Bloomless DMR :D

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Overdoziz, Aug 17, 2011.

  1. Carter1234

    Carter1234 Forerunner
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    This. I really don't know why'd they'd remove weapons. Why can't you just bring the new ones and leave the old ones alone?
  2. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Because no bleed through was the worst 'nerf' they could have thought of. Making it so that any bullets fired before a melee effectively do nothing unless they take off all of the shield was so shortsighted I still find it hard to believe they even thought it would work. Combine that with the increased practical range of a melee which Sprint brings, and you have a recipe for herpaderps.

    Tbh my ideal settings are going to be either 75% or 90% melee with bleed through enabled. This is what the melee nerf should have been, leaving the mechanic which balances melee and shooting at short range (bleed through) in tact, but just make melees weaker. But wait, Bungie already did that, and it was called Halo CE. That game had the best CQC of any Halo imo, which weaker melees and bleed through (combined with no lunge and a cheeky BLB or two) were responsible for.

    Remind me to delete these posts, mkay?
    #22 Pegasi, Aug 17, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2011
  3. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    yay, a reason to play again!! i am excite.
  4. ThrowinDemBows

    ThrowinDemBows Takoyaki?
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    Why? we already remember =P

    oh yeah, i forgot to mention this. I WANT MY LASER BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Its a shame the Rocket Launcher is the only Heavy Power Weapon worth anything in reach.
    #24 ThrowinDemBows, Aug 17, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2011
  5. Equin0x

    Equin0x Forerunner

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    Dont forget

    -Downed AR bloom.
  6. alreadyRogue

    alreadyRogue Forerunner

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    what about pistol no bloom.
    I feel like that will be even more valuable than the DMR because of the increased ROF.
    I think the pistol might become the go to weapon.
    That could seriously **** things up
  7. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Been saying this ever since a bloom toggle/removal even came up. Especially since it seems like a 4sk Pistol might be attainable, giving 2 kills from a full clip. The downside is that I'm pretty sure Pistol rounds have a limited range, past which they simply start disappearing, and there are still only 2 kills at best in a clip whereas the DMR has 3.

    That said, I don't know if the bloom removal will apply to the Pistol. He didn't actually fire the Pistol in the Dammy gameplay, so it's up for debate, but there seems to be a lot of talk around right now of the bloom removal only affecting the DMR.
  8. Ociee

    Ociee Forerunner
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    So could a spammed needle rifle, I'm curious to see how they edit the other weapons and how they perform now.
  9. ThrowinDemBows

    ThrowinDemBows Takoyaki?
    Senior Member

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    I got a kill with the pistol from the ridge to the hill right in from of the cave entrance for blue on hemorrhage yesterday in a hog potato game. As i recall, pretty much the entire body of the guy i killed was in the circle of my cursor and i was pacing my shots to make sure I'd have maximum accuracy. I just happened to get really lucky i guess. The point I'm making is, i don't think the pistol shot stops and if it does it really doesn't matter because its still hard to aim long distance without bloom affecting it.
  10. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    The thing with the NR is that it punishes spamming less, in that the difference between max RoF and optimum RoF (for accuracy) is pretty minimal, whereas it's a significant difference with the DMR. Therefore I think that even if bloom removal affects the NR too (which I hope it does, otherwise it's basically pointless), the DMR will see more benefit from the change.
  11. ChronoTempest

    ChronoTempest Senior Member
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    The melee bleed sounds nice on paper, but the way engagements actually play out is great right now. Say I engage someone in an AR battle at close range; we both do damage, but my opponent tries to melee as soon as I'm in range while I fire until the shield is down before delivering the fatal blow. Instead of being rewarded for slamming the melee button as soon as an enemy is within arm's length, I can patiently attack with timing and win the battle.
    This bleed needs to be minimal, at best.
  12. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    I'm so happy for all of the changes.

    Bleedthrough: I hate the current game's melee system. It is too slow and awkward and didn't solve the original problem (that people rushing with ARs and meleeing would just result in both people dying at the same time) because people just double melee each other. The current Reach melee system makes getting multikills on your own with a weapon like the AR something near an impossibility.

    The new melee system will actually speed things up again and make close quarters combat a bit smoother. I can't wait.

    Bloom/Spread: I don't think 343 would blindly make the DMR a godly weapon. Maybe they put some kind of limit on its range to keep cross-map hemorrhage DMR duels impossible. I want to see where this goes, but I really want to play without too many luck-based duels.

    Armor Lock nerf: Looks actually good. It seems like a good way to change up the gameplay by allowing the ability to be useless when 1: the enemy nearby blasts you with a shotgun 2: if you are one shot while in the ability.
  13. Envy Cherries

    Envy Cherries Forerunner

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    lol 4:28 Overkill steal
  14. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    A few things;

    Shields didn't look like they recharged any faster than usual. They're usually fully recharged by the time the recharge sound reaches its peak, and it seemed about the exact same time to me (5:39). If it seemed any less maybe they were playing with reduced shields?

    Rocket Launcher reticule didn't look any different. To me, anyway.

    The pistol has no range limit, it just drastically reduces accuracy at longer ranges (thanks to bloom). However I think the damage may be reduced at extreme ranges. Don't quote me on that though, its just conjecture.

    I thought the DMR was supposed to be bloomless? Clearly, it still has bloom (5:36). :p

    Am I the only one who's going to mention how cool the map looked? Yeh, its a remake, but it still looks awesome. 343 did an awesome job with it, in my opinion, cant wait to see what the other maps look like.
  15. Furry x Furry

    Furry x Furry Ancient
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    I'm thinking some things will be toggle-able, or there will just be two versions of everything basically. There's already two versions of the maps so it wouldn't surprise me if there were "classic" gametypes and "Reach" gametypes.
    #35 Furry x Furry, Aug 18, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2011
  16. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    The biggest question I have is whether SPREAD is in the Classic Plus gametypes or not. That's the key factor in determining the Magnum/DMR/Needle Rifle balance here. If the Magnum has no bloom, but still has spread, its accuracy will be limited to medium range. The farther your targets head, the smaller it gets. This means getting headshots past mid range won't be 100% consistent, because the spread makes your shot land anywhere within the current expansion level of your reticule. At the Magnums lowest, it's pretty large for a headshot weapon, but the spread isn't noticeable until you exceed middle range. In engagements prior, headshots won't necessarily be a problem.

    The Needle Rifle has the smallest default bloom level, so it'll end up being the most accurate even at extreme distances, but at the cost of having less damage than both the DMR and Magnum. The DMR is the middle man in this case, where it's smaller than the Magnum, but slightly bigger than the Needle Rifle. Factoring in spread, you get a gun that can pose a threat to about half way through Blood Gulch, but anything past that will become a gamble.

    Another important issue is whether ROF has been modified for certain guns. Currently, I see the Magnum being able to take out DMR and Needle Rifle users much more efficiently at close to close-mid range, consistently. The DMR would take out the Magnum and Needle Rifle at mid to mid-long while the Needle Rifle would have control over long to extreme distances. This seems like it would be the best balance for the three weapons in my opinion and it gives the Needle Rifle a crucial role in prevent people from using their scopes at large distances.

    This is all assuming that they don't remove the spread, however. If it's removed, then your shot will be 100% on target at every distance, meaning the DMR and Magnum cast a shadow over the Needle Rifle in ever case. If spread stays in, I can see BTB getting a much needed improvement in Halo Reach (at least, in my opinion.)
  17. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    I don't think he was forced out of armor lock I'm pretty sure he just let go of RB.
    He let go strait after he was melee'd because he had used enough armor lock charge to have a EMP(and letting go of armor lock uses charge especially when you use a EMP) plus the damage from meleeing the armor lock guy so he was shieldless and unable to melee back because of the delay between melee's.
    Though hurting someone in armor lock might cause the charge to be used because it did look like the charge was used in two spikes(one for the melee one for letting go of armor lock) so it might be possible.
    But I did notice that if that is true and it used the charge quicker you can use your EMP within a half second of using armor lock if your been damaged so I can play possum again! >:D!!! Havn't been able to do that since the beta.

    Though if he wasn't doing that technique that's doable right now in Reach I doubt he was forced out of Armorlock because I'm pretty sure it would have had to drained all of armorlocks charge which it didn't.

    I don't see how people don't get this!
    Well if that was the problem it was solved.

    Reach without bleed though if 2 people rush each other with a AR and beatdown asap both people will die but if one person rushes with AR then melee asap and the other person AR's till there shields are down then they melee they win. So the person with better timing, awareness and understanding gameplay mechanics wins.

    I was 99.9% sure they where bringing in bloomless guns and I'm 99.9% sure it will be a custom game option, So I am hoping so much that the bleed though is a custom game option because spending all this time learning how to time my melees to have the advantage I don't want it all wasted and have to go back to rushing and meleeing asap fights again.
    #37 WWWilliam, Aug 18, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2011
  18. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    Bloom=/=Spread. If there is no bloom, there is little or no spread, because the level of bloom dictates the amount of spread for a weapon. Larger bloom = more spread, smaller bloom = less or no spread. Spread will probably still be a slight factor at extreme distances because weapons may have the tiniest amounts of spread inbuilt, but I doubt it will affect anything at close, medium, or even long ranges.
    Sorry, but which part where you referring to there? You were pretty general with your reply. ;)
  19. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    There's also the moments where you're one shot away from dropping his shields and then he melees you forcing you to melee back and it ends up in a double beatdown. So even though you (for example) put 3 DMR shots in him he evens it out by just running at you and meleeing you.

    I do kinda like the system right now, though. It feels a lot more consistent then the Halo 3 system was. Now you always now when you're able to die because of a beatdown. With bleedthrough there will be more of a grey area.

    Edited by merge:

    He wasn't forced out, but the AA meter depleted by about half when he was hit by a grenade.
    #39 Overdoziz, Aug 18, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2011
  20. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    There's one word that sums this all up:


    And win does it too.

    Anyway, as for people complaining about Bloom and stuff, 343 mentioned that a lot of the things in the TU are only going to be applied in specific, if not just one, playlists. AKA the classic one. We'll be able to download those gametypes that have those options implemented, but not be able to implement them ourselves.

    In saying that, the things we see now may only be in the classic playlist. BUT:

    I doubt it. Why would Armor Lock be in the classic playlist? We've all wanted it nerfed since day one, and the damage thing makes it awesome. So because I don't think that'd be in a classic playlist, I'm sure that's a universal change.

    As for Melee Bleed, even though I have a feeling it'll only be in the classic playlist, I seriously hope it's a universal change. It stops all that completely bullshit double tapping, and would remove at least 50% of the extremely bullshit kills I see in Reach today.

    Everything else is a huge Bonus. If everything in this playlist was implemented widely, say...A Classic playlist with all these additions, but every Reach map was available, I would be amazingly content. This is going to bring a hell of a lot of players back to Reach.

    343 knows their ****, just as long as this is implemented properly.
    #40 Neoshadow, Aug 18, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2011

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