ENDGAME: Hellbent

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by xdemption, Aug 14, 2011.

  1. xdemption

    xdemption ATN
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Hellbent, the 6th map in the ENDGAME map pack. Hellbent presented an interesting design challenge because I had started by making the lava pool. By the way FIRE EQUALS BAD so yes you will die in the pool of magma if you so attempt to get curious (I lol at you). The problem was creating a 3rd path for better player traffic inside the cave. The solution ended up being a two-way teleporter from the outdoor area. Considering that inside the cave would feel compact, I took the liberty to bring the design outside the cave opening which ended up being like a large mining facility with beautiful Architecture. I made this map on a whim, and it turned out to be one of my best.

    Since it uses half the cave, i couldn't do an overview of the whole map so I will explain weapon locations as i go along.

    Red team spawn


    Blue team spawn


    Outside building view


    Sniper spawn located where I am standing


    Evade spawn


    Rocket spawn (on rock platform)


    Outdoor tele


    Cave tele


    There you have it weapon features 4 x NRifle, 2 x PPistol, 2 x DMR, 2 plasma Grenade, 4 x Frag grenades and 2 health packs at each base. set spawn for grenades is 60 sec as well as Ppistol. Rockets at 180 with 0 clips, sniper 150 and 2 clips and evade 120. For the other maps where I did not post this information here it is, it is a standard spawn time for all weapons that I do. Comments and feedback are much appreciated.


    After speaking with a few good critiques I made some minor changes to the map's gameflow. Let me know if you feel the change is positive
    #1 xdemption, Aug 14, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 17, 2011
  2. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Your best map of the bunch. Creative geometry, nice aesthetic features, and easy orientation. 8.5/10
  3. Sugar

    Sugar Forerunner

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    I feel the need to post because this is a very creative map with a nice use of the beach, which is rarely used. Seems nicely spaced and a good map in general. I don't give ratings but this is a very good map that needs to be seen.
  4. Branzor

    Branzor Forerunner

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    I enjoy competitive maps that blend strategic game-play with nice aesthetics, and this map has succeeded. After downloading and trying it out for myself I found nothing wrong with a solo walkthrough. I haven't had a chance to play it with more people yet, but I am definitely going to bring it up in some custom games. The rockets seemed so fitting in the lava cavern, it just made sense. Rushing for the most deadly explosive weapon in a dangerous area is an awesome way to go.
  5. l PATRICK l

    l PATRICK l Ancient
    Senior Member

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    how do you give him an 8.5 out of 10 when you didn't even specify the weaknesses of the map.
  6. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    There are some awkward walkways, sharp turns, and out of place objects. The overall connection of the map is sketchy.

    He asked for a rating so I gave him my honest rating and reason why he got the rating. This isn't an attack, this is constructive criticism you may learn from.

    If you want in depth feedback, contact me on XbL.
  7. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You know what? This looks OSSUM! Maybe a bit disconnected but you've done well with what you said you started with. Great work, digging that lava pool. I think I might just have to see what happens if I jump in. :p
  8. SimJiv

    SimJiv Forerunner

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    I can only say wow. That magma pit/river blew my mind a bit. Really cool. I like your forge-style, keep all this work!
  9. xDTx Kaos

    xDTx Kaos Forerunner
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    Having just been shown this map by the creator himself, I can safely say these pics do it no justice. Although I can say nothing about gameplay yet, I will say this is one of the most spectacular maps I've ever seen. The lava looks like real freakin lava. Looking at this map will make you feel like an inferior forger. And it should. I've never seen a map with life like lava asthetics. And sadly a hundred wanna be forgers will go out and try to copy this and fail. If this is what you've got without me. And those of you who have seen what I've got. What well make together will cause 343 and Bungie to question their own ability. I can't wait to become part of the AoH. And we wont stop till we hit matchmaking.
  10. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Your opinion of the map appears to be blinded solely on the aesthetics.

    This map shouldn't make anyone feel inferior because functionality>appearance

    They may copy the lava if they choose. You speak as if every element of geometry on your maps are original.

    Your arrogance is pathetic. You see yourself as some amazing forger and you feel like your opinions are the same as all forgers.

    This map has its fair share of flaws along with every one of your maps.

    I'm sorry, but I can't let someone speak so highly of themselves and feel they are right to do so.
  11. xdemption

    xdemption ATN
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Hey calm down there is no need to troll him for his opinion, yes probably the map has flaws that I cannot see and everyone is entitled to their opinion. I WOULD LIKE to know where specifically you see the flaws, message me on XBL and we will do a walkthrough to see what can be changed, I am always up for opinions :)
  12. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I am not trolling him in any way. If someone decide to be arrogant, I will put them in their place. I have been designing maps for years, and I can find the flaws in each one.

    I already said the most significant flaw of this map is the connection, meaning how you choose to connect different elevations and separate rooms.

    If you want help contact me, I am usually busy helping others with their maps or forging my own maps.
  13. MichMaster32

    MichMaster32 Ancient
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    alright so with a walkthrough of the map i will say that the map is so very nice. well rounded balanced start out for each team. the bridge is very well thought out being able to walk up the supports and the cave with lava is great addition to the map. i do like the teleporter that is inside of the cave and the area you built there the yellow tunnel pieces are nice. great map man
  14. PhantomStrike

    PhantomStrike Forerunner
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    I have to give it too ya, this map is probably one of the best forged maps I have seen yet on here. The map takes the cake compared to a member who made an OK version of a cave with lava map except his was full of kill balls and was a bit messy and probably diserved to be in casual. Anyway, the lava is a pretty good asthetic and the map is very well done except I feel like the surface could have some more rocks due to the fact that the place had a lava pool meaning as some point it would erupt so a little dried magma couldln't hurt to make the map a little more fun. Good job, I hope too see more maps like this in the future! Good Work.
  15. Both of you end it. There is no need to fighting in a map thread.

    More on topic, this map looks very nice and detailed. As many have said it before, the lava does look very amazing and congrats on making this look more aestheticly pleasing.
    I really seem to like the location of the map aswell. Anyways, very nice looking map.
  16. xDTx Kaos

    xDTx Kaos Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    First off, I didn't make this map. And someone who understands the game just has a feel of how a map would play. Plus I didn't even say anything about gameplay. Shure it could have it's flaws but it's definatly better than some of the crap bungie has made. I'm sorry that you can't make a map as stunningly amazing as Redemtions but that doesn't give you the right to go around trolling. It's a good map just say that. And if you doubt my ability ask Redemtion. He was absolutely stunned when he saw some of my maps. I was just trying to say how I felt about the map and if you can't chill out for five seconds after you see something that's better than what you've got then that's your problem
  17. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Nobody can tell how a map plays just by looking at it.

    Bungie's Reach maps are pretty terrible, I won't argue that.

    You are "stunned" by a map based on aesthetics. You know nothing on how to make a map function fluently.

    Idc what Redemption or anyone else says. You are not as good at designing maps as you think.

    You can compliment his map without insulting others with a cocky attitude. "This map may make every other forger feel inferior. And it should".

    This has nothing to do with my map. This has to do with you acting like you are a forging king. You are stuck on the aesthetics>gameplay. You still have a long way to go.

    Let me end this by saying "If you truly do think your maps are amazing, be modest about it."
  18. xDTx Kaos

    xDTx Kaos Forerunner
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    Like I said before this isn't my map. I am only complementing Redemption. And I do play on my own maps and they play very well. I'll admit I'm not the best forger. But what makes me different from the rest is the fact that I'm allways looking for a new or different ways. I take my maps to the breaking point and then bring them back. Sure I could just go out and make another prefab map, but I strive to make my maps have something that grabs your attention. I use every peice specifically to make it look nice and function well. My maps gamplay has been positively commented on by some of the best, and pickiest forgers I know. Such as Eightball, Rorak Koroda, and Nox. And in the first place all I was doing was complementing a good map. It may have it's shortcomings but nothing is perfect. This map makes me feel like an inferior forger too. It has a good design and great asthetics and even if it's playability isn't up to your standards you can still admit it's got originality.
  19. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I know it isn't your map. Next time you compliment someone's map, try to do it in a more polite manner.

    I don't know about you, but all of the forgers I know try to make their maps stick out somehow.

    Yes, this map definitely has originality and eye-catching aesthetics.

    Continue arguing, get infractions. Only warning.
    #19 xzamplez, Aug 16, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 17, 2011
  20. xdemption

    xdemption ATN
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    ENOUGH, BOTH OF YOU. This is a place for showing respect and if you don't agree with their opinion that's fine but NOTHING gives you the right to judge that person. Either way you should both stop this nonsense and just play the map. Yes I aim pretty high for expectations but only to become better. Allow yourselves to be open to more possibilities and quit being so defensive.

    Imagination is limitless, I know I say that in a very powerful way but it is the same for everyone. If that is how he feels then so be it, do not begin to hate one another on my map post for I only mean to intrigue the human imagination. I do not want people showing hostility.

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