What you want in Halo 4

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Carter1234, Jul 19, 2011.

  1. Furry x Furry

    Furry x Furry Ancient
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    The ability to have access to the gametype scripting engine on your computer*, then upload it to your fileshare. They would have to make it so people can't put ridiculous settings that would make RRoD though, which would probably prove to be hard.

    I remember Jeremiah discussing the scripting engine (Megalo, I believe it's called) and all I wanted was to have access to it. I didn't know it even existed. Ever since, I've been fascinated with the idea.

    *You wouldn't be able to play it on your computer, but you'd be able to learn the scripting engine and build your own gametypes from the ground up.
    #61 Furry x Furry, Aug 12, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2011
  2. firedrone8

    firedrone8 Forerunner

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    I would like a all vehicles ever in halo to be forgeable and pilotable on a new forgeworld sized map ( actually bigger maybe). Well, all vehicles (thinkable) no larger than a scarab. So phantoms, spirits, shadows, pelicans, seraphs( slower, less powerful, like a banshee) elephants, etc. And Also, not only color for mongeese. Camos, for all vehicles. like avalanche, but you can choose what camo it is.

    And better armor. There are no good helmets until lieutenant Colonal in Reach.

    Covenant ACTUALLY scary. I know they thought theyre scarier in this game, but whenever i see a Brute Cheiftain, im like, whatever. but in halo 3, Those guys scared the crap out of me.

    I would actually want the vehicle part as Dlc on the next forgeworld. Snow Forgeworld.
  3. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    Agree with this, but I'd like a large flat map with a few hills- just a big open battlefield - the size of forgeworld. no water, so its all land.... a few buidlings/objectives that could be used, or ignored. and as you said... lots of forgeable vehicles.

    on another note, i'd like a REAL genuine FFA playlist. i miss love wolves. Rumble pit allows for guests/parties, so once in a while its 4 people that are actually playing FFA and 4 people playing together as a "team". Why is there no true FFA playlist, max party size 1? When I get a craving for it, and I have to go back to H3 Love Wolves, which I do regularly.
  4. Deniedoath

    Deniedoath Forerunner

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    Im really going to be focussed on the forge aspect for my ideas because there is just so much potential with it. alright, to start i would like to see more technical things in halo 4's forge. 2 really cool things that would probably eliminate some wants and needs would be buttons and despawning. let me explain; how buttons would work is you would place the button anywhere you wish, open up properties, and select the button's input and output. how this mechanic would work is the input is the button's identity which dignifies all the outputs it reacts to, the output would be on the actual item the button's input corresponds to. for an example if you would want a grav lift to activate with a button switch you would give the button an input of "5" for an example and then give the grav lift an output of "5." you could give multiple gadgets like gravlifts the same output so you could switch the button and 8 gravlifts could activate all at once. of course the only possible objects that correspond to buttons would have to be ones that can be toggled(explosives, lights, gravlifts, and other possible entities that halo 4 might bear). I think this mechanic would open up a whole other realm realm of possibilities in forge. now despawning is pretty self-explanatory but heres some applications of it anyway; despawning spawn points to have former parts of a level unoptional, despawning forge pieces to create makeshift doors or traps, etc. i believe these two forge features would revolutionize forging and would probably produce some insane and innovative things amongst the community. now since thats out of the way i have some other more minor ideas for forge. More vehicles. as of now we have a decent selection of vehicles but they are all squad based. a major dissapointment for me in halo reach's forge was the lack of civilian vehicles. I really hope 343 implements vehicles with more variety. a couple of specifics i would like to see is a vehicle that is capable of carrying more than 3 people at a time such as a UNSC dropship, an unweaponed vehicle similar to the ones on winter contingency in reach, a troop transport hog, and of course, this. all of those vehicles are reasonable and i dont see why at least a couple of them couldn't have been done in reach. Some objects/gadgets i would like to see are ladders, fences, trees, ropes/wires, moveable fire/smoke FX, blood decals, and dead elite or marine ragdolls. weather fx nodes like fog, rain, or snow would be cool too but a little out of the realm of possibility. well thats my complete whishlist of things for halo 4's forge but, i do have an idea for infection. i have heard plenty of rumors that flood would be in halo 4's campaign, so this idea i had for infection sounded appropriate to me. the whole fact of the infected just being green spartans with energy swords sort of dissapoints me, pulls you out of the experience. so my fix to that problem would having the infected be flood. there has to be a way this could be done. maybe it would be a player model option similar to that of halo 3's but it was forced on the infected in halo 4 and only activated in infection. just like the way the elite player model is tweakable in reach but only activated in invasion or custom games. possibly instead of changing armor on the model it would be marine, brute, or elite flood with 3 different versions of that class. would be cool in my opinion. another idea for infection would be objectives. just like in reach for invasion but instead of a cores and capture areas it could be keys for doors and extraction areas. im really just just fantasizing now but thats all of my ideas for halo 4.
  5. ThrowinDemBows

    ThrowinDemBows Takoyaki?
    Senior Member

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    3 forgeworlds! with 100000000000s of different forge pieces!
  6. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Deniedoath... China wants their wall back.

    Why is this thread still in the Halo Reach forum? It's not Halo Reach and has little to do with Halo Reach. This belongs in Gaming Discussions... or merged with the stickied thread in there.
  7. Deniedoath

    Deniedoath Forerunner

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    lol i sorta out-did myself i know..
  8. Aggregate 0072

    Aggregate 0072 Forerunner

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    I want the armor design to be much more flexible. Custom detail such as damage, a drawing program to make original icons, including "clan" flags based on the emblem your Spartan can wear.

    I know someone else wanted this already....
    #68 Aggregate 0072, Aug 19, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2011
  9. t507 771t5

    t507 771t5 Forerunner

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    about 7 months ago i posted an intire thread with the exact same idea of interactive maps... im totally with you

    another idea i had was to have gametypes mixed:
    1)the primary gametypes determines what it is classified as and the basic features
    2)the first page in the gametype editing would have all the gametype options offered, and the other basic things
    3)you could go into the original gametype and edit special features like normal
    example:starting with one sided vip and adding juggernaut-engine a would make player who kills vip become next vip or invasion where round one is infection engine b(kill all the elites) round 2 is territories, and round 3 is ctf

    if this is impossible :( and at least unique loadouts for each side on one sided games
  10. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
    Senior Member

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    Being able to make a sword float and fall to the ground if a player drops it!
  11. Deniedoath

    Deniedoath Forerunner

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    interesting concept, community would probably come up with a bunch of great stuff with that feature.
  12. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    I want it to be a 3rd person cover-based shooter like GoW.
  13. t507 771t5

    t507 771t5 Forerunner

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    yeah when the insane playlist came out i thought they would make tons of unique gametypes. but they didnt and thats where i got this idea
  14. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Is it just me who isn't too fond of suggestions like this? Why not just play GoW, or another cover based TPS? I know it sounds kind of cynical, but it seems like suggestions such as this come out of a desire to play a game other than Halo, but still have Halo written on the front. The Halo franchise has a fantastic angle, it redefined console shooters, arguably even defined them properly in the first place, why abandon that? I'm not saying there isn't room for change, but abandoning all that has defined a franchise simply to move to a different style that already has a big player in it seems senseless.
  15. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    Nope, not just you. I don't see the point really. Maybe if it was an acknowledged tangent to the main series, a la Halo Wars. There's no harm in that since people are generally interested in the expanded "Halo universe" and might want to experience it in different forms. But the idea of making the next major title - Halo 4 - a non-FPS just doesn't make sense to me, unless the existing series was completely tired, or they had some great new idea (i.e. not just the well-trod ground of third person cover shooters). Or perhaps if video games had just taken some grand technological leap, such as the one that pushed Rockstar to change GTA from a top-down game to 3D. Those are valid reasons to change a series, but I don't see any such reason to turn Halo into Gears Jr.
  16. VodkaAnyone

    VodkaAnyone Forerunner

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    -No Bloom (worst addition to the game in my opinion)
    -Halo 3 covenant sniper, brute shot,
    -Playlists 1v1, team tactical (3v3)
    -Halo 3 ranking system
    -Vip gametype return
    -A more destructable enviroment, including forge objects
    -A varibale type of different designs in objects athestics e.g. Snow, desert, jungle
    -Return of hornet (falcons are terrible), fighter jets
    -custom armour for the elites
    -No recycled maps in playlists, please make some new ones. Also forged maps put into playlists on a 1 month cycle.
  17. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    1. Falcons are awesome. The warthogs of the sky. Check that, the Halo 3 warthogs of the sky, since warthogs in Reach are somewhat nerfed for no good reason.
    2. Fighter jets make no sense in a Halo context unless they're going to move way, way slower than actual jets. Even the biggest BTB maps are much too small for that kind of speed.
  18. Security

    Security Ancient
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    Falcons would be better if their guns had range, and if they had passenger seats.
  19. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    I agree that a passenger seat would be nice, but there's always the roof (it's really quite easy to stand on). Never had a problem with the range of the guns at all. They have a noticeable spread at range but I've still managed to kill people and banshees across half the distance of The Spire, which seems like plenty. Certainly I don't think they're too different from the similar guns on the warthogs, or mounted turrets.
  20. Security

    Security Ancient
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    Range isn't a problem with the warthog or the mounted turret, but when you're in a warthog you aren't hundreds of feet in the air shooting at little specks on the ground.

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