What you want in Halo 4

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Carter1234, Jul 19, 2011.

  1. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    It seems like a lot of you want Halo 3.5, with the same Ranking system, vehicles, weapons, and maps as Halo 3. Personally, I'd rather have a much more different game. Don't get me wrong, Halo 3 was fantastic, but new trilogy, new ideas IMO.

    So here we go:
    -Addition of textures on items such as Covy, Human, Forrunner, Ruins, etc.
    -Interactable items such as switches, doors, and more movable objects
    -Ability to shape natural terrain and/or more diverse forging locations
    -More prominent file share system to help better circulate forge maps in the community
    -Fix that overwrite glitch!
    -More diverse piece set with textures that can more easily create fluid aesthetics

    (Oh, and I'm not even gonna talk about Campaign, it's entirely new and I'll see where they go with it)
    -Bloom-free precision weapons (automatics can keep it)
    -No greater than 24 player Multiplayer; it won't be Halo if it gets too hectic. 24 allows for big Invasion/BTB games while still feeling at least partially tactical and technical
    -Use of D-pad for squad commands such as spot, follow, attack, etc. (BTB only or customs option?)
    -1v1 playlist
    -Refined ranking system taking individual preformance into account as well as win percentage (1-50 was great as a team, but for a individual searching you were at the mercy of your random team; sometimes going +16 simply wasn't enough, and then get punished for it. I would go into detail but this isn't the place)
    -Custom games finder!!!
    -Multiple people in theater
  2. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    If you could effectively kill those specks from hundreds of feet in the air, the falcon becomes a mega-weapon. It's balanced because it forces you to get at least somewhat near your targets and give them a chance to hit you with things like a plasma pistol EMP or grenade launcher. The thing still absolutely dominates if you have a good pilot and one capable gunner.
  3. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    I was watching a G4 video not long ago where they were reviewing someone from 343, probably Frank, and he mentioned, very clearly, that the core of Halo will say the same. And I quote:

    "You wont see us making a Halo Racing game or 3rd person shooter or whatever".

    So it's staying FPS for the foreseeable future.
  4. OMGClutch69

    OMGClutch69 Ancient
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    no bloom no AA and regular halo gamestyle gravity.
  5. t507 771t5

    t507 771t5 Forerunner

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    in halo reach the gamestyle was changed because so many fans wanted "less noobs" so you cant get mad at bungie for trying to give people what they want

    ON TOPIC: i think that they should make the gamestyle flow like it did in halo 3 but introduce intirerly new weapons and vehicles, we've seen the same thing for the past 5 games, its time for something new. and one other point is game makers make games, not players, so they cant exactly predict how player will react to new things, or force the players to play a certian way
  6. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    Um, no.

    Some of the general gameplay settings was to make it more friendly for newer players. The rest was to make it fresh and different.

    If a game designer made a game so it would have "Less noobs", they'd lose a lot. Bungie don't do that, they've actually catered for the casuals more than the competitive.
  7. t507 771t5

    t507 771t5 Forerunner

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    i know halo is casual and thats why its so great but halo reach to me just seemed like they were trying to match how other gamemakers did things and by adding so many changes it feels like a totally different game than what they had been making

    Edited by merge:

    and i wasn't saying they were trying to prevent people from playing the game, they were trying to alter how they set things up to lessen their ability to use that strategy in the regular playlists
    #87 t507 771t5, Aug 22, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2011
  8. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Gotta agree, the Falcon is a fantastic addition and very well executed imo. I also agree that the Hog nerf since H3 is a very sad thing. I think vehicles in general are much worse off since H3 tbh, the Banshee has become OP yet also fragile at the same time (whereas I think it was the ultimate skill vehicle in H3), the Hog is just a shell of its former self, and the fact that Sniper is now stupidly powerful against vehicles is the final nail in the overall vehicle coffin.

    Very sad imo, and this is coming from someone who religiously avoids using vehicles, I just always thought that their place within Halo was one of the defining strengths of the series as a whole. That's still true with Reach compared to other game franchises, just noticeably less so than H3 and CE (vehicles in H2 weren't great either if you ask me). I also maintain, even as the utter Sniper ***** that I am, how stupid the Sniper being able to wreck vehicles is. Vehicles are supposed to be what a Sniper is scared of, now it's the other way around, why they felt the need to do that on top of turning infantry Sniping down to easy mode as well is beyond me.
  9. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    Damn straight, I couldn't agree more. The banshee in particular is just a huge ****-up on Bungie's part. I'm not usually a complainer or one to question their logic too harshly, because they have to do a very delicate balancing act between many considerations that most gamers don't give a moment's thought. But when it comes to the banshee, it's indefensible. They made it too powerful offensively and too fragile defensively, when it was great (still a bit OP) in Halo 3. There was just no call for it. And the sniper didn't need to be the ultimate vehicle-wrecker - the game is loaded with anti-vehicle weapons as it is. That thing should do at least 33% less damage to vehicles across the board.

    Anyway, I know you said you avoid vehicles, but I hope you'll make an exception to play my new map (Hivemind) at some point. It's based around falcons and early tests have been pretty encouraging. I'd love your feedback, you seem to think more about balance than anybody else I talk to.
  10. Marcass2021

    Marcass2021 Forerunner
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    F that overrighting glitch.. ive lost 4 maps because of it.. and one of them i had just finished after hours and hours and hours... but me and a couple others were talking about a block that has different terrain textures on each side.. that way they coud save making 6 different blocks
    #90 Marcass2021, Aug 22, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2011
  11. ZombieGuineaPig

    ZombieGuineaPig Forerunner

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    How about a sniper machine gun. Anybody could use a sniper machine gun. Jk that'd be ridiculous.

    I think what I want most is ridiculously awesome forging materials. That comes above everything else for me.
  12. Savage Tracks

    Savage Tracks Forerunner

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    Bring back VIP!
  13. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    I'd like to see some of the stuff you used to be able to do via hex editing (on Halo PC) in Halo 4. Like making guns fire different projectiles; editing the jump height/gravity/foot speed/etc. of players to your heart's content; making needles track better or worse; etc. - and save it all with the map file. I don't see this happening, but we had SO much fun with it and you could really make some outlandish maps and minigames with those kinds of capabilities. It would be even better if you could set up area effects to make (for example) a low or no-gravity area in a map.

    Mostly I just want a shotgun that fires sniper rounds and an assault rifle that fires rockets again. Ridiculous and hilarious.
  14. Skater

    Skater Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    In halo 4: Flamethrowers, more vehicles for customs, huge maps, like in Halo Custom Edition, Firebomb nades and flamethrowers.
  15. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    I didn't expect anyone to take me seriously about turning halo into a cover-based shooter... I was being facetious. I hope it didn't take you guys too long to write those lil' rants :p
  16. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    I think most of the ranters don't know the word facetious lol
  17. Carter1234

    Carter1234 Forerunner
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    Did you just say something about Halo being Tactical?

    lulwut, Halo isn't tactical unless it's that everyone has mics and coordnating or clan/MLG battles. Besides that Halo is kind of like a futuristic CoD with different physics and damage resistance.
  18. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    First off, "tactical" is not a proper noun, and therefore is not capitalized.

    Next, you could say the same things about any shooter. CoD isn't tactical unless you are all coordinating with mics and working as a team. I'd even say pro CoD is far less tactical and team-work oriented than your average game of Halo. Having one good person on your team won't always win you the match, whereas in CoD it's usually the case.

    And of course the different physics and damage are what makes it different; those are the core mechanics that make any FPS play uniquely from one another. All the other **** like guns, load-outs, killstreaks, power ups, vehicles etc. are secondary to those fundamental components.

    @Nutduster: Do you remember the modded needlers that took 15 seconds to explode, but when they did, they exploded like tank rounds? Ah, those were the days.
    #98 Frozenlynx, Aug 24, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2011
  19. Carter1234

    Carter1234 Forerunner
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    You really don't need mics to coordinate in Battlefield. Spotting mechanics and squad orders make everything very organized, and because the CoD and Battlefield community are different, most squads I play with in BF just understand what they should be doing, who needs to be lit up first, what charges need to be set, etc. I have only saw a few people that have mics in battlefield besides my group of friends.
  20. Fragsturbait

    Fragsturbait Forerunner

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    I love all the different armor permutations, sure you see a lot of the same stuff but the game has THOUSANDS of active players so of course some people are gonna think the same combos look cool. This would help set people apart a bit. I'd also like to see an entirely new armory. The mark 5 and 6 pieces should be included in the 4 armory, but they should include every piece from halos 3 and Reach. Make them achievement based though, like they did with Waypoint but on a MUCH larger scale. (if you're a halo vet you can boot up Waypoint and have a massive selection on launch day) *edit* This would also give people something to work for other than a higher rank. As pissed as I'd be to have to go back and beat ODST on legendary to get the ODST helmet, (my favorite) It would be so gratifying when I got it done. */edit*

    In the Halo universe the UNSC still has wet navies. So boats exist, we've just never seen them. The Covenant probably wouldn't have boats per se, but they could easily come up with an analogue that was capable of hovering over water.

    also, trees in forge. I wanna make a forest map!!
    #100 Fragsturbait, Aug 24, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2011

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