Why do so many people prefer the old halo games over new ones?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Ninja Zecu, Aug 24, 2011.


Which is the best

  1. Halo CE

  2. Halo 2

  3. Halo PC

  4. Halo 3

  5. Halo ODST

  6. Halo Reach

  1. Ninja Zecu

    Ninja Zecu Forerunner

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    Well I don't really have to say anything.

    But halo reach is so awesome! At least better than halo 2.

    And give feedback don't just answer da poll
    #1 Ninja Zecu, Aug 24, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2011
  2. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    This could be posted in Reach discussion, but anyway...

    Reach isn't better than Halo 2, at least not IMO.
  3. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    Pffffhahahaha. I'm sorry, but this statement is just hilarious.

    Halo Reach doesn't play like Halo. It plays like a dumbed down Shadowrun. That alone is enough to make me dislike it as much as previous games.
  4. Reign

    Reign Forerunner

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    Most people prefer the old ones because they don't like the changes in the new games. ( loadouts and armor abilities in Reach)
  5. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    Halo 1 was a start; and they got it right.
    Halo 2 was a jump into Multiplayer; and they got it right.
    Halo 3 was the end of the trilogy; and they got it right.
    Halo: ODST was an entirely new take altogether; and they got it right.
    Halo: Reach was tweaks to gameplay and a prequel; they got it right as well, but some prefer the old games.

    Tl;Dr: Preference bro.
  6. ThrowinDemBows

    ThrowinDemBows Takoyaki?
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    lol its funny because ive aways felt the grenades and the DMR were ripped off from that game.

    EDIT: i dont feel like AAs ruin the game. Bloom and Balance amongst the weapons/vehicles are what bother me about Reach, but i dont feel like getting into that until i see the TU. Neither should you, not on this site anyway. Go to 343s site or something =P.
    #6 ThrowinDemBows, Aug 24, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2011
  7. Skater

    Skater Halo Reach Era
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    Pino speaks the truth.

    I prefer the older Halo games, as in Halo 1, because it took more exploring, and wasn't as straight forward. That's what most of the OLD games had, Doom, Marathon, Quake, Pathways, Wolfenstein.
    I always like wandering around 343 Guilty Spark, the level, I STILL HAVEN'T BEAT. I can't get through it. It;s funny to see gamers new to Halo pick up Halo CE and say HOW THE HELL DO YOU BEAT PILLAR OF AUTUMN?

    My work is done.
  8. Ninja Zecu

    Ninja Zecu Forerunner

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    that doesn't answer my question
  9. Security

    Security Ancient
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    Halo 2 is the one I have the most nostalgia for, so I like it, but I think Halo 3 is the best because it was the most refined. What I mean is that Halo 3 required very little updating and it kept people happy for a long time.

    It also had the best assortment of vehicles (IMO) and they were the most balanced. In Reach, the Banshee is incredibly OP, and the warthog is too under powered.

    Halo Reach, though still great, is not as "perfect". Reach didn't start out with alpha zombies, which sucked, so Bungie had to change it. Bloom and armor lock make the game less fun, so 343i is removing/fixing them. And, also IMO, Reach has the WORST maps of any Halo.
    #9 Security, Aug 24, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2011
  10. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Halo CE: The campaign was great for when it came out, but going back to it now can be frustrating. The gameplay is a lot less dynamic than it is now, and Legendary seems to be more frustrating than fun. There's some classic multiplayer maps, but playing them outside of splitscreen doesn't really happen.

    Halo PC: Same as above, but with the ability to play the awesome multiplayer online. Still, most of the good maps have appeared in newer games, and the gameplay has only improved since then.

    Halo 2: This game brings back great memories. The multiplayer is fantastic, and parts of the campaign are as well. However, the second half of the campaign more or less sucked. Now that the online service has been disabled, I see no reason to revisit the game other than to replay the first half of the campaign and to draw inspiration from the awesome multiplayer maps.

    Halo 3: Halo 3's campaign was, in my opinion, a huge improvement over both CE and 2's campaigns. It felt epic and was a blast to play. Multiplayer is fun, and big team is arguably better than in Reach. Forge was an amazing new feature, but 3's forge really doesn't compare to Reach's. I love returning to Halo 3 from time to time, but I prefer reach's core gameplay.

    Halo 3 ODST: This was the best time to come into the series. The game had fantastic value IF you hadn't already payed for all of Halo 3's map packs. If you had, like many people, you still got a fantastic campaign and Firefight. While I loved the campaign, I did miss the epic feel that was so prominent in Halo 3. Firefight was a blast, but only if you had someone to play it with all the time.

    Halo Reach: Adding armor abilities, invasion, space combat, and other things no one saw coming, Reach is the most well-rounded game in the series. Complete with a Forge that was miles ahead of Halo 3's, and firefight that was at the very least on par with ODST's along with a fantastic campaign, and multiplayer and theatre, Reach has outstanding value. Unfortunately, the game isn't as polished as Halo 3. The campaign is my favorite in the series, but only by a slim margin. I still miss Halo 3's epic Forerunner vistas and soundtrack. Reach's multiplayer is great as well, but is lacking from a map standpoint. Things like armor lock and the ruined vehicle physics really detract from the experience for me. I still find Reach's core gameplay to be the most enjoyable, and this combined with the forging capabilities and excellent campaign make Reach my favorite, even if Halo 3 isn't far behind.

    CAPNxXxCANT Forerunner

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    I've played all the halo games except for the PC version, but halo 3 was the first game that I played. I'm not sure if that's the reason why it's my favorite or not. Ive played ce's campaign but have had basically no splitsceen or multiplayer gameplay and I've played 20 or so games of halo 2 online.

    I guess my point is halo 3 was my "original" and I miss the great maps, flow, and epic missions like the covenant and ark

    The only thing I'll really give reach is it's improved forge. The relatively few maps and relatively fewer good maps was upsetting. I'm not sure why they thought that maps like the cage and asylum were good enough so they didn't have to make more default maps. Also, the gameplay is a little too slow and "clunky" for my tastes
  12. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Had fun in Halo CE - Played with brothers and friends and had a blast

    Had fun in Halo 2 - Played with friends and enjoyed finding glitches. Liked to system link

    Had a lot of fun in Halo 3 - Played a TON with friends thru real life and matchmaking and enjoyed finding "glitches" as well

    Had fun-ish in ODST (imo it's incomparable to the others) - Eh, played by myself several times. I tried to play firefight with friends but it lagged too much

    Had little fun in Halo Reach. - None of my friends played it. I tried to get people who did play it and there weren't any good maps to play imo. Played matchmaking and firefight for a bit, which was a lot of fun, but ended up getting too repetitive

    All-in-all, Halo 3 was just an amazing experience for me. I haven't played another game that involved so many people both in matchmaking and in real life

    There are so many different aspects that i enjoyed in each one EXCEPT for reach. For me, Reach was basically an accumulation of the rest of the series, just without the community and hype that the previous ones offered. This is all my experience, keep in mind, so it's definitely open to preference.
  13. Skater

    Skater Halo Reach Era
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    I go back to PC because that's the last hope of playing CE online without AA's, when CEA brings us remade maps, their gonna have AA's
    Frowny face to the extreme.
  14. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    As the poll indicates, I disagree that people prefer older Halos in general. I think the majority of people think of Halo 3 as the pinnacle, which makes sense in logical terms because it probably grabbed the largest audience, though tbh I can't empathise because quite honestly I think it was the worst in terms of what I like most about Halo: competitive MP.

    In terms of SP, my order goes like this:

    -CE: Nostalgia probably has a pretty big role in this decision, or rather the principle that the first game in a series that you play religiously will always remain the one you fell in love with. I think this is the important thing in this discussion in general, for me and plenty of other people this was CE, for many others it was H2, and for yet more people it was H3. I think very few people are being introduced to Halo with Reach, at least in comparison to previous games, so it's got the 'follow-up' stigma for a higher percentage of its player-base. Though even with this, I think CE had a fantastic atmosphere of being an incredibly powerful player but also feeling very alone against an epic backdrop. It mixed on foot and vehicle sections in a seamless way and the campaign as a whole was just breathtaking.

    -ODST: This is my main argument against older games being better, at least in SP terms. I think this is the second best campaign for a variety of reasons, foremost being that it came the closest to recapturing the epic, lone wolf feeling of CE. I also loved the art style, Halo-noir is a perfect theme imo, and they pulled it off incredibly well. Fantastically crafted campaign imo, and incredibly underrated.

    -Reach: Doesn't quite touch CE or ODST imo, but still a nice return to form. I liked the variation, the switch away from MC, and how they pulled off the multi-character story dynamic. Decent variety of settings, vehicle and on foot, and pretty epic situations and environments.

    -H2: Too strong a focus on on-foot sections, but that's OK because they're my preferred aspect of Halo and vehicles weren't done too well in H2 either. Story was a bit shaky, but they did the cheesy action movie style cutscenes very well. If there's one Halo game that I think would do the best as a movie, it's H2, and it should be made in the style of Starship Troopers ;). Overall a sub par campaign by Halo standards, H2 was definitely more about the MP, but still pretty good.

    H3: Lacklustre imo. Tried to be epic and move away from the H2 cheesy, but didn't recapture the true epic magic of CE and so just ended up being bland imo. MC and Arby were pretty characterless if you ask me, and overall I just didn't feel invested in the story at all. Vehicle vs. on-foot sections were very binary and didn't flow for me. I still enjoyed it because Halo still > most other console FPS games, but replay value was minimal and I just didn't love it like I did with CE, ODST and, to a lesser extent, Reach.

    Now for MP:

    -CE: Still up here too. Incredibly fast, skilful and competitive game, which is really what I personally want from a Halo MP. Pistol was an incredibly good utility weapon imo because it made power weapons vital in the right hands, but not guaranteed kills if you didn't know how to use them. Things like Sniper and Rockets should be worth picking up, but not to the point where they give kills against a Pistol even if the person holding them is noticeably worse than the Pistol user. There were problems, such as the horribly unresponsive jump and host advantage, as well as a couple of seriously dud maps, but overall it still defines console shooters imo.

    -H2: had a whole host of problems: stupid amounts of bullet magnetism and hitboxes the size of the moon (overcompensation for online transition imo), as well as too strong a focus on CQC in the sense of button combos etc., which wasn't helped by the melee lunge. Still, very fast paced and required a lot of skill, also really settled Halo in the territory of 4v4 in both maps and mechanical terms. Arguably the best in terms of maps for 4v4. CE did 2v2 better, and tbh it was a 2v2 game rather than a 4v4 one, H2 defined the standard Halo MP formula imo.

    -Reach: This goes above H3 for the reasons you'll find in that section below, problems with H3 which were just too deeply rooted to get over. But it's tough at times, because default Reach MM annoys the hell out of me in so many ways. The way AAs are implemented as helping hands off spawn, rather than as earned-rewards which has always been the Halo mantra (from power weapons to powerups), and things like AL in particular really bring the experience down for me as well. Poorly implemented bloom (which is a shame because bloom has a lot of potential in theory), clunky nades and horrible CQC (due to no melee bleed) are the key things which put me off. But in terms of MP potential, I think it's great. Having a single shot weapon back is so good, it's hard to put in to words, and the netcode is the best so far in any Halo game so online is really good compared to LAN. With the TU coming, I think most of my concerns will be addressed and I can really enjoy Reach without having to just stay in MLG, Arena and Squad Slayer. Maps aren't a great lineup but some gems like Zealot and Powerhouse still shine through. Vehicle combat and BTB in general fail worse than any other Halo game, even H2, but tbh this is probably my least favourite aspect of Halo MP overall, so whilst it brings the game down in overall terms, for me it isn't that big a deal. Once the TU comes out, certain gametypes and playlists in Reach will (imo) surpass H2, bringing it to the level of best 4v4 Halo ever (thank you TaK), but the fact that some major aspects and playlists still suck almighty balls imo means I'd still rate H2 higher in overall MP terms.

    -H3: The killer here is just the inconsistency. BR spread + poor netcode = the worst utility weapon Halo has ever seen. Still having the more pronounced lunge, but with burst+smash friendly weapons like the AR makes CQC quite dull and unskilful. Sniping was harder than H2 and Reach which is nice, the closest to the skilful sniping of CE, but the netcode again brings problems with poor registration which plagued H3 more than any other game in the series. Movement was more slippery than other Halos and the aim acceleration made aiming worse as well. There's one thing I think H3 did better than any other Halo game: nades. I know this is a small point, but damn do I miss it. Perfect bounce, perfect power, perfect radius and perfect damage drop off, a really great skill to damage ratio. Maps could be great, but also some serious duds, and even the best ones like The Pit had their noticeable shortcomings. This is odd for me, because H3 was probably the game I fell most in love with in terms of MP, it introduced me to this whole community aspect of Halo and brought about my love of the competitive gaming scene. But looking back, it had such serious problems in terms of the things I want out of Halo MP that I just have to put it down here. On the other end of the player spectrum, I feel H3 did BTB/vehicle combat the best, even better than CE. Valhalla is still the best large scale map in the Halo series imo, kicks the **** out of the original Gulch, and performs the amazing feat of doing 8v8 and 4v4 incredibly well at the same time. But since this isn't my forte in Halo, its brilliance is somewhat lost on me as a player. I can see why others rate H3 so highly, but I just can't.

    /wall. But yeah, I disagree with your assertion about what people love, older being better etc. I still think CE was the best, but don't fit in with the idea that there's a scale of age and love of a Halo game.
    #14 Pegasi, Aug 24, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2011
  15. Security

    Security Ancient
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    I think Halo 2 did the lone wolf thing the best. The only time I felt truly alone in Halo is during the level Quarantine Zone when you fight the flood as the Arbiter. Everything is so dark and atmospheric. Love it.
  16. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    Reach would be my favorite game of them all, but I cannot deal with the lack of a playlist to play "Vanilla" halo. I don't want to attack someone and have to start immediately aiming upwards as they fly away. I don't want to stand there and get flanked because my enemy decided he wanted to become invincible whenever he wants. The armor abilities are not that fun to me. They'd serve well for pickups. AKA Halo 3 had it right with equipment.

    Additionally, I am uninspired by 90% of the maps in Reach. They don't really play that well. They don't really look all that Halo-y to me either for the most part. I miss the hell out of Halo 3's maps. And some of the older ones too.

    The brutes were best in ODST. Timeless looking. Didn't need updating. Particularly the Chieftain. He was terrifying. They ruined the brutes behavior, and look. The chieftain isn't scary, and he swings the hammer like a girl. I don't run for my life anymore, I laugh.

    The campaign is cool, but it was too linear. I miss Halo CE and ODSTs free roaming a place you are completely unfamiliar with. Discovering a new world.


    What I do love about Reach is the graphical update, the armory, the customization and the weapons. (though, they were better in the beta.)

    Most of the enemies are cooler now too. Just not the brutes. Also, needs more variety in elites. I rarely ever even see the Elite Minors in campaign. In my opinion, you should see them the most, and the higher grade ones should be a rare, more difficult encounter.
  17. Carter1234

    Carter1234 Forerunner
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    People don't like the new Halo(s) because they don't like/want to adapt to new ideas.

    That's why so many people stick to Modern Warfare instead of battlefield.

    Personally Halo 2, Halo Reach, and Halo ODST were my favorites, but everyone is like "Halo 2/3/CE are teh best sao shaddup."
    #17 Carter1234, Aug 24, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2011
  18. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    all different games. like Pino said, preference.

    From H3 to Reach is a whoooooole new ball game. Clearly there is going to be some bitching and some praising. The reason people still buy CoD: consistency. One of the worst things you can go to your brand, however they know that's what the consumer likes and that's why it makes money.
    #18 DunkinMyCookies, Aug 24, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2011
  19. Carter1234

    Carter1234 Forerunner
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    This is truth.
  20. Ninja Zecu

    Ninja Zecu Forerunner

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    Wow I didn't think anyone would actually vote for halo ODST. It's ok. But IMO it gets old very quickly. still the multiplayer maps were awesome. I do agree that the default maps suck, but the reason I like reach is because forge combined with custom gametypes can make some amazing custom games.
    #20 Ninja Zecu, Aug 25, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2011

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