Fender Bender v2

Discussion in 'Reach Race Maps' started by Acid Mailbox, Aug 22, 2011.

  1. Acid Mailbox

    Acid Mailbox Ancient
    Senior Member

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    A cross-over collision race

    Download map here: Fender Bender
    Created for the RACE gametype
    Created by: ACID MAILBOX


    *Because I didn't post a map in awhile I was anxious to post this map and it turned out to have a lot more problems than I thought. So I made a V2 and I think i fixed all the problems I could. Here's what I changed.

    *Reconstructed first jump to be A LOT more consistent.(Still flip backwards occasionally but I'm blaming that on halo's bad physics)

    *Reconstructed the first cross over jump to be a lot more consistent as well.

    *Moved shield doors on the second cross jump to make the landings much more smooth.

    *Completely redid the glass path making it very smooth and more fun imo.

    *Reconstructed the big drop to be more consistent and made landing more smooth by moving the shield doors.

    *Flattened out the jagged edge going into the rock tunnel. Incorporated the rocks into a smooth bank going into the tunnel.

    *Updated the post with some new pictures. Did not re-do the video(yet) might still do that.

    By the way I still couldn't fix the camera issues when going through the teleporter. :(

    Thanks for checking out my map once again and please leave some feedback. I'd like to know if you guys like the changes.

    QUESTIONS: I'm putting this at the top so hopefully everyone will see it and help me with some problems. First I have the track split and Two different checkpoints on each side both labeled 3, When you die after passing one you always spawn on 1 side, can't figure out why. Another question is I have a teleporter in the map and every once in awhile you come out with your camera facing backwards(not you just the camera) can that be fixed or is it a glitch. any help would be appreciated.

    STUFF: Hello everyone this is Acid Mailbox and I'm back again this time presenting my new race map fender bender. This track is the third track I've created in Reach and I'm pretty pleased with the outcome. There are a few different elements in this track I hope you guys like which ill get to later. This track was kind of an experiment for me, I haven't done anything like it before and I would like some feedback on what you guys think.

    THE TRACK: The big thing about this map is the several cross over locations which allow some epic collisions and a lot of them. The track contains 8 different jumps(two main cross-over jumps), banked turns, and a few other nifty pieces. There are 10 checkpoints on the map, spaced nicely and making every obstacle manageable if you die. I'm personally a fan of flat turns because it requires you to slow down and I think it takes more skill so theres a couple of those in there. A lot of the jumps are pretty big and I got them as consitant as I could but theres always those times where it doesn;t launch right. The track is very smooth and allows for a competitive race up to 16 players.

    NOTICE: This map is created on the intent to have fun with friends. I know its not perfect but it is what it is. I used almost every piece the game lets you to create this track and had to struggle reconnecting the track which is why I used the grid(Didn't want to but had to). There are a few spots that are kind of bumpy but the track has been raced several times and it never effects the race. I also like to utilize turns etc. which make the racer have to brake every once in awhile, creating a more even and interesting race IMO. When I create a track I like to try and come up with a bunch of ideas that have never been done before(at least I haven't seen them done) because i think it makes the map more fun and more interesting to play on. So I hope you like what I came up with.

    THE WALKTHROUGH: The map starts off on terrain allowing up to 16 players to spawn. The first turn takes you over a smooth hill and into the first big jump. Upon landing the track splits into two mirrored tracks. After reaching the top there is a small drop and the the first cross-over jump shortly after. Then there is a banked turn that takes you head to head with the other side of the track for more collisions. The landing then teleports you onto a wavy glass section. Leading into another jump which takes you onto a huge banked turn. You enter a bridge type deal and when you exit there is a huge drop off. The landing takes you through a small town area and into the final ramp. Then you go into the awesome rock tunnel which takes you back to the start.


    Look out for the direction gangsta. He knows where to go


    Overview 1


    Overview 2


    The New Starting Line


    The New First Jump


    New First Cross-Over Jump


    Second Cross-Over Jump


    The New Glass Path


    The Huge Banked Turn


    The Big Drop


    The Final Jump


    The Rock Tunnel


    And Here is a Little Video

    What inspired my creation: I haven't built a track in awhile and I had a few ideas so I built a track

    How Long did it take: roughly 8-10 hours I'd say

    What part took the longest: The jumps definitely, I couldn't get any of them right for awhile but I think I finally figured them out

    Thats it, thanks for checking out my map and any feedback on the map wold be nice, I would like to see what i can improve.

    If you missed the download link, here it is again
    Download map here: Fender Bender
    #1 Acid Mailbox, Aug 22, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2011
  2. AARC Forgers

    AARC Forgers Forerunner

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    the rock tunnel looks effin sexy if you ask me. other than that this map seems really unique and smooth. with the exception of the glass trail this seems flawless. the glass part has a few bumps but i understand how freaking hard making glass level can be. other rthan that the first "structure" in the map is a visual masterpiece. the aesthetics are great and the map is great. but in all serious. that rock tunnel is sexy
  3. A Killing Pie

    A Killing Pie Forerunner

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    The direction gangster? lol anyways looks like a great map, it's unique, and as the person before me said, that rock tunnel looks awesome! Instant DL. Keep up the good work!
  4. MCGreen24

    MCGreen24 Forerunner

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    Wow the turns in the tunnel is sick! Sweet drifting happens in that place. Great job to that. I think the sheild doors that you place to create a cushion for your landings could be places a little different to have a smoother landing. "I think"
  5. Shadowfacts985

    Shadowfacts985 Forerunner

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    Awesome map man. Downloaded it earlier when I got the desire to test new race maps. It's definitely found a spot in my list. Good work! We especially loved the track split. Never done one particularly like that
    #5 Shadowfacts985, Aug 23, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2011
  6. Acid Mailbox

    Acid Mailbox Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you and yea I know about the shield doors, I really wanted to post the map and kind of rushed it. might be making a v2 soon
  7. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
    Senior Member

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    This is a nice idea for a map, unfortunately Bungie didn't fix the Mongoose physics from Halo 3, so jumps are still inconsistent. This makes for less competitive maps, but this one is still very fun. When the jumps work (which is most of the time), they are a blast to race on, especially when you collide with another racer. Merging the track back into one with teleporters seemed kind of cheap, but it works. Although the transition to the rock tunnel could be smoother, the tunnel itself is very cool and fun to race through. Overall, it's quite a fun map. Kudos for making all the jumps on this map. I know I would have been very frustrated trying to make them as consistent as you did...

    HI IM CAPS LOCK Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Very very cool, I liked it a lot. My only critique is that some of the jumps (particularly the crossover) don't work very well. Other than that it was great :D
  9. DjShiftD

    DjShiftD Forerunner

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    DAMN! you guys are getting really creative with these racing maps! i still wanna see an air race though... im too lazy to make one, i like making arenas better
  10. Acid Mailbox

    Acid Mailbox Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Just released my version 2 of the map. Would really appreciate it if you guys would check it out. thanks.
  11. Harri51

    Harri51 Forerunner

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    Well designed i like it a lot can't wait to try it out
  12. Zam138

    Zam138 Forerunner

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    Just would like to say, this is an awesome map, and I just got hooked on a new, awesome, band.

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