What jeb said didn't make much sense to me, but what i'm thinking is you just gotta keep your health above a certain point and you'll be good. So just as long as you bring 3 food items (or so) you should be good I didn't know there was going to be so much in 1.8 at least from what he's said lately
I'm going to go ahead and guess it can be very very easily disabled. If the server you're in doesn't have it disabled, then you leave the server.
With enough bitching, there's a chance Dev will disable it. Quite frankly, while it is neat and does (I use that word lightly) add more depth to the game, it's not necessary. We're already building **** with mobs pooping in our cereal and consequently ingesting said cereal items to up our health. I doubt he'll keep the feature enabled for long.
^Tried it, 'tis awesome. Now for my food chest in MB: Where should i put my cake? I feel like surprising someone and putting one in every room of their house. Or piling them somewhere, any ideas? Plus, it's not really griefing, it's just putting them somewhere for someone's benefit.
Have enough to worry about with Mobs dude. Don't want to be building working on something and a mob comes I think I've got enough health to fight it but oh no, it's dropped a lot because I was too busy concentrating on building instead of watching my health bar. That would get ****ing annoying. Fine if I'm exploring the map and such but when I am actually doing something that has a specific purpose I don't want to have to worry about that ****. I already build in difficult and dangerous places. To dan, yea on the normal world I don't think he will have it enabled, in the nether however, but then that I won't mind.
I really need to build a minecart so I can try that... Is it yours or the other one that says that you need to have god mode enabled or you'll die?
At first I had a little skepticism about 1.8. Now I have none after watching this livestream of PAX: Justin.tv - fdoke - test For those who are too lazy to watch it, be prepared for watermelons, drawing back bows, double tap sprint, sexy generation code, and much much more. Edit: Height Limit to stay the same.
Dem villages. And that enderman was pretty damn scary, if not for the BEEEEP BEEEEP BEEEEP BEEEP in the background.
Inorite? The endermen actually seem pretty cool and they die in water. Although I am glad they are rare. I had my volume on max while listening when the noise came in the background. Killed my ears.
I'm all for the hunger system. I see Minecraft as a game where you're out in the wilderness trying to survive like Grizzly Bear Adams. If you don't like the mobs or the hunger system.. get on a creative server. I'm a man. I want to feel the hunger.
After seeing it in action I actually think I don't mind it. But disabling it in SMP is still a good idea. You could have a seperate survival-ish world with hunger enabled.
Is Notch still wanting difficulty sliders instead of set difficulties? If so this is probably an option, unless it's confirmed to be in SSP 100%