Halo Reach The Daily/Weekly Challenge Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by MaxSterling, Sep 28, 2010.

  1. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    i agree with this. Why no splatter challenges? or EMP medals in one match? medal specific ones would be good. The weeklies also repeat, but that doesn't bother me as much. it just gives me a break from doing it when they post a LASO, because I absolutely refuse to do them. I'd rather play 15-20 games in MM for the cR.

    the daily challenges do need some fresh blood, i dunno. Even 10-15 new challenges added to the rotation would be good

    HEROEZ BLADE117 Forerunner

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    I agree, they should add different challenges. I think the weekly challenge for this week (July 25 - July 31) is way to easy. You have to complete a campaigne mission on heroic 9 times. That should be a daily challenge. I don't mind the easy points but they still should have made it harder.
  3. elitebiker18

    elitebiker18 Forerunner

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    Especially since you can just do that winter contigency glitch. I got it for my friend in about 10 mins.
  4. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    What glitch is that? News to me. I was just imagining slogging through a mission 9 times and figuring I wouldn't bother.
  5. X RS Sniper X

    X RS Sniper X Forerunner

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    Look it up on Youtube "Winter Contingency Glitches"
  6. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    I'm getting pretty annoyed at today's challenge for 1000 kills on Beachhead. I don't want to play solo and I'll be lucky to get enough games in on Beachhead before reaching the daily cap.

    Map specific challenges don't belong there... especially when there is a cap on cR.
  7. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    seriously? this weeks challenge is exactly the same as last weeks? really?
  8. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It beats some of the other weeklies that they've had.
  9. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    I would rather have epic SLASO's by a lot. I'm all burnt out on firefight after playing it religiously back at the start of Reach... when nobody played it. Unlike FF, Slaso is usually on a different map. And some of them (I'm looking at you nightfall) are so riddled with glitches and shortcuts that there is no point to it. It becomes a test of speed and skill rather than time, which is how it should be. I don't want a reward that I only get after reaching the goddamn credit cap.
  10. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    I think it has happened before. (or at least 2 similar ones in a row) But least we will know how to get it done faster now.
    Also this, I played so much sniper fight when we could use a fuel rod ;).

    I would like a SLASO(with blind) or some equally challenging task that isn't a grind or luck based. Mainly because I want to test my limits see if there is anything in Reach that is to hard for me 2ndly I want to test other peoples limits so if anyone else has 52 weekly's done at week 52 I wont feel bad about not been the only one lol
  11. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    I don't like the LASO. I've never completed any of them (EDIT: I did do nightfall, just the running through the whole thing glitch), the time/frustration vs how many credits I'd get, I could get the same amount in the same or less time in matchmaking, and have FUN while doing it.

    I would like "complete campaign on mythic" weekly challenge. No other skulls, just legendary with mythic skull activated. That would be a little bit of a challenge for most, and I bet more people would complete that than more LASOs
    #371 IH8YourGamerTag, Aug 16, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2011
  12. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    If you are challenged by SLASO in this game, you are doing it wrong. A simple mythic skull just means that people are going to run through it and lol the whole time. I can do a SLASO run through, a legit one with blind, in under ten hours. Its not terribly hard, and ten hours of work sounds perfect for a massive challenge. And I would have fun too. I used to be far better than I am now, so whenever I go into matchmaking I get paired with tryhards. Basically raped. I don't enjoy that at all, which limits me to invasion and big team. Which I loath.

    I find campaign to be the most enjoyable because I have a purpose behind my actions, not just 'kill whatever moves.'
  13. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    If I'm doing it wrong, I never want to do it right. I guess I just can't imagine having fun doing it. It just seems pointless to me. I'd rather shoot at actual players than get frustrated. I'm a fairly good halo player, but blind just makes me angry
  14. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Invest in tape, guy. A small dot makes all the difference.
  15. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    I never thought about that, it is a good idea, and I DO have some electrical tape. Let me reiterate though- I'll never complete one. Just prefer matchmaking. we are different players :)
    For example, I love big team, and don't mind losing. If I get matched up with a bunch of tryhards, as long as I get a few satisfying kills I'm fine. It can be frustrating at times, like a banshee ***** on a 30 kill spree.... but than there are those really satisfying killjoys, or as I like to call them "perfectionkillers".
    Killing AI at a harder difficulty doesn't do anything for me, I guess. Like I'd never play MM against bots.... I love knowing there are actual players on the other end of the line.
    I will pass the tape tip on to my little brother though, who is a bit anal when it comes to completing daily/weekly challenges. Who knows when LASO will return
    #375 IH8YourGamerTag, Aug 17, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2011
  16. Berb

    Berb Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Easiest weekly challenge ever!

    Easiest way to complete: do a speedrun of nightfall with one other person. When you have to defend Jun, use the forklift to glitch throughout the gate
  17. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    Nightfall seems to be the ONLY mission you can do it on. Actually, you can do it on WC using all those "Skip the majority of the mission" glitches, but that's it.

    Pretty damn easy for such a high reward.
  18. Berb

    Berb Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    If you try on Winter Contingency, even with the glitches you cut it real close to the 9:00 minute mark. I managed to navigate Nightfall with a guy without a mic in just over 4 minutes
  19. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    You don't even need anther person for nightfall, Just plug in a guest and ignore him.
  20. Berb

    Berb Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yeah that was my initial idea but:
    A) I couldn't find my other controller
    B) I wanted to be nice and give someone 30343 free credits

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