Pins & Needles A fast pased team game experience. Everyone starts with an smg in their team's base next to spike grenades, spikers and 4 fusion coils. The map itself is very symetrical. There are 4 bases. Lots of Spike grenades. You cant walk around without picking up a spike grenade. Its best not to camp in your base, the sheild doors are their to protect you from fire but not a well placed grenade. The teleporters on top of the wire spools take you out of the action for a few seconds and it gives you an opportunity to pick up a brute shot, but you must be quick. In the centre is a needler. Scoring - Win = 75 points Kills = 3 point Suicide = -1 point Betrayal = -1 point Sticky = 1 point For this next bit I have only listed the changes, if you see something that isn't listed, eg. gravity, it means it is unchanged. Base Player Traits 110% Recharge Rate 110% Speed Custom Powerup - 300% Damage Resistance 200% Recharge Rate 110% Damage Infliction 150% Speed No Motion Tracker Makes you Gold For 30 seconds Links to map and Gametype - Map - Pins & Needles - Gametype - Sticky Pins - BTW: this is my first map on forgehub, so be gentle. Here's what you wanna see, screenshots, ta da Overview The Needler, and a glimpse of the two way teleporters. Custom Powerup, there's two. Brute Shot. You gotta be quick Base, each teams' is the same
i have played this map with linubidix and it is actually really fun. i found it suited ffa or doubles. its also a good way to learn how to stick people or learn to use the needler or brute shot.
hmmm... i like it. Its something i havent seen in a while... original. Seriously, i could (nd prob. are) wrong, but i havent seen a map focused mainly on less used weapons like needlers, spikers and such... good map, good layout, good idea... great DL :]
I'm surprised there aren't more comments on this; it looks like a new kind of idea with a unique arena-style look to it. Looks like a blast!
So am I. And it is a very fun, fast paced game. Its always a bit worrying when attempting to get the CP and hoping you dont get stuck, because it isn't as straight forward to get it as you may think. You have to jump but at the right point. But once you have it, its fun to keep charging through the two way nodes and just keep shooting and nading.
This looks like a really fun map. Also, i like the way the spiker goes into the needler in the 2nd picture, I just think that that pic looks pretty cool.
You know what else it needs? Bubble shields. Lots and lots of bubble shields with low repawn times. Do you know what happens when you throw a spike grenade into a bubble shield? Ricocheting spikes followed by lots of overkills, especially when a whole team huddles inside one.