Hey all time twister500 here, I give to you the sequel to Raging Spaceships (which got banned on here the only website to ban it), A Rage at Muff Mountain. This map is created by me and ILEY888 and we decided the time had come to make a sequel as we wanted more out of our map. In this map you actually get to fly through a raging spaceship instead of seeing them scattered around the map. The story goes after the raging spaceships got the information from Mr C Rage where muff mountain was the set off straight away. As soon as they got there they encountered the Muff Monster King of Muff Mountain and now let the battle begin. I have had to take some images out so it wont get banned again so if you want to see all images go here HaloTracks -> Gallery -> Viewing map -> A rage at muff mountain Pictures Video A Rage At Muff Mountian - halo reach racetrack - YouTube Sorry there aren’t as many spaceships as the first one these ones cost more to make. FOR ADDED ENJOYMENT WHEN PLAYIING MAKE BASE PLAYER TRAIT COLOUR WHITE. Download and enjoy
To me, this just looks like it was created by some guy who has a fetish for the 'ding-a-ling' down stairs of men. Grow up a little.
to me it was created by someone who just wanted to have a bit of fun and and doesnt take everything so serious but other then that did you like the track?
Cool story kid? Way to contribute to the discussion. On topic: Even though this map doesnt look the greatest, it sure does look fun. Parts of the map I really like such as the banked edges made from bridges. We don't really see too much of them anymore, which is sad. I also like how you've mixed half of this serious track into a 'wacky fun world' with the killball place and the golfball tubes and the crazy thing sticking out of the mountain. And the name sounds awesome.
I just don't understand how this can possibly have a serious discussion attached to it. Please enlighten me.
Well flamingo this guy has put his time and patience into this map. We should have the descency to be critical of it properly and seriously, no matter what the map is. Don't you think so?
I never took anything seriously, and I'm still not. I was just saying, be a little mature. The last time I thought the image, thought, or name of male's junk was funny was when I was still in grade school. You know, if you want my opinion on the map, the map looks smooth, but other than that, it looks rather boring. Sorry for harsh criticism (if that's how you look at it) but it's plain, in my opinion at least.
for me it is a realy descent job, a good mix. I dont understand criticisms. Tou have try to make an original track and for that congratulation !
Thank you it did take us a while to make this map work for example when you get lanched up into some of the jumps and figuring out the layout. Thank you for your opinion it is much apprieciated. Maybe you may like this one since its not as stupid and i think more intresting just people dont seem to be intrested lol http://www.forgehub.com/forum/reach-race-maps/130770-pyramime.html Thank you so much, although it may be wierd it is original
Maybe you should make your maps a little less... This. Not judging your work in a bad way but it would only do you good to take out the slightly vulgar appearance of it and put something all people would like (or most at least) that isn't genitals of any kind even if it's original. Personally, I like the map a lot other than the obvious reasons. The track was built really well and looks like it would be worth downloading. I won't be downloading because the main let's say "attractions" of the map are off-putting to me. Nice map though.
Well... i looked at your map... and that map is alot more boring than this one, this map is a fun awesome-looking racetrack Don't hate when you can't do better yourself :/
Thanks for the comments but now on to some bad news since people seemed to take offence or just get plain annoyed or could understand a joke I have decided that i am no longer going to finish this trilogy (this was the 2/3) due to this maybe ILEY888 might do it but i doubt it well it was fun while it lasted.
The aesthetics are decent (although disturbing), but the track isn't all that great. The terrain on Island isn't the best for racing on, and the skytrack portion was pretty plain. Kudos for having the balls to make a racetrack featuring, well, balls, but in the future, the overall map would be better if you concentrated a little more on the track and less about the "spaceships."