
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by iTz Longshot, Aug 25, 2011.

  1. iTz Longshot

    iTz Longshot Ancient
    Senior Member

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    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Anent is a small, different, asymmetrical 1v1 map that is now ready for the harsh world. It all started with the graph paper, and wanting to blow Purification out of the water. Really put the best effort into this and see what can be made. It was then taken into Sketch-up where Rho Fs was a huge help. He helped me on weapons, teleporters, and the layout. We were eager to do it as a co-forge becasue we were both in love with how it looked, but we went on our seperate ways and Anent was left with me. alreadyRogue was talking to me, and we thought we could do it as a co-forge as well. By that time, I had other plans going on, and we didn't touch it for weeks, and I was loosing interest in playing/forging in Reach. One day i decided to get back into it, and I started to form Anent. By that time, I felt like I was capable of doing it on my own, and asked Rogue if it's cool I make it by myself; he was fine with it. Day by day, I put some time into it, and was able to get some testing. It was all wonderful from that point. Putting so many games into it, understanding flaws, fixing them, and testing some more. One this that I truly thing is amazing is Nibbles idea of a teleporter. He envisioned them as being a twilight zone that leads you to another part of the map. It was a brilliant idea, and now they signify on where you are going to go. Very early into the forge, I thought it would be cool and different to have a Purple Fx in a competitive map, but still able to have good gameplay. Over months and months of keeping it, everyone who has played it has grow custom to it, and it's something that has to stay. The Fx seems like it's apart of the map now, and it wouldn't be the same without it. I put so much effort into this, took all the criticism that I got, and made something out of it. I truly think I did create my greatest map.

    Special Thanks
    There are a lot of people to thank for this. Even those people who have played a game on it. Rho, you sir have helped make what Anent is today. You thought I really had something going, and you helped out on the way. I merely talking about just the sketchup, but still♥ Erupt, of corse you helped. You have played and seen everything i made. You and Black Theorem have made an epic wall on the rock/custom senders and I love it. As you know, I spiced it up with a little something to. Thanks for all the games that you put in and the rock wall help. Psycho Duck, you and (i think...) Erupt had that 1 or 2 games of a 2v2, and knew that the map should be expanded on even more. So now the rock wall is even better; not to campable. You put in a good amount of games yourself sir. Thanks broski. Nibbles, well, you came up with a cool teleporter and everyone loves it. I'm so proud of you. We need to play more often too. Kuroda, you have beat me sooo many time on here. I never won. Once. You know all about good 1v1s and you made this even better. With all your object uses, weapons knowledge and what not. I'm going to beat you on this one day. Mark my words!♥ Thanks to all who have tested it. If you're reading this, then give yourself a pat on the back, and I might send you a cookie. My disk-tray is kinda jammed right now. I don't know why. :p

    Weapon List | Game Settings
    [Name] - [Extra Ammo] - [Respawn Time]

    x5 DMR - 2clips - 15sec

    x1 Needle Rifle - 2clips - 15sec

    x1 Plasma Pistol - FULL - 60sec

    x1 Spiker - 0clips - 60sec

    x1 Sniper - 0clips - 90sec

    x1 Grenade Launcher - 1clips - 60sec

    --- --- ---

    x2 Custom Power Ups - 60/90sec

    x2 Frag/Plasma Grenades - 30sec

    x2 Healthpack -15sec

    --- --- ---
    Primary Weapon: DMR
    AA: Sprint
    Grenade: x1 Frag
    Score: Unlimited
    Time: 10 minutes
    CPU trait: x1 overshield(stackable)

    Primary Weapon: DMR
    AA: Sprint
    Grenade: x1 Frag
    Score: 25 kills
    Time: 12 minutes
    CPU trait: x1 overshield(stackable)

    Primary Weapon: DMR
    AA: Sprint
    Grenade: x1 Frag
    Score: 200 points
    Time: 12 minutes
    CPU trait: x1 overshield(stackable)
    Anent 1v1 Vorpal Saint vs Longshot - YouTube



    #1 iTz Longshot, Aug 25, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2016
    II SEGA USA II likes this.
  2. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Let me say, you have created quite a wonderful map here. The sender nodes are genious and are really helpful in understanding the weapon layout. The rock wall is a nice touch and adds more personality to the map. I also love rocks ;)

    The layout was easy for me to understand when I played on this and the aesthetics were outstanding. I also feel that the purple FX didn't really effect my vision on this map, rather it was more of an aesthetic- It was nice. I don't have really any complaints about this map. Can't wait for more works by you.

    Great job.
    #2 Eightball, Aug 25, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2011
  3. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
    Senior Member

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    I'm excited to see this posted. There are some ideas here that just change the game with forging. The teleporters are unbelievable. Jesus. ****ing clever. Unfortunately, I don't think the pictures do this map justice. You don't get a great feel for the layout here, but it is a superb one I assure you. I see big things for you and this map in the future.

    Also, I really did much less then you give me credit for, but I appreciate it. ♥
  4. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Garr, this looks weird (boring) without the FX. Anyways, this certainly does take what worked about Purification and expand on it. The teleporters are awesome, the stackable overshields are cool, and the FX create a cool atmosphere. I remember 1v1-ing fighting this bad guy named Kuroda on this, and actually getting some kills, right after he went flawless against someone far better than me. Anyway, the maps bacon is like waffle. Good job. P.S. Longshot, your grammar is terrible as always. <3
  5. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
    Senior Member

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    LOUD COUGH **********


    *clears throat

    Truth. <333333

    I really have only ever played this once btw, which is a problem. We need to get some games on it. Soon please. kthx
    #5 Rho Fs, Aug 25, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 26, 2011
  6. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ahhh. Anent.

    Anent is easily in my top 5 favorite 1v1 maps out there. It's come a very long way since the first version as well. I'm glad I could be of assistance during the process ♥ Great job, Longshot.

    Special :: Read --> I HOPE TO SEE MORE MAPS FROM YOU. <-- Important :: :)
  7. iTz Longshot

    iTz Longshot Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well thanks. I need to get on more so we can play this and Thane more. Thane must not be left behind!

    Um shush, you helped and you know it. Thanks♥
    Well hey, I made two different versions so don't get your panties in a not. lol I knew people would not like the Fx at first, so yea. Thanks though, i rember that bad guy too. he's a big jerk.
    >_> I made the page look nice atleast. with cool roll overs!

    Well there's still that one map, so maybe just one more...
    #7 iTz Longshot, Aug 25, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2011
  8. Silentraine

    Silentraine Forerunner

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    Absolutely beautiful longshot, I really love the innovation and creativity you've put in on this project. The sniper spawn is my favorite part of the map from the pictures, and its something I cant believe I never thought of. I enjoy the clean look of the rock wall/walkway and I think it really adds to the maps atmosphere, as the map really makes me think underground forerunner construct in many ways.
    You've always known how to make beautiful maps that also play well and have a good flow to them, you dont over do it on tactical jumps or aesthetics. I honestly cant wait to see more from you, and I am hoping you will work on a 4 vs 4+ map sometime :) as I think you could do excellent.
    Hit me up on live GT: SilentRaine, could always use more friends ;).
  9. Jakisthe

    Jakisthe Forerunner

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    Great map! Nice flow, nice sighting, AMAZING masonry, and good weapons. Am I missing something about the teleporters though? They seem...uh....fairly standard save for the fact that you can't see them.
    #9 Jakisthe, Aug 26, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2011
  10. DjShiftD

    DjShiftD Forerunner

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    i like the attention to detail u did with this map. like it, ill have to give it a download!. nothing really unique, but i really love that its the small things that give it flair.
  11. MUDNUB

    MUDNUB Forerunner

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    This needs more love. I'm glad to see you released a non purple version. I really want to like FX because grey gets boring but they literally give me a headache if I play maps that use them.

    I'm going to assume this hasn't changed greatly from the beta version I downloaded and say that it's a really nice 1v1 map with a strong layout and teleporter sequences that are extremely easy to memorize due to some creative forging. I think this is definitely better than Purification and anyone who likes small slayer games owes themselves a download.
  12. I3ush

    I3ush Forerunner

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    I played this once with my sister, and the gameplay mostly consisted of me running around trying to find her. Whether this is because my sister sucks at Halo, because the map is confusing, or because she was running in circles. I'll have to try this again to know for sure. However, it does look great, and I'm glad you removed the Purple FX, because it did disorient me.

    Overall, great job. :)
  13. Lolwut Flying

    Lolwut Flying Forerunner

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    Wow. Usually I hate maps utilizing he FX, but I love this map with it. It is truly a master piece. Well done! :)
  14. BedCedric

    BedCedric Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I love everything in this map! Aesthetics is awesome, and FX is great! A good job as always!
  15. iTz Longshot

    iTz Longshot Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks everyone for the comments. I figured that some people wouldn't like the Purple Fx so I gave you guys a regular one. Everyone who's tested a lot, a long with myself, have grown so use to the effect that it just seems apart of it. I hope you guys enjoy. If you find something that should be fixed, let me know.

    I put a gameplay clip of a 1v1 with Vorpal Saint and I. Just to get a feel of how it looks and plays.
  16. CyborgAnthro

    CyborgAnthro Forerunner

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    I like the way the bottom floor teles throw a wrench in the height domination of the map. I also like the little touches you added like the sender node under the hidden angled grav lift (I may have to borrow that one hehe). My only small gripe is that the GL tele/spawn is a little disorienting/confusing to new players to the map. I know it's annoying to hear people say... "aw, I have to actually learn about the map while playing it?", because a map with any complexity whatsoever has to have a learning curve. Nevertheless when I went into the GL tele for the first time I was like "aw, where's my grenade launcher?" and didn't spot it right away where as with the sniper tele it spawns right in front of the receiver. I'd just advise moving the GL to right in front of the tele rather than across the gap. I'm not trying to nitpick, because I really like the map and want to help improve it. I also didn't just want to say "cool map bro" and leave. Anyways, cool map, bro.
  17. iTz Longshot

    iTz Longshot Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well the main point of that sender is to get you to a different portion of the map. The area that the receiver is located only has 2 access points on the top level, so it promotes more movement up there. Also, the CPU spawns right in front the receiver, which the sender will try to tell you. Its just spawns at different times. The GL is just another weapon in that "room" that you're allowed to get, which is why I put the GL in the sender node. Thanks for the comment. I do see what you mean.
  18. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    Well done on getting a FHF. I knew this map would make it. The brilliant flow and the way the map is laid out is brilliant. Not to mention the unique parts of the map make this one of my favourites.
  19. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well, its good to see fresh ideas this far into Reach. Most definitly the best use of Rocks I have seen. I only wish you could have made this bigger to suit 4v4.

    Oh yeah, the teleporter weapon labels are an awesome idea. I have never seen it and never would have thought of it. Superb map.
  20. Heptagons

    Heptagons Forerunner

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    Well this is a pretty special map, as I've come to expect of you, Longshot. And I think it really does blow Purification out of the water, so to speak. I'm yet to get a game in on it, but I've run around it in Forge and I'm profoundly impressed with both flow and object usage.

    How did you come up with using bunkers as part of the wall design? They work really nicely. I also cannot believe how cool the grav lift teleporter looks. That design on the bottom of the lift really makes the teleporter look forerunner-esque. Very cool.

    I wanted to come in here and criticise something, because I'm sure it gets boring for you just hearing praise all the time, but I'm yet to find anything that justifies any real criticism. I'm assuming your many hours of playtesting got rid of pretty much everything worth criticising.

    I can manage two pretty flimsy comments in this regard though they are more to do with personal preference than anything else:

    1. I'm not a huge fan of the glass on the side of the 2x3 and 2x4 Blocks (Ok, I hate it). I usually cover it up with 1x1 Tall Thin Blocks or Shallow Ramps. I know this increases object density, but I personally find it necessary 90% of the time just for the sake of aesthetics.
    2. There's a wall in the corner area just beyond the small death pit with the custom powerup that looks a little incoherent in terms of object usage. I think it involves a bunker, but that only goes so high and where there was a gap you filled it in with a Cover from the decorative list. Just looks a little messy, that's all.

    Nothing to write home about.

    I'll try to remember to return with some more solid feedback on gameplay once I've played a few rounds on it.

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