I was forging, trying to place a crate, and the chair I was sitting on started to shake! Then the whole room! I ran downstairs and the pots I have hanging up were swinging and clanging together. Turns out it was a 5.9 quake near Richmond, VA. Did anyone else feel it?
i got hit with it here in maryland... i was sleeping at the time and i thought it was part of my dream lol.
I was just sitting here and **** started shaking. I thought it was the end, and to my brief disappointment, it was not.
I was sitting in my kitchen and all of a sudden the house started shaking. I thought it was the wind cause I live on top of a big hill and that sometimes happens. I thought it was happening a little to long for wind butbpaid not attention to it. Then my mom called and asked I I was ok and told me it was an earthquake. I was like yeah I'm fine and kept eating. Day unaffected.
Well I was just sitting in my kitchen, you see, and you'll never believe what happened. It just started shaking. Whoa! Sarcasm aside, it was pretty badass.
i felt it in state college PA. i was in a big lecture class of like 300 people and everyone was freakin out.
I was in Boston at the time and everyone was saying how they felt it, but I didn't feel anything personally.