Have you guys seen the new Levis Commuter? I personally would never wear them since they were designed entirely for biking (I don't even own a bike), but I admire all the work they put into these jeans. The Commuter by Levi's® - YouTube
Express is the bomb. As is H&M. A recent favorite of mine to browse is My Habit it's through Amazon.com. I got a sick deal on some nice shoes the other day. I wear anything from your run of the mill Target graphic tee to my Christian Dior suit. I will admit I'm a label ***** (Gucci Glasses, Lounge shoes, Fossil watch.) but in all honesty 80% of the clothes I wear on a regular basis come from either Salvation Army, Goodwill, My Sister's Closet (it's a store you smart-asses) or (primarily) Plato's Closet i.e. second hand stores. And I wear scarves.
America invented the sack suit you shithead here is a documentary I did at harvard so you can learn something American fashion: Italian fashion: British fashion: I dress better than all you nerds ayo
I think we're all forgetting one very important thing here, gents, fashion consciousness is for women. If you're a man, you wear whatever the **** you feel like and don't care what people think, because you're a man. No offense meant here, but it seems like American guys are too focused on what they wear these days. Sure, you have a right to look good, but does it really matter? Not really. If its cold, wear pants, if its hot, wear shorts. Seems simple to me. *shrugs* Oh, Im a practicalist, by the way. /troll
Don't try to start an argument, idiot. Yesterday I walked into my closet and counted how many sweaters I have. Holy hell, I have more sweaters than shirts. Is this normal?
Cardigans can look good... Not everybody can wear them. I can't, for example. Nothing is wrong with layers. Layers are good. As long it doesn't make you look bulky as ****.