Here, you can voice your opinions about the Rezzurection Map Pack, discuss easter eggs, strategies, guns, perks. Basically anything. I'll get us started: Has anyone seen the radios dotted around Moon?
Well here some info I've found. "Coming Home" Triggered by 3 Teddy Bears "Nightmare by Avenged Sevenfold" How to activate it: Unknown "Damned (Zombie Lobby Music) Activated by Holding X on a Computer in the Lab. Mule Kick Perk: 3 Weapons at Once Secret Achievement is Worth 100G (Big Bang Theory) Finish Step 12 of the Major Easter Egg (Richtofen's Grand Scheme) There are 5 Radios. (Im working on videos for a Secret in-game.)
I never new there were 3 songs. as for the 100g achievement, it involves Richtofen launching 3 nuclear warheads and blowing up the earth. Don't you think that coming home was a little bit dissapointing? [br][/br]Edited by merge: Here is what is said after the rockets are launched: INTERCOM: 30 seconds to impact. 30 seconds later... loud explosion. RICHTOFEN: HAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHAAAA!!! DEMPSEY: All we did was blow up the earth!? And after all that work!? SAMANTHA: YOU'LL PAY FOR SEPERATING ME AND DADDY!!!
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