I guess I don't notice those things because I don't use it to kill Spartans on foot. Anyway, I think its good the ammo was reduced. The H3 laser single-handedly ruined vehicle gameplay on every big team map it was on. A warthog run would last 3-4 kills before getting red beamed out of existence. At one point I wouldn't even try to start a vehicle run unless I knew myself or one of my friends was holding the laser. Is that not a bit overpowered?
I thought it worked wonders on a map like Standoff or Sandtrap, where vehicles are just incredibly overbearing as it is, and you can always get a new vehicle since there were so many. Although, I think the Plasma Launcher does a good job of that without being so ridiculous.
Standoff it wasn't so bad, there weren't a lot of sight lines that covered the ENTIRE map, but to me it was WORST on Sandtrap and Valhalla, although at least on normal Valhalla there was only one spawning in the middle. On Sandtrap both teams had one at base if memory serves. On heavy variants I'd reverse what I'm saying here, because you NEED it on heavy maps. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate it, it's a classic weapon I enjoy using, but I think its good the ammo was cut in half. And as you said plasma launcher does a good job without being ridiculous. There's no dodging a expertly fired laser, but if you can find cover in time you can dodge a line of plasma bursts that are headed towards you. Er, a bit back on topic here: hope there's some major tweaking done to the banshee. Many a big team game has been ruined by one rampaging perfection asshole, twirling so much that his trails never go in a straight line.
Probably way out in left field here, but it seemed like the entire enemy team was AI. The movement and responsiveness of the characters seemed artificial, very much similar to what it is in black ops. They seemed completely independent of each other, as well as blind to the enemys weapon. It might just be me, and feel free to slam my stupidity, but the opposing team didn't play like humans, they played like computers play in every other game. Go back and watch it, but have the thought that the strafes are artificial, and note how players respond to stimuli very wierdly. It would be absolutley amazing if AI was released with this.
Pretty sure one of the opposing team was bs angel. Personally they didn't look like AI to me, just .... not great.
Not going to happen. Way too complex to put in with a title update, unlike gametypes with modified settings. You clearly underestimate how bad some people can be at video games. edit Noxiw and I put two Spartan Lasers and four Warthogs on the same map and vehicle combat was perfectly fine. Granted the Warthogs were on 30 or 60 seconds each and the Lasers were on ~150 second spawn times as well. It's not as bad as having vehicle health with no on screen indicator couple with having the DMR and Sniper Rifle destroying vehicle combat. I'd take Halo 3's BTB over Reach's any day of the week.
If you go back and play halo 3 and compare lasers, the auto aim is significantly less. (vehicle or on foot) It does the same amount of damage i guess, but it doesnt matter if you cant hit them. Warthogs suck make them better.
I watched the video on my phone, so the smallness of the screen might have mislead me, but it looks as if they changed the radar back so that you can't tell whether people are above or below you. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong
It was bs angel, It wasn't AI it was probably people who just picked up a xbox controller for the first time, Videos seem cooler when the perspective of the person your watching is kicking ass. There is no on screen indicator on the HUD but if you look at the actual vehicle you can tell how much health it has, Tip:If a warthog is on fire do not use it. But on the subject of Snipers I would much much much rather have a few more spartan lasers(with buffed damage, seriously 4 shots that don't always kill doesn't cut it) on BTB maps and stop the Sniper dominating all vehicles. That way if they have a sniper I can go in a vehicle, If they have a spartan laser I can go in on foot and counter there weapons, Instead of they have a sniper everyone on foot and in vehicles hide! Having more damage resistance to DMR's and Snipers would be a simple solution to make them better IMO Mislead, They made a very vertical map to take advantage of this feature.
I do like this. That non bleeding melee was a silleh idea... so was armour lock. Also I knew there was a reason I used the plasma rifle in Halo 3 a lot more... 1 2 3 4 shot PUNCH death.
I like it when in games where things such as vehicles (and even players) have health, regenerating or not, that I have a Health Bar to quickly glimpse at instead of just going by visual ques. At any rate, a Sniper Rifle can occasionally destroy a Warthog JUST before it would be at the point where its on fire, making it very misleading. If I had it my way though, I'd replace the Sniper Rifle on every map with the Focus Rifle because I hate getting killed instantly across a large line of sight by a gun with a very generous amount of aim assist and a huge headshot hitbox.
It starts smoking and be pretty damaged before it gets on fire so you can tell when its about to be on fire. If you practice using vehicles often you can tell exactly how much health a vehicle has and how many snipers or rough amount of DMR shots it will take to die. Though a little health bar for the vehicle would be nice. (I'm not sure if this is even true just what I've come to believe from a lot of vehicle use and if nothing else just a rule of thumb) Vehicles have a shield and health bar like a spartan when been shot at it will take away the vehicles shield then when it gets to health a piece will break off. But once a piece breaks off the shield resets and so on. So going out of battle will heal your shield a little but once your health is damaged it's permanent. After awhile you can learn how much damage your shield and health can take. Vehicles need more damage resistance from DMR's and Sniper rifles IMO.
I'm pretty sure it was just info about the TU I couldn't find anything official saying it will be launched at Halo fest, Halo CEA isn't set to release until November and I was under the assumption the TU and CEA would launch at the same time. But I may have missed something. Also it has come to my attention at 5:25 the DMR has bleed though making it even more OP.
There's been no confirmation of the TU release, apparently we'll hear more about it at Halo Fest, though there's no indication that it will release alongside Halo Fest, in fact I think that's highly unlikely (but would be awesome). I would expect the TU to drop sometime before CEA, and hopefully bring the introduction of these new gametypes sometime before September as I want to get playing them ASAP. If so, I'd expect them to go in to the existing Classic playlist since it seems the most logical place for them. Oh, and more powerful =/= more OP, just fyi.
I don't think you can call ANYTHING overpowered when it comes to this playlist. If this was CE, we'd have a pistol which would be twice as bad, so chill. I can't wait for a DMR with no bloom. The randomness of it sometimes is ridiculous.
No kidding: Snip3Down uncovers the TRUTH - YouTube I know people are gonna say 'but he spammed' and yes, he did. However, you could have done EXACTLY what he did and it would have worked a great deal of the time, definitely more than 50%, thus it's the best approach to take and you just have to risk being royally screwed over during these situations. What we see in this video should either happen none of the time, or all of the time. This, ladies and gentleman, is the problem with bloom in its current form. RNGs ftl...
That is EXACTLY what I'm talking about. I have it happen quite often. The randomness is one of the biggest problems that needs to be fixed, because it seriously subtracts from the actual skill needed to play the game. I don't really mind when it comes to fixes like an Armor Lock nerf, because I don't play on playlists with AL too often. It's this that seriously needs the fix.
I was mainly thinking it's OP because it's basically a power weapon you spawn with and most other weapons would be next to useless. Who's gonna use a Spiker in the new playlists barely holds it's weight now. I get what your trying to say though "spamming would of got him the kill more then 50% of the time meaning it was his best option" I question your statistics(I think it's more like 10%) if it's only 10% taking that risk to get a quick headshot doesn't seem that smart of a idea, I could of said he had to spam to get the kill because he got shot first(That's his choice to fight when disadvantaged and will have to bare the risks) but he took the other guys shield down first. If you watch closely the other guy shot 6! shots after becoming 1 shot before killing him, plenty of time to time 1 shot and if you look even closer the other guy was spamming 5 of those shots then he waited and timed the 6th shot which got the kill. So that video is showing how Timing>Spamming? Randomness? of spamming a long range weapon in CQC? Spam a AR Long range and I bet you will get way more randomness. If you pace your shots there is no randomness at all with a DMR so your choosing to be random for a faster Rate of fire that's not random your choosing how precise your aim is and how fast your gun shoots so skill is needed to know when to shoot how fast. DMR with bloom the most important things are, Aiming and timing. DMR without bloom the most important things are, Aiming and spamming. So basically you don't like the DMR because you spam it and don't like the random results so you want a bloomless DMR to have no randomness and are able to spam without coincidences for a more simplified game play, Fair enough everyone has different tastes.