Obsidian is a small 2v2-4v4 map, most of the gameplay is around the top of the map but you can't just be running around with no teamwork, teamwork is essential to controll this map, there are multiple routes up and down with most of the weapons and healthpacks on the bottem floor. Obsidian walktrhough Pictures: full gallery DOWNLOAD NOW!
Very, very interesting map. Though at the health station I was like, oh thats a cool---OHHH its a health pack. Durring gameplay people may just run by that. Of course its up to you to chancge that but I would for gameplay reasons.
actualy, from what i've seen with all the map play tests i've been to people seem to run past health packs and not notice them and end up asking where they are, having them embelished draws your attention to them so they're less likely to get missed
There are many object that contribute to framerate lag: Bridge XLs (glass, lights) 5x1s (lights) 2x2 corners (lights) There are too many awkward connections, namely the 5x1 ramps (too narrow) There are too many objects that interrupt the flow of the map by obtruding into common traffic areas (45 degree 5x1s and antennae satellites) There are areas where I hit my head when I jump. Forging could be cleaned up a bit. Nice layout with good balance and appropriate LoS.
It was very fun to play on, even though I sucked most of the time :/ I like the layout of it and it has nice aesthetics in it. And I am surprised to say I barely notices Frame rate lag. The only this I didn't like was the steep inclines, but that could be easily fixed. Great Job!
steep inclines? if your talking about the 5x1 shorts then yea, i looked into making the incline more shallow when putting them in but having them shallow obstructed other ramps which is not what i wanted. if your talking about the brace large then they are as shallow as i can have them for a smooth ramp, any shallower and the curved end starts to poke through the floor causing a rough ramp
Great map I find a little error there is alot of long sights across map but theres a chance that could be the theme of the map other wise then that I really like the astetics not much bare areas I do enjoy that in a map agian great map keep it up...!
the long lines of site are mostly on top and that isn't an error, from what i had seen on previous versions of this map was people would fight to control the top, i tried closing the top off more and providing more cover but this actualy made the top way to easy to hold down, having it open with more routes to get up encourages more teamwork and requires teamwork to control the map which still isn't that much of an easy task. this i got from watching how people played in theatre.. [br][/br]Edited by merge: you kind of contradicted yourself there, the antennae satellites are there to provide cover and break up lines of sight but you're saying its obstructing common traffic areas and then proceed to say i have apropriate lines of sight, if i'm to remove the atennea satellites then lines of sight would be un-blanced and the structure of the map wouldn't be right. also, awkward connections? there are no "awkward" connections, i made sure everything is smooth and an object being narrow is not an awkward connection, the 5x1 shorts are there to serve as a more open ramp up, i tried making them shallow but then they obstructed the ramps and the brace large would have been to wide obstructing the flow of the map in that area sot he 5x1 shorts fit perfectly. as for framerate, from all the playtests no one has said there is framerate issues, i know what items contribute to framerate lagg but that doesnt mean i should avoid them all together and use something else, i would only go back and change it to something else if there is framerate issues but on this map the only thing that could cause framerate is the amount of asthetics a friend added to it. lastly, could you say where you wher jumping and banging your head? i checked every where and the only places you would are if you in an awkard spot, say under or on a ramp and standing on a railing which is perfectly fine.
When there is a narrow pathway (top mid), there shouldn't be anything in the center of it that people have to maneuver around, that is an awkward connection. The braces are appropriate cover for top mid, the Antennae Satellite is out of place and looks poor. The 5x1s hinders the map's flow because it makes the ramps right next to them pointless. They are too steep and too narrow. It would be wise to delete them. There is frame rate, and if you know how to reduce it, then use that knowledge to your advantage. It isn't fine to jump and hit your head anywhere on a map. Nothing from what I stated above is opinion (except how the antennae satellite looks). I am giving you feedback to improve your map, do what you want with it.
Really nice map =D, just one problem around the Ramp large bridges, you can easily get caught...You know when your moving and your backing up in a small corner and easily get killed..You may wanna cover up those little openings
@xzamplez have you even played on this map yet? as for the antenne satilites, no one has compliaed about them, actualy, people who have played on this map actualy prefer them being there instead of just having the brace larges for cover, a 2x4 is not exactly a narrow walkway, narrow would be 3x1, 2x1, 1x1 and 5x1, a 2x4 actual gives you enough room to move around and the antenne satalites aren't obstructing them. the 5x1 shorts as ramps don't hinder the map flow, they actualy add more to the map, they don't render the other ramps useless just because they are there, the 5x1 shorts act as an atlernate but more risky route up but from playtests people prefer the ramp bridge larges instead of the 5x1 shorts. where is framerate lagg then? out of all the playtests on this map, not one person has mentioned there being framerate lagg, you are the only one who as said it but haven't even mentioned where you are getting it or if you are in splitscreen or not. it is fine to jump and bang your head depending on where you are standing, if you on an actual part of the map like a bridge and when you jumpa nd bang your head that isn't acceptable but if you are standing on the railing to that bride then it is, you are higher up and in an awkward position. alot of what you stated above is based around your opinions on how maps should play, the only thing that wasnt opinion was framerate. @colonel4h2 i don't exactly have enough blocks to do that effectivly and no one realy complains about getting caught there, some actualy use that to there advantage and if you do get caught you can just walk out easy enough..
Nothing that I said was opinion. I'll just let you learn everything the hard way. And FYI, people in game will not give you accurate feedback unless they forge (especially if they are your friends). You can show them anything and they will like it just to be nice.
funny you say that, this map is only being tested by forgers and not my friends who nothing about maps.
It's up to you to determine which forger has credible feedback. Get a hardcore forger, and ask them their honest opinion. There are a lot of forgers on FH who do not give criticism because they do not want to hurt the creator's feelings. Just use your common sense: the map isn't perfect, you know that...then why are people not giving actual feedback? Or maybe they don't give you feedback because you defend every thing wrong with the map like you are doing with me. Like I said, you'll learn more about flow in the future...and the less you listen to other's feedback, the longer it will take to learn about map design.
Dude... this is forgehub, they don't understand framerate or gameplay>>>aesthetics. If the guy is serious about forge then he'll take the criticism otherwise hes just another random that jumped into forge like 90% of this site. Having said that I must say that the 5x1 certainly look out of place as well as being way too steep simply from looking at the pictures, it was the first impression I got. From watching the video I saw certain LoS that certainly have lag(even saw a little slow down in the vid). Going up the man cannon definitely is one of them. The bridge xL are the culprit; try never to use them or very sparingly. The healthpacks are not only difficult to see but the antenna is a poor choice b/c it hinders the gameplay by not only being a protrusion from the wall but also adding to the framerate. The antenna satellites on the bottom are fine but on the top they are awkward since they cut into the walkway. You can accomplish the same cutting of the LoS by putting a large pillar in the center. Not only will it look and play better but it will take up less items. IDK why those X's are there made out of the 3x1/5x1s since they don't really affect gameplay. Best advice: Lower the top level significantly and use 30* inclines.
Though I agree with just about everything you said, you probably shouldn't trash all of Forgehub. There are some very creative forgers here. And the members here are much more helpful than MLG members. I have pointed out the same flaws on the map. Let's see if he listens to you...
Hmm... deja vu. I tried offering extensive, post-playtest feedback on this map when it was submitted to another site and all I got was defensive comments very similar to those posted in response to xzamplez's. I don't really understand the reactions to this feedback. We are not attacking you on an emotional level, we are being logical and reasonable and yet the responses we receive tend to be overtly emotionally toned. Please understand that we're only trying to help you improve the map, and your general approach to forging. I get the impression that you are not actually that interested in this form of feedback and that you'd rather people just said "sweet map bro" and move on. If this is the case, then please let us know and we will take our thoughts elsewhere.