Beachalanche- Created by OTT2OWN [ Download Beachalanche V3 Click Here ] V3 Update Details: Spoiler *Added and adjusted More soft killzones,now there are no remaining breakable spots that Jetpackers can exploit or camp. *Moved Sniper Rifles that were located in the defending towers in each base.Now located at the beginning of each teams beach area upon the submerged rocks. *Added 2 new spawns by the sniper spawn and adjusted some of the existing spawn points and specifically the bad spawns that faced the edge of the bridge in the bases. *Fixed Warthog spawns.Now they can easily drive out of the front entrance of their bases without hitting the wall. *Added 2 new DMRs before each entrance of the "Keyhole" and moved the 2 plasma grenades that were in the keyhole to accompany the new DMR spawns. *Fixed and replaced the ramp in each base that leads to the teleporters,now infantry can more effectively move around the tower area in each base. *Added a new "Flag away spawn area" at each "Rocket Hog water base". *Replaced 2 Walls at the "Dock Teleporter reciever area" with glass window doubles for better player awareness. *Last but not least,tested the maps framerate. (Sorry this is kinda complicated lol!) Tested 3 player Split Screen and Fired Fuel Rods at a Falcon hovering all the way above the map which could see the whole map in view at once,blew up the Falcon and still did not detect any Framerate issues. So for now the Fuel Rod stays,but if any framerate is detected in further tests by me or anyone,I will be willing to replace the Fuel Rod then. Thank you to anyone who cared or was interested enough to read this map update. Any more advice,comments or reviews on Beachalanche will be truly and greatly appreciated. -OTT2OWN Map Description: (BTB 10-16 Players) This map is heavily inspired by one of my favorite maps of all time, Avalanche! This is truly a map for BTB lovers just like Avalanche in Halo 3 was. THIS IS NOT A REMAKE! However this map does have many similarities to Avalanche that fans of that map might appreciate and recognize, but also with a few added twists to spice things up and make the map a bit more original and fresh. Similarities Beachalanche has with Avalanche are : 1)The same basic map structure including,the horseshoe pattern map layout.2)The Keyhole 3)Teleporters in each base that lead out to where the turret use to spawn and to the mancannons that take you near where the overshield use to spawn. 4)Mancannons that lead into and out of each base,which is what made Avalanche really fun IMO and they are really useful for flag grabs and bomb plants. 5)Last but not least,tons of vehicles which is part of what made Avalanche so great and a thrilling BTB experience. > Watch Video Tutorial and Tour of Beachalanche < Screenshots: Map Overview Blue base Overview Red Base Overview The flags are at the Keyhole!!! Epic Rush on Blue Teams Flag with Blues Rocket Hog in hot pursuit! Blue Team strikes back with a quick flag getaway,and Red Team is not going to let them get away so easy.. Red Team is Back for Blues flag, but this time they brought out the big guns!! Choppaaa!! "Riding dirty" - a guy from Red team kills a defending blue player while riding shotgun and flying off the mancannon. Now this is getting kinda personal!... lol Beach Patrol Yeah..this battle just got even more personal at about this point... Talk about some bad blood...this is some real Chuck Norris kinda stuff lol! =P One last survivor of Red Teams flag rush that went terribly wrong..Yep,now its a true Vendetta, and revenge is a dish that is best served cold.Well in this case,it looks like its gonna be pretty hot and very,very painful.. =/ Lol yep.. it looks like Armor lock is overpowered after all... Vehicle List: 2x Warthog / 70 sec respawn 2x Rocket Hog / 120 sec respawn 4x Mongoose / 20 sec respawn 2x Revenant / 140 sec respawn 2x Ghost / 50 sec respawn 1x Falcon (Neutral) / 80 sec respawn Power Weapon List: 2x Sniper Rifle / 150 sec ,1 spare clip 2x Rocket / 150 sec, 0 spare clip 1x Fuel Rod / 120 sec, 1 spare clip 1x Plasma Launcher 180 sec 1x Gravity Hammer / 90 sec Equipment on Map: 1x Armor Lock / 60 sec 1x Drop Shield / 60 sec 1x Active Camo / 60 sec > Download Beachalanche V3 Click Here < I would like to thank all the people who have helped me test this map,without you the map would not be nearly as solid as it is now. Special thanks to MASTER EPIPHANY and q Nondual p for being so great and helpful with my forging and for helping me playtest all of my maps!! =) Please comment and Review! Thanks Any feedback,reviews,advice,or suggestions about this map will be truly appreciated!! So please review this map so I can make any changes and tweaks that could make the map even better! Thank you! If anyone thinks that this map would be fun in the BTB playlist please let me know because i have submitted this to Blueprint and I am trying to see how many people would even want to see this kind of map in BTB! Thanks and please be totally honest! Hope you enjoy the map! =) - OTT2OWN
Awww I was hoping to sumthin amazing but the your screenshot didnt work. You're either gonna need to get that fixed or embed the bungie video otherwise this thread will be locked. Looks good though from the video after I fast forwarded like 4 minutes of looking at one base.
Thanks Cryppy! , i will try to embed a pic or the video,hopefully my post will be up to standards then.Please let me know your opinion on the map if you play it.Thanks.
Looks good, Troy. I assume this is one of the maps you wanted me to take a look at, sorry, I kind of failed at that aspect of it... Hopefully I'll be able to get online sometime soon, in which case we shall surely play this.
Version 2 of Beachalanche Added No worries man! Yeah i will still give you a personal tour of this map soon,like we use to do in the good ol' Halo 3 days remember?! As you can see... my original forging style is still pretty much intact! =P We will catch up soon dude and you can still give me some pointers on this map because im planning on doing an update soon so i would really appreciate your view and opinions on this map.Thanks for the checking this out Wixon!! =) Major Update to Beachalanche. Many improvements and tweaks have been made,details located in this post. Please Download Version 2 located at the top and Bottom of this thread. All comments,suggestions,opinions and criticism are welcome! Please download and review,comment! Thanks - OTT2OWN
I'm really, really glad you made this man. I used to love playing avalanche in Halo 3. And I had yet to discover anything in Reach of really high quality, that had the same "feel." Your forging is always very detailed, and imaginative. I can't wait to get some more testing done on this, it's going to be a ton of fun! V2 looks great btw, It's good to see you "consolidating the action" more. It's awesome you're forging and playing again man.
2 words: Awesome Sauce. But really, the map is great. You gave me a nice detailed tour of the whole map yesterday, and i think its fantastic. I love all the weapons placements, and the whole feel of the map was really close to that of avalanche. You also added alot of your own creativity, and the grav lifts work great. Definitely some of your best work, and i hope this map gets more attention then what its been getting. People overlook great Big team maps just like this since its not full of aesthetics and whatnot. But even with a map of this size the aesthetics are still great, and it looks really beautiful. Hope this map gets alot of attention and good luck with your future projects!
Thanks man! Yeah im glad that you got the feel of Avalanche on here,thats exactly what i was shooting for. I want people to feel like "cool this plays very similar to Avalanche", but at the same time i wanted to be different and put my own twist on the map because for one its pretty much impossible to faithfully remake Avalanche on Reach and secondly i wanted this map to stand out and feel different from the other remakes of Avalanche that I have seen many people make on Reach. Thanks for the compliments,im glad that you like the map!! Yeah in BTB maps you really have to "spread the love" with the aesthetics because you need budget to fill in the gaps in the battlefield and also vehicles take alot of budget so its hard to go crazy on aesthetics,and if you do on a BTB map it usually leads to massive framerate issues which is a real buzzkill.. even if your map may be a masterpiece.. Not saying that this map is a masterpiece by any means,but i think its a decent balance between gameplay,aesthetics and nostalgia,and so far everyone that has played this told me they do feel and enjoy the similarities that this map has with Avalanche,which makes me very happy as a forger! Thanks again and trust me my best is surely yet to come!!
Major Update to Beachalanche added. (Version 3) - DOWNLOAD BEACHALANCHE Version 3 HERE - (or in the thread) Update Details: *Added and adjusted More soft killzones,now there are no remaining breakable spots that Jetpackers can exploit or camp. *Moved Sniper Rifles that were located in the defending towers in each base.Now located at the beginning of each teams beach area upon the submerged rocks. *Added 2 new spawns by the sniper spawn and adjusted some of the existing spawn points and specifically the bad spawns that faced the edge of the bridge in the bases. *Fixed Warthog spawns.Now they can easily drive out of the front entrance of their bases without hitting the wall. *Added 2 new DMRs before each entrance of the "Keyhole" and moved the 2 plasma grenades that were in the keyhole to accompany the new DMR spawns. *Fixed and replaced the ramp in each base that leads to the teleporters,now infantry can more effectively move around the tower area in each base. *Added a new "Flag away spawn area" at each "Rocket Hog water base". *Replaced 2 Walls at the "Dock Teleporter reciever area" with glass window doubles for better player awareness. *Last but not least,tested the maps framerate. (Sorry this is kinda complicated lol!) Tested 3 player Split Screen and Fired Fuel Rods at a Falcon hovering all the way above the map which could see the whole map in view at once,blew up the Falcon and still did not detect any Framerate issues. So for now the Fuel Rod stays,but if any framerate is detected in further tests by me or anyone,I will be willing to replace the Fuel Rod then. Thank you to anyone who cared or was interested enough to read this map update. Any more advice,comments or reviews on Beachalanche will be truly and greatly appreciated. -OTT2OWN