Anyone who knows me, knows that I'm not a huge fan of Cocka Doody 4. The single player was fun at first but it got boring, there's only so many times you can do all ghillied up. I wasnt good at it to begin with but it didnt help that it refused to put in me in any online game. ANd when I finally got into a game, I was against people who never put in another disc. ANd it annoys the crap outta me when people say "There's more to do in Cod4" Complete BS. In Halo 3 there's campaign, matchmaking, custom games, forge (which has an enormous community) and theatre. WHat does COD4 have? Online play, Campaign, and slipt screen. What I loved about Cod3 online was that it was easy to join any game at any point. Also up to 4 people on the one xbox for H3 and only up to 2 for Cocka Doody 4. People who play cod4, generally only play cod4. I want to just (verbally) absolutely rip it to shreds. Care to help...
The Call of Duty 4 matchmaking system is about as useful as gasoline for a fire retardant. Oh, sure it will put you in games. I suppose there are about...oh, three or four playlists. Except, here's the kicker: For some reason the folks at Activision thought that matchmaking based on level and rank was unnecessary. So, my first game on live, I'm a piddly little level 1 and I'm up against 50s and 60s, using only the best gear. Or how about the game where the other team did NOTHING but use airstrikes and power weapons, then t-bagged their already outnumbered opponents every chance they got? Not to mention that COD4 is even worse for the trash talkers and douchebags than Halo 3 ever was. Every single game I went into there was someone who did NOTHING but play the game. This lead to my theory that excessive playtime on COD4 causes brain damage and severe delusions of grandeur. Maybe the PC version is better. But in my opinion, aside from some slight enjoyability in the single player campaign, COD4 for the 360 is an abortion on a DVD disc.
Call of Duty's single player is really good like all the other in the series. I think it has some really nice cinematic elements, the multi player is fun but not as much as the hype says. It has some great levels though but also some really bad levels, hardcore team death match is one of the best gametypes for the game. I have to say Halo has more to do with forge and all but it certainly doesn't mean you should trash Call of Duty.
lmao. i agree linubidix the very short story was fun while it lasted. the multiplayer was great but i got bored the 3rd day i had it. once you finish campaign and rank up in multiplayer, there really isn't anything else to do
I havent ripped up cd before but I have snapped a cd. It can be scary. YOu start pulling and think little bits can hit you, but they never do. FIrst disc I snapped was my choir disc, as soon as I was done with choir I snapped that crap.
sory but i feel that cod4 is a good game and I still will play it but halo has a special place in my gaming soul that cod4 just cant touch and that my friends it called FORGE also a good game (but is waaaaaay to easy) SUPER SMASH BROS. BRAWL now that is a good game that should have been released on the 360
yeah snapping CDs in half is scary because you think shards are going to fly at you D: and when you break them in half all of this shiny glittery stuff gets everywhere its weird :/ lmao i remember when i busted a glowstick in my room and there were specks on my carpet that glowed in the dark :3
idk why people hate COD4 when they like halo i like them both equally, i like the prestige system, yet i love forge takka lookat this mayn Ranks Halo: 41 LW, 41 TD, 40 TS COD: 10th Prestige 36 tis all good
Whatz iiz uzz sasying? CoD4 is teh winnest game evar!!!!!!!!!one!!!!1!!!!11111! [/sarcasm] I rest my case
CoD 4 is a PC game for me. It won't have any bearing on my Xbox gaming ever (except for my friends who just can't seem to reach 55). The two versions are exactly the same, except the consoles get Prestige and PC gets custom awesomeness. And Snow Crash. Best holiday update ever.
Wow. You had some good points there. I really don't see what the big argument is about, COD and Halo are two completely different games that can't even be compared. One is super realistic, and the other is not so much. I really haven't gotten into Call (yes Call, I did get the heterosexual version. Maybe ya'll should check it out too ) of Duty until lately since people on Halo are asswipes and really piss me off. I haven't met near as many kids talking smack on COD as Halo (in the same period of time). Plus, rank in Call of Duty is less dependent on your teams functioning as it is your own. Plus you don't feel a constant need to take the game super serious because rank means a lot less and teams are nearly meaningless in regards to performance. Although, I do enjoy things about Halo too. Although the recent rise in grenade pimping AR jiggaloes has really started to anger me, since no one even uses the few weapons that take skill, it's all short range power weapons (Shotgun, sword, etc, etc) even useful weapons like the needler are being horribly neglected. It's all a matter of opinion, and if you're too narrow-minded to even consider playing Call of Duty, then you really need to take a hard look at your pathetic exclusive-Halo-playing lifestyle. Because if you can't even be tolerant of changes in a virtual setting, you'll have MaJor issues with changes in real settings...
THe needler isnt being negelcted. I believe that everyone that plays halo has a love hate relationship with the needler. You'd love to have it but hate it even more when others have it. The needler can be hard to take down. Best at mid range, so out of lung and good shotgun range, but perfect for ar or br etc. but they take like 4-5 seconds of shooting to take down. They need about 1-2 seconds with the neelder and they hide, a second later your dead and curse them and THAT F***ING NEEDLER. lol. I love the needler but I hate when I dont have it. But I'll swap it in an instant for a shotty or snipe or rocket or sword etc.
So many people here are wrong.. 4-5 playlists? WTF?? Let me name them from the top of my head. TDM MTDM FFA Groud War Domination Sabotage Team tactical S&D HCTDM HCS&D Old School Mode... 11. I may be missing 1-2 Also, I join games in cod4 MUCH faster than halo, in halo I have to wait for maybe 3 total minutes. In cod, I wait 10-15 seconds. This is because you can join games in progress, and there are just always loads of people online. When I first played, going against level 55 tards was easy. In this game, it's always about your PRESTIGE level. For those of you who don't now what prestige is, it's when you reach level 55 and get 5000 more exp, you have the option to get prestige. That's when you go all the way back to level one and start over, with a new prestige icon next to your name. You can do this 10 times, and I got to 8. Also, they give you the best guns right when you start, the M16, the MP5, the RPD, and the M4A30. Thank you... I love halo and cod4, but the reasons people hate cod4 on this thread just seem so typical and ignorant, I couldn't help it.
do you have the new maps? that would be the reason that your not getting quick games, right before I got the variety pack it took forever to get games but after i got it it took less than thirty seconds to find a whole party. For me I don't feel that the game takes enough skill to play, I drop scores of 40-2 in deathmatch and like 16-0 in search and destroy, halo, for me , is more challenging
And that's where I killed him for lying, Your Honor! Seriously, CoD is just as much run-n-gun and Halo (more so, in some situations). The games are very comparable for many reasons, such as both being shooters, both being extremely popular, both clogging up Xbox LIVE to the point of super lag, and both being quite fast paced by default. If you want to see a realistic shooter, there are quite a few out there. WARNING! If you look for them, you may get bored of them because kills aren't a head a minute.
I bought Call of Duty 4. I don't like online play in that game, since I've had nothing but bad experiences. As I've said, the single player campaign is enjoyable, but for me that's about all the game has.