If you've ever played Trials HD, you know that its a hard-as-nails, extremely frustrating, yet extremely addictive downloadable game. I personally poured several months into this game, and I believe it is the reason why my old Xbox broke down. Trials Evolution looks to continue the frustration trend, though there is something Im much more excited about, and that's the level creation tools. In this article from IGN you'll read all the details about it, but I think several ideas they have used for it should be the standard in Forge. Namely, the terrain deformation. But still, that gripe aside, I will be looking out for this one, I just hope it doesn't break my new Xbox.
I had a giant post made up, but then my computer crashed, so because I'm lazy, I'm just going to sum it up. This is the only game in existance that makes me as excited as Skyrim does. Trials HD was one of the best games I've ever played, and the only reason I stopped was because we ran out of tracks. With the new 60 backgrounds, the new insanely in depth editors, which allow you to make both tracks AND GAMES, the game has infinite playability. Red Lynx have assured this game will live on for a hell of a long time. Honestly, I can't ****ing wait. It's going to be epic. Sadfaic though, I had one hell of a long post here...
Lol, Pac, I know the feeling. I nearly destroyed a console, a controller and a window in one fell swoop whilst playing this a few years back. Its just so aggravating when you can't get that last track you've been trying to finish for X amount of hours, only to **** it up on the last jump. Im an advocate of perfect runs too, so none of that checkpoint bullshit for me. I might use the checkpoints the first few times I play a hard level just to get the layout down-pat, but after that, its perfection or bust. I'd have liked to have seen that epic post, unfortunate that your computer didn't want to share. I very much agree with what you say in the shortened version, though. The possibilities for this game once the community gets their grubby mits on it are mind-boggling. I can see tonnes of excellent mini-games coming out of this, and the fact that you can download anyones maps, not just those on your friends list, makes it so much more accessible that HD. Sadly, I can see this not being released until about mid-way through next year, which makes me somewhat anxious. But with all the great games coming out between now and then, Im kinda glad. Skyrim, Deus Ex, Arkham City, CEA, plus more; I've got a pretty full roster as it is so between games and work, I won't have much time for doing normal stuff, or "life". They're overrated anyway.
Damn right. And it was the same for me, except I was a little more extreme. I refused to use the checkpoint system. I actually mashed the back button in on my controller one day I got so angry. Honestly, the game is a complete rage fest, but who cares. Super Meat Boy is one thing for anger, but HD was a complete *****. Apparently, there'll be some tutorials on how to do the harder moves so that people who suck actually have a chance at finishing the later tracks, because the new unlock system is based on medals. The day I figured out the little rock was the day I actually finished the extreme tracks in HD. It only cost me 3 controllers. Good days, though. Another thing about Evolutions is the more in depth multiplayer. Now we can break our controllers together.
Lol, to share in the frustrations would be a pleasure, or a recipe for a smashed television. I'll let you in on a little secret. I haven't actually finished HD yet. I think I got so frustrated with the last set of tracks that I just turned it off and haven't bothered coming back to it yet. Don't know if/when I will, but it will probably be just before Evolution comes out.
I finished all the tracks, but not all the tournaments. The last 3 are what caused my broken controllers, took forever to finish. There are a few moves you can master which make them all the more easier, such as carefully rocking your bike to get up 90 degree angles and whatnot. I actually watched a youtube video of someone doing the first of the 3 tracks I couldn't finish, learned some of his moves a little, and then just pretty much wrecked the last few tracks after that. But after watching some people play on the leaderboards...I have no idea how it's physically possible to be that good at the game.
Can't wait. Trials was some of the most fun I've had on Xbox. First time I played it was at my buddy's house. Someone stole his live information and recovered his tag, using the credit card to download a bunch of arcade games, Trials being one of them. When that was all sorted it out, I spent a couple hours going through them spending quite a bit of time with Trials. It was insanely addictive and ended up buying it myself. Really excited for this new one.
Comes out Monday. Goodbye social life. I am so excited for the map editor, there are almost limitless possibilities.
Trials HD is one of my favorite games ever. Beat all the tracks, DLC included, and I've made like eight more with the editor, ranging from medium to ****ing retarded extreme, with themes that include a martian mine, a box factory, a goddamn boat, and a couple minigames as well. Needless to say, I'm ****in' stoked.
Just...just watching the track creator trailer...And seeing motherfucking FPS games and SHmups, and... I cannot hold my excitement. Problem is that you're probably going to need XBL Gold to use custom tracks/games feature. So Imma have to buy me some gold. :/
Trying to get every HD track on gold before Evolution is released. Only around 10 tracks left. Those DLC ones can be quite annoying.
Same here. Don't have the DLC, so I only have the extreme tracks left. After about an hour, I managed to silver the first extreme track, but that's about it. **** is SERIOUSLY tough, man. Trials: Evolution - YouTube I've watched every video on that page. Dat motherfucking track creator man. Cannot wait to be playing FPS games on Trials, and seeing what the community can come up with.
I remember hitting the crash/time limit once while playing on an Extreme track. Now I've got them all on Gold and one on Platinum.
I'll be delighted if I can gold ONE of them. Platinum? That's insane. GameSpot Now Playing - Trials Evolution - YouTube My god, I love RedLynx. Dat Inception influenced track,dat Limbo track.
I just can't wait for this game. You can construct an entire 3D world around your tracks, it is really going to bring some amazing content.
This doesn't actually get released until the 18th (as far as I can ascertain) in Australia, so I have to wait til tomorrow (being Tuesday morning as of writing this message). I downloaded Fez the other day, and have just about finished it, but there's certain secrets about the game that are just too damn hard to figure out, so I'll probably abandon Fez once Trials is available for download. It'll have a tonne more replayability value, in my opinion.
I was under the impression that it's the 18th everywhere? Either way, that's tomorrow, and although I have some exams and **** that I'm worried about tomorrow, it's ****ing great to have something to be excited about at the end of it all. Not to mention that I've managed to stockpile a buttload of 48 hour trials for Xbox Live, so I should be able to play quite a bit of multiplayer and use Track Central too. Cannot ****ing wait for this.