Invasion: Temple Hey there members of forgehub! I here have for you a preview of a map I've been working on and testing for the past couple of months, and I'm happy to say it's finally coming out decent! It uses up less than $5000, so not only can I build more onto it if I had to, but I could also enter this into the $5000 budget contest. One of the interesting aspects of the map is that the temple itself is not only built inside the cliff, but also built on a 30 degree angle, so pretty much every part of it had to be placed manually. Phases Phase 1 Secure a landing zone on the beach beside the cliff. Phase 2 Take down one of the two generators on the outer edge of the temple. Phase 3 Bomb the core inside the temple. Pictures Feedback is always appreciated! If you want to take a run-through of the map, just message me. I will be testing and tweaking it based on feedback, so anything could change. Thanks!
That looks good! It looks like you've actually worked with all the Forerunner quirks in the pieces, rather than against or around them. Looks very cohesive. And all that under $5k? Does the map work well in split-screen? Because it sounds like it would. It looks well-made and it sounds efficient. I'll have to keep an eye on this thread.
impressive work, my friend. my only concern would be the rocks covering the top of the structure not blending together all too well. it may seem a bit annoying to work with but it's really worth it in the end.
Thank you. I wanted this to be very original and look like an actual forerunner structure. I Haven't tested it on split screen yet, but I will test a couple of games to see how the frame rate is. Yes, that was annoying in the beginning because when I first forged it, literally all the rocks matched perfectly, so I'm guessing they were set in a certain position to where when they were in custom games, some changed color. The funny thing about that is when I try to fix them, they change right back to their color, but in the core room the floor turned an abnormally bright color which didn't match to the rest, but when I moved it, it stayed that color. I definitely can't wait for this to be done. I feel it could have a chance to win the $5000 budget contest. EDIT: I just realized I had two of one picture... That is sad... EDIT: Fixed it
Well, what can I say? This is just an amazing map. I really love the look of the temple and the aesthetics of this whole map in generall. But as Sgt Surchin said, the rocks at the top must be very annoying.
Thanks. As I said, the map is built on a 30 degree angle, so the aesthetics are manually placed, which is even harder to to. I can see that many people don't like the rocks, so I will fix them as well as I can. Thanks for your feedback!
This looks really cool. Im working on something similar: An invasion map featuring a forerunner structure and a beach assault. How many does it play for because it does seem small.
It can successfully play up to 16 players I believe, but I haven't had that many people to test it out with, so I only play it with 3v3 or 4v4, which works out best. It is indeed small, but I wanted to make sure it played well with small amounts of people.
Okay, I've fixed the rocks, but it seems that a couple of them refuse to change colors, even after I shift them around and spawned them again. Here's a picture of the progress. Tell me if it looks at least better. I also wanted to post a picture of the respawn zones for each team. The numbers represent the phase it is in. Blank zones stay for all phases. I think I got all of the respawn zones. These were the ones that were actually used ingame when playing 4v4. Thanks, and feel free to tell me what you think.
I had the same problem with the rocks when I was working on Of Legions, I just moved them a little bit everytime I started a new forging session, one day they should have the color you want them to have. I'm really looking forward to see the inside of the temple, I hope it is as impressive as the outside
Thanks. Unfortunately, the temple isn't nearly as impressive inside, but now that the $5000 budget contest is over, I will most definitely add what I intended all along, which is the new and improved inside. You can download the current version off of the $5000 budget contest submission thread.
I'm glad to hear you are re-doing the inside, because it was a massive choke-point before. The problem is that there is one extremely skinny hallway to go down, and the teleports inside can be camped by the same person or with one plasma grenade. You need a larger inside with a possibility of attacking in through the front, because right now a few elites can just sit back, camp, and play a game of poker back there waiting for spartans to try and "sneak in." Phase 1 and two looked good, though I didn't see the phase 1 objectives. Overall this looks very good, besides the third phase kind of breaking it. Even if they can get the core out, I can assure you every spartan will have sacrificed themselves 20 times while elites maybe twice.
Definitely, I agree about the choke point in Phase 3. Truthfully, when I first built the map, I intended it to be a sort of aesthetic forerunner temple, but after realizing I couldn't use aesthetic maps for the budget contest, I thought it would be fun to play invasion on it, so I set it all up. I still have no idea how I will redo it, but one thing's for sure: I think I will take out the teleporter objectives for phase 2 and replace them with what I had before because they use up at least $100 each. I was hoping to rebuild it like the temple in halo 2 where Chief kills Regret, but a little smaller. The core would be in the very back. I have no idea when to start it, considering I haven't been on in a couple of days, and school is keeping me very busy, as always.