Hey guys this is my 1st post so here it is... Here's some pics: http://i151.photobucket.com/albums/s131/Blahftw0o/BlueBase.jpg?t=1210907629 http://i151.photobucket.com/albums/s131/Blahftw0o/Redbase.jpg?t=1210907653 Here's the link the the map http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=35185478
i believe you have posted this in the wrong thread you might want to post it in the competitive map thread and embed you pictures to
I'll move this over to competitive right now. I'd recommend writing up a nicer description, look at other threads for examples. I'd also recommend using short links, like this: Code: [ url=PUT YOUR LINK HERE]Give it a title here[/ url] Also, you might want to embed your pictures like this: Code: [img]IMAGE LINK GOES HERE[/img]
Nobody else please post here. I will give the author one day to explain himself before I lock this. Any more posts here other than by the author of the map will be deleted and may result in an infraction.
Havent gotten an explanation yet. If the author wants me to unlock, please explain yourself in a PM to me. Locked.