.:RINK:. Hello again! I'm bringing you a very fun map This map has walls and floor where the bullets' plasma launcher, they bounce! Be careful because when you appear you say "return to the battlefield," it is for you to go fight and you aren't left waiting. Download custom gametype to play.
Nice idea, but im thinking that not many people will use the walls, they might just shoot each other, you may want low gravity to help prevent this a little. Just a thought.
Dude you stole this, i saw it on bungie.net like 3 months ago and its made by fastAndFurious5. Don't steal maps dude.
You didn't make this. He did. This is map theft. This even was posted on a BWU as a blame stosh video a long time ago so you definitely didn't make this. EDIT: Raptor beat me to it.
Anymore bickering on whether he stole this will get infracted. Get some solid proof and then bring it up.
I believe what he is stating is that he built it himself, but took the IDEA from the Blame Stosh video. Notice in the video, there is no top platform, and there are special FX, Juicy I think.