Lots of verticality! Getting to the top is harder than getting down, but it's not completely unbalanced between the two, like Construct was (in my opinion). It flows surprisingly well, despite it's tight, cliffhanger nature. However, I haven't done any extensive testing with 4 or more players. I'd like to find some people who'd like to do that. Download link: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Screenshots:
Hey there. I'm going to download this and see if it works. If it does, I'll use it for my Community Game Night for the Bungie group Invasion Fanatics. If you'd like to participate in our Game Night, send me a friend request on XBL (Wild Monkey 42). Our Game Night starts at 8p.m. Central Standard Time.
Since you're an invasion expert, you should make sure that game type works as it should. I've never made a map for that game type before, so I could have royally messed it up. Thanks!
I tried it out with a couple of people before Game Night, and it seems to work for Invasion. The only thing I see wrong is that it's a little confusing as to where to go and how to get there. Game Night is in about 25mins, and it's 5th on the list of games planned. I'll tell you how it went afterwards. Again, if you'd like to join Game Night, just send me a Friend Request. We've got some Race, Infection, Invasion, Insane, and King Of The Hll planned (all of which have their own special twist on the game).
Mmm, I love me some vertical maps. Looks great! I'll have to give it a look. I also like how you used the pillar, which is, imo, criminally under utilized.
It needs a few tweaks (for Invasion). Firstly, the spawns were not so great. Sometime we would spawn in the air FAR away from the Pillar, and we would die. Also, there are no spawn points for the teams, meaning that it is VERY troublesome to only be able to spawn on our partner. Secondly, it was confusing for most people to find out where we were supposed to go. I'm not too sure if Invasion works on most Vertical maps. Thirdly, it was almost impossible to get the core to our destination. Being that the Humans spawn with shotguns and are VERY close to the destination.
Thanks for your input. The spawning is something that I definitely have to figure out. It works differently in Invasion than it does in any other game type, so it can be tricky. I can understand the confusion part of it too. I'm just not so sure how I can fix it. It's possible that Invasion should possibly be scrapped for this map, as it is quite vertical (like you said). Also, I hadn't even thought about the shotgun spawning. I'm wondering if it would be best to make the Elites the defenders instead, so that the humans had a better time countering their attacks. Let me know what you think, because if I can integrate Invasion to some extent, I feel like it would be better than nothing. However, I may just figure it's not worth it.