Cortana Background This map is founded from the halo 3 campaign mission cortana. While replaying the campaign I noticed the potential the reactor core had as a multiplayer map and decided to create it. The layout is just like the campaign mission but I added some features for smoother gameplay. Features The map has two main spawn zones- a red and blue side. These zones are connected by bridges to the center reactor panel where the sword spawns. On each side in the campaign mission there were 2 additional walways that were innacessable. I added halways to access these areas and after testing the map put in a gravlift into the center (no damage is recieved upon landing). These allowed for faster travel around the map and added a new twist to the gameplay. Additionally the rocket and sniper spawns are located on the two platforms. Rocet is on the left side of the map and sniper is on the right side. Guns Needle Rifle Energy Sword x1 Rocket x1 Sniper x1 DMR AR MAgnum Needler Plasma Pistol Grenades Pictures red spawn sniper spawn middle Download and enjoy. B Retts LEgacy
Very cool aesthetics. All the glass sails look really nice. One thing im concerned with is the splitscreen framerate looking into the center. If you havent already, test that in custom games. Right now I dont have time but to comment. So if there is framerate I would just delete some of that platform in the middle, it seems you used alot of blocks to what you really needed.
I have played numerous custom games and many of them had players playing splitscreen and we didnt seem to have a problem with the framerate (my xbox with splitscreen was fine and other players didnt comment about it). Thanks for the input.
Very interesting Idea you had here, I never would have thought of this. Looks very cool and the special FX makes it look almost like how it does in H3. I'll download and give it a try and let ya know how it plays for me.
I like the fact that you made a campaign level into a competitive map. The map overall is good looking but with the round structure of what I see in the pics, it makes me think like it's a 'Zealot' style of gameplay. Maybe I'm wrong... Anyway, great map
It is similar to Zealot but the play is little different due to the gravlifts and it is also a good deal bigger than zealot although it does not have the bottom level. So you are correct in saying that it is similar but it still captures the gameplay from the campaign mission modified to competitive play, guess i hadn't even considered comparing it to zealot