Ok, I may be updating my progress again later today. I have added the cave, one hill, and am creating a sniper tower. The sniper tower will be accessable from two areas, underground and above. It will be designed to look like a forunner structure.
ok, and I have added a pelican to the map...haven't got experienced enough to make my own (need years of practice, very complex) so I borrowed someone elses.
u totally got to put a ledge up high on the mountains, only reachable by banshee or hornet. that would make a great opposition for the sniper tower.
instead of a base made out of rocks make it out of the same gray stuff as your other one just stuck into the wall and a network of underground tunnels connecting the 2 bases would be cool
rubber ducky i am sorry but i could not find the pictures.. i think they may have uploaded onto my mom's mac so il check that out
For the underground tunnels make sure there are sheild doors and if there is one that goes straight up like on Snowbound put either one of the things from High Ground on them or a boulder that has a bomb inbeded in it that you shoot to blow it up... Yeah I am that good lol.
Ok, lol...exploding rocks...I'll make sure to include the shield doors and the different exits. Also, there is a lift into the sniper tower from underground and above ground. Sorta like the yellow lift on Construct.
Nmm need to remeber that... OH yeah that one! Hey another sig up on my board it is a gift that i made for Reynbow for all his hard work.
Woot! Damn dude your pretty good at Sketchup... ok my idea is a base inside the mountain... like it sticks out of the mounatins a little bit but then theres caves through the mountains that lead to the other side of the map and connect to the underground tunnels.... that would be awesome
ok i love all you ideas and all but if you make the finishing sketch up ill try to forge it ok? i mean it will take a bit on both of our times but you would be able to try your map out and see if that is what you want or if it needs somthing more. any way ill need more pictures of the details like inside a base or somthins thike that and ill need 4 pictures from each corner of the level and i do all the hard work for you! your level builder, Red
An half destroyed underground high tech metro station? I already like what you have come to now already! Maybe a piece of an exploded Scarab? Or pieces of a exploded Flood ship, or that huge ship from the Covenant?