Project COLORBLIND It was a long time goal of mine to complete a coliseum wall only map, and so I did, and project colorblind was born. The map's download link is here, and the custom gametype's link is here (1v1 or 2v2 or 3FFA), the gametype adjusts fall damage, removes suicide penalty, and adds CPU traits, I recommend it. All 50 coliseum walls are used in the building of this map, it has two brilliant teleporter routes, red and blue. It has a verticaus inspired center section, with a 10 second zone, to promote movement. The unique weapon layout includes, three grenade launchers, one sniper, and one spiker. The map also contains, one custom power up, and two sticky nades, and two frag nades.
nice Rmadillo, its like i just tested this map an hour ago. (i just posted my preview aswell.) This is probably one of the most unique designs that could arise from the challenge of only using Walleseums.
I'm not really sure what you expect him to do. He wanted to make a map entirely out of wall coliseum, which is inevitably going to result in a gray map. OT: I have always wanted to build a map around this rock, although I could never come up with a good way to utilize it. I have had a couple of games on this now, and the games were fast paced and competitive. For only using wall coliseums, I think you have a pretty soild map. Would be interesting to see what this map would be like if you used all items.
For only using coliseum walls, this is quite impressive. The only thing I didn't like in testing was the kill zone at the top of the mountain/ rock pile(?). I was practically touching the ground and the timer on the soft kill was still decreasing. I think I mentioned that to you, not sure though. Anyways, this will be an underrated map, due to you limiting it to only coliseum walls. Nonetheless, it's quite fun.
Haha, im well aware that the map is very, read VERY, gray. I like maps that focus on layout and structure, and put it colors and fancy walls/floors later. Thats partially why I chose to accept this challenge I gave myself: I wanted area recognition to be based off of geometry and shape than color cues. At no point in any of the gameplay has anyone said they had no idea where they were because of all the gray. When my box gets fixed ill invite you to a game and show you what I mean Thanks, man, even though I got thoroughly spanked in every custom game, I still enjoyed the map, and i'm glad that you did too. I may release two versions of this map, one using coliseum walls and one that has color/aestheits/ uses more than 2000 budget with weapons XD I made the killzone much less oppressive, but I did take your advice and play a custom game on this map without the killzone on the top, but it became such a power area that flow and gameplay were completely ruined, not to mention the spawn killing, seeing as there is virtually no cover (aside from geometric cover). Unfortunately my xbox has decided to poop out, so the newest version cant be linked to at this time.