
Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Graybes, Aug 24, 2011.

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  1. Graybes

    Graybes Forerunner
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    Co-creators: A BombInLasagna and The Nard Dawg​

    I first created and first posted this game back in October of last year in the weeks after Reach first came out. It was a pretty big hit and I posted it over on the casual maps forum of this site. I really would like to get back into Smashball and I would like to get some new fans of the game. I decided to post it to the mini games forum because well it is a mini game and I've noticed that this forum is a bit more active.

    Grifballhub even spotlighted Smashball for April Fools Day. They changed their website to Smashballhub. Check it out:
    Welcome to SmashballHub! | GrifballHub | Covering Grifball in Halo: Reach and Halo 3

    They also created an awesome video:
    Welcome to SmashballHub! - YouTube

    Hey everyone, ever since Grifball came around I've always wanted to create a map/game type using one of the balls given to us in forge to create another "sport" like game in Halo. In Halo 3, my friend and I created a map but an in game scoring system could not be made due to forge and game type restrictions. Scoring needed to run by the honor system by teams manually keeping track of how many scores your team got. I was not satisfied with this.

    When I heard about the new awesome power of Forge 2.0, I thought maybe the game type could be a possibility. For a bunch of days now I've been messing around with different ways to have the game itself keep score for the players without any risk of cheating. Well I finally figured it out, by using Stockpile(yes Stockpile) I was able to do what needs to be done! I've created a fool proof automatic scoring system. The players don't have to do anything but score the golf ball in a goal to get a point! So off I went finally creating what I've always wanted to create.

    First there was Grifball. Now there is Smashball!

    Smashball is a new Halo sport heavily inspired by the insanely popular Grifball. The object of the game is pretty simple. Two teams of 4 players using golf clubs need to get the golf ball into the other team's goal. Here are the official rules:
    -5 rounds, each round 3 minutes
    -The team with the highest score after all 5 rounds wins
    -Once a goal is scored the round ends and a new round begins
    -Killing is allowed so watch out for those golf clubs!(and fast moving golf balls!)
    -Assassinations are enabled(but it's usually quicker/safer to use your club)
    -Friendly fire is off
    -Respawn in 3 seconds

    I originally wanted to use the soccer ball as the ball. But due to a bug with the soccer ball that causes everyone, except the host, to see the ball move erratically the golf ball needed to be used. So watch out, those golf balls move fast!

    Strategy & Tips
    -Learn to control your shots! Getting too close to the ball and hitting it will cause the ball to go further than maybe you wanted it to!
    -Mastering how to control the power of your shots will help you out!
    -Watch out for those fast moving golf balls. The golf balls are able to splatter you if they move fast enough. However a well timed hit with your golf club will deflect the golf ball. This is a good skill to learn in order to save shots that might have gone into your goal.
    -Don't be afraid to jump in front of that ball! With 3 second respawns, sacrificing yourself to block a ball from going in will help your team out greatly!

    Here are pictures!

    An overview of the inside of the arena(looking at red goal)
    An overview of the inside of the arena(looking at blue goal)
    Ground shot of red goal
    Ground shot of blue goal
    The outside of the arena. You won't be seeing this in game but I thought it looked cool!
    Just for fun!
    just for fun again!

    The scoring system. The ball rolls into the goal, and into the cup. Since the golf ball is "magnetized" to the tin cup it rolls into the cup and pushes the soccer ball into a gravity lift. The gravity lift pushes the soccer ball onto a neutral flag. The soccer balls in each goal are set to stock pile goals...So what the scoring system does is push the stock pile goal on top of the flag so the flag is inside of the stock pile goal. And then you get a point for having a flag inside the goal and the round ends!

    So check out my game! It's a ton of fun with 8 people(if you feel like playing with more you can add more spawns if you like). 1v1s are not too bad either but it's best with more people! If you like it give me a thumbs up on the download pages on!

    I hope everyone enjoys! And if you have any suggestions or complaints or run into any problems just let me know!
  2. Marcass2021

    Marcass2021 Forerunner
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    you should remake the gametype into an insane gametype, where you just score when the ball passes through something. that way it doesnt require a system of hitting the ball here and pushing this flag into here and such. but other than that this does look like a ton of fun.
  3. Graybes

    Graybes Forerunner
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    Wait did Bungie add a new gametype that would make the scoring system easier? To be honest I haven't been on Reach in a while so this would be amazing if they added something in to make scoring systems so much better.
  4. Minister Muffin

    Minister Muffin Forerunner
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    They did. The version they made is called "Haloball". It's great because now you don't even have to work with the scoring system anymore. If the scoring object rolls into the goal, it counts as a score.
  5. Graybes

    Graybes Forerunner
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    Wow...This would have made my life so much easier 10 months ago...I spent hours and hours tweaking this scoring system making it error free and making it register a goal as quickly as possible.

    I guess I'll have to play around with this Haloball thing and then repost my map!
  6. Pounours

    Pounours Forerunner

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    Sure you have to ajust your map for halo ball rules then you will recover some credits to polish the design. It is too dark actualy, more colors and light could be a good idea.
  7. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    Was anything changed since the last time it was posted? You can't re-post maps just because you want it to get more attention.

    EDIT: Just looked at the previous thread, and surprise, they're exactly the same. Like I stated previously, you can't re-post the same map just because you want it to get more attention.

    #7 NlBBS, Aug 26, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2011
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