
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by TitanC005, Aug 17, 2011.

  1. TitanC005

    TitanC005 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Welcome to Flux, my first map release in months. It started off with the simple generator-type structure, and went from there. I like the way the map's inverse symmetrical layout came together. Its design is simple and clean, and it's overall a fun, small space to play around in.

    A Plasma Launcher is the map's centerpiece weapon. It is unconventional on this size of a map, and really mixes things up as far as gameplay is concerned. It has a high ammo capacity and is not to be underestimated in skilled hands. Needlers are particularly deadly here as well, with Spikers and DMRs as support weapons.








    #1 TitanC005, Aug 17, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2011
  2. MCGreen24

    MCGreen24 Forerunner

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    Very cool. This map really has the feel that its not from forgeworld. I love those maps. The layout is very nice too. Even though the area, like in picture 5, is open, I think it still works. Nice joob making this map!
  3. I3ush

    I3ush Forerunner

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    I was hoping you would release a map soon, and you didn't disappoint. This looks great, and I especially like the interesting weapon choice. The generator-like aesthetic is also nice. Great map, you've got a download from me. :)
  4. Exile

    Exile Forerunner

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    Your map lacks DMRs.
    If this ever gets played on a regular slayer type, people that despise the AR wont enjoy this map.
    Especially compared to the needler and spiker rate.
  5. TitanC005

    TitanC005 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the comments, everyone.

    Thank you. Yes, it is quite open on either side, but I don't think that's a bad thing. I never felt caught out in the open while playing. There's always somewhere to run off to. I couldn't find a natural-looking way to implement cover there, so I decided it was best not to.

    Thanks :) I think you've commented on just about every single one of my map posts/previews. Thanks for the support and enjoy the map!

    You raise a valid point. There is quite a large population that enjoys a DMRs-only/DMRs-majority flavor of Halo: Reach. Unfortunately, I am not one of them.

    This map should provide a happy medium between AR vs. DMR starters. The map is actually quite small, and the 2 DMRs on the map respawn rather quickly. Arming everyone with a DMR on such a small map is unrealistic, and wouldn't be much fun (imo).

    This isn't the place of a rant on why I don't like DMR-focused gameplay, but in short, I think an excess of DMRs leaves other, more unique weapons go unused, and the map is too small to accommodate for a medium/long-range weapon that is awkward at close range.

    Thanks for the concern though. I almost considered placing no DMRs on the map at all, so I think having 2 of them isn't too controversial of a thing.
  6. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This is the type of creativity I always enjoy out of your maps, Titan. Aesthetics look stunning and the layout looks great.

    Nice weapon choice, btw. I can tell you really like spikers ;)

    I feel the plasma launcher isn't a power weapon though, due to its long charge time and rate of fire, I feel it could be a bit under-powered and almost useless. I'll definitely have to check this one out. Also, I know it's somewhat hard to bring color into a map, but I think you should have tried to spice up the walling on this map; Especially on those braces that border the map.

    Other than that, this looks amazing. Keep it up.
  7. Explosium

    Explosium Forerunner

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    Just finished a 1v1 with my buddy MUDNUB on your map. First of all, it looks amazing. It's neat, it's original. Aesthetically, it's a real achievement and you should be proud of that. The flow was great, it has a really strong layout.

    I'm afraid the gameplay was a little lacking. The spawning stuck out as broken, in a 1v1 we were easily able to track where the player would spawn and head there immediately after killing them, sometimes even spawning in sight of the other player. I'd imagine that more players would only make this problem worse. There were some little garden areas either side of the map, perhaps adding spawns there also might improve things?

    Secondly, the centre offers cover, while the 'bases' where players spawn don't. At all. Players could snipe the length of the map very easily, I think a glass cover or some kind of pillars at either side would allow for much better spawning, and prevent players DMR sniping across the whole map.

    We both had a go with the plasma launcher, and found it didn't add much. The needler has a similar 'homing-in' mechanic, and is much easier to use, so we found ourselves using those instead. I'd recommend replacing it with a grenade launcher, a concussion rifle, or maybe even a sniper? (Provided there was more cover, that is.) The needlers, spikers, and DMRs were all excellent choices though, they really suited the shape of the map.

    Finally, we couldn't find any health kits. Did you put any in?

    Sorry if this seems a bit harsh. It's a great map with a lot of potential, I think it just needs a bit more cover, some friendlier spawning and a more dominant power weapon.
    #7 Explosium, Aug 17, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2011

    MUDNUB Forerunner

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    Yeah we had a 1v1 and I'd like to add that the spawning wasn't even bad in the sense that we would spawn in front of each other (that only happened once) it was more bad in that it was incredibly predictable, to the point where I would kill Explosium then immediately sprint to the other end of the map and start grenading one of the two garden areas because I knew he'd be there.

    Also please please do not put a sniper rifle on this map. Explosium is speaking devil words. The sights lines are so gigantic and flat and there would be nowhere to hide.

    I think the problem I had with this map was this- it's an enormous flat symmetrical space, broken up by some large cover pieces and some very minor inclines. I found play to be really bland. Don't get me wrong, it looks good, but that's not what I'm interested in really. I know you don't want to hear this, but the map needs more cover and more height variations. You went for a minimalist approach so far as I can see, which I admire because there's nothing worse than clutter, but it hasn't worked out here.

    Also allow me to second (or third?) the opinion that the plasma launcher is not a viable power weapon and this map did not make me want to pick it up when a needler or DMR user is going to eat me for breakfast every time in those big wide courtyards. If you want to be quirky and covenant why not try a focus rifle? I can never get enough of that gun and it barely sees any play in reach imo.

    Anyway I hope this doesn't sound too harsh, this is coming from someone who played a match on your map and is giving you honest free feedback.
  9. Skater

    Skater Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    I really like the layout of this map, but you need more dmr's to balance out most of the automatic weapons, just a thought.
  10. TitanC005

    TitanC005 Forerunner
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    Wow, I was not expecting this much feedback when I got back. :p Thank you, thank you all of you for giving me a lot of things to work on. So far the common criticisms seem to be:

    • Too open
    • Not enough height variation
    • Too simple of a spawn system
    • Plasma Launcher ineffective as a power weapon
    • Not enough DMRs

    I has a layout idea that just might help with the first two. The reason the spawn system isn't more robust is because there are too many open sightlines where I don't want players to spawn. Adding more height variation and cover will in turn help that.

    Now for the power weapon, I can see why many of you dislike the Plasma Launcher. I personally like it. I thought Rockets would be too powerful, so hey, Plasma Launcher. I was also considering Focus Rifle or Gravity Hammer.

    I originally thought the Focus Rifle would absolutely destroy medium-close range because of the openness. But now I'm considering it instead of Plasma Launcher. With more cover and height variation, that might not be much of a problem. I just might add another pair of DMRs as long-range counters. That'll make DMR people more happy.

    Thanks again for all of your feedback. I fully intend to learn from your criticisms and implement a v2 in some future.
  11. PhantomStrike

    PhantomStrike Forerunner
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    Ok, I like this map. It does have a lot of good and interesting symmetry. It reminds me of somewhat of a china garden without the effect and the metal. I don't see why you called if Flux but hey your the creator so why should I care? All right, the map has a lot of natural and artifial combination and you put almost perfectly merged. It feels a lot like my Stonehenge based map, Insanity. It sure feels good too, but as long as it is a competitive map it will always have flaws. For one, you made the map too open as other noticed before, suggestion would be to add cover and some glass windows around for extra walls and also windows like one of those glass mazes. The map for sure is a maze at the same time a peice of art. This map though doesn't have many special asthetics which I'm kind of suprised. You could add like a flying ship, or a destroyed falcon, they add to the feeling there is a back story to the map as many artist like for their masterpiece to have a story. In this case your the artist and FLUX is your finished canvas. Also I praise you for your work of architecture, the large amount of hexagonal tunnels and plenty of ramps. The place you placed your map in the same pocket as my map was placed, no matter but just a simularity. Good job and have fun on Forge Hub!
  12. availablemoth

    availablemoth Forerunner

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    This looks like an interesting map. I think the first thing that caught my eye would have to be your choice of tunnels. I'm not sure if I have ever seen anyone use a bridge diagonal and wall corner to create a tunnel. So for that I give you props. From the pictures I am having some trouble figuring out the layout, so an overview pic would be nice. I would have to agree with straight ball that, although the plasma launcher might be fun, that it prob will not be affective. I think you should consider using the focus rifle, it would be more of a power weapon on this map. Other than that I will give this a DL and try and get a game on it.

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