and defend yourself up to the farthest depths of medium range. Three shot kill, small magazine, fast ROF, but a larger spread than the DMR and Needle Rifle that limits it to medium range engagements but at close range, nothing short of Rockets, Shotguns, Hammers, and Swords can stop you if you have good aim. I've already gone over this before in a different thread, but I also want to know what the kill times for the DMR and Needle Rifle are. I'm assuming 4-shot DMR and 5-shot Needle Rifles. Especially since with no bloom, the Needle Rifle is the first automatic weapon with almost perfect accuracy at ranges that rival the Sniper Rifle that can score headshots with a scope. Not having to tap the trigger and just concentrate on aiming can make a pretty big difference for some people.
IGN messed up and accidentally released that vid a bit too early. They took it down, but there are leaks around if you can find them (no one should post them- against FH rules btw) But.... OMFG WEBDFSVJXVDNZXK HEADLONG IS BACK!!! Thank god... that was one of my favorite BTB maps and actually played incredibly different from most normal maps in a good way. Love the Superintendent looking down on everyone. Lol @ man cannons now Guass Hog hopefully won't shoot through these walls xD Jetpack may actually add some incredible spices to the map. Wonder if the other rooftops that used to be accessible by banshee/super jump in H2 will be blocked off or perhaps accessible.
This is cool and all butttttttt I wish they would have remade these while halo was still good. Pre-Reach.
Apparently (I'm hearing this from word of mouth, the person who told me never linked me to a source), they're downing the RoF in 3sk pistol games. Not sure how that'll work, but having a 3sk pistol with no bloom and the current rate of fire is a baaaad idea.