Hello people,today I was wondering what people would discuss about what armor effect would be better and Ideas of new armor effects. I pick Blue since I already have it but I want red flames too I would really like it too if Bungie would come back on Bungie day next year and give an effect for monitors like Rampancy or something So let the discussion begin and share some thoughts Remember to find an image close to your idea and post or make your own image and post here
As far as trying to create new armor effects goes, nothing should be crazier than inclement weather. To me, IW is a perfect armor effect but if a new one came out that was even more...eye catching it would just have to be ridiculous. Monitor effects could be a cool new armory edition in H4 (if they even carry the armory over).
I WANT A RAINBOW! A rainbow armor ability would be cool. Your blood is rainbow colored and when you die a rainbow appears and arcs over you. LoL Tht wULd B aWeS0m3sAuC3!!!!!1!!1
^ nyantastic How bout a shadow armor effect where your armor radiates a black smoke like substance. Or a subzero one where blue icecrystals appear around you
I wish there was more colours, like a RBG selection; it's not related to the topic of armour effects, but it's related to armour in general. EDIT: I wish there was an option for a tail.
This. I also think it'd be cool if in the post game stats it showed you holding whatever weapon was your tool of destruction. So if it was plasma grenade, you're holding a glowing plasma about to be thrown. Warthog Driver? A side view of you in the driver seat. I don't know how they'd show "explosion" or "fall damage" though. As far as armor effects go, it'd be cool if there was a "destructible armor" meaning it takes damage like a vehicle does as you go through battle. Dents, paint scrapes, cracks in the visor, etc. When you die? all fresh and new!
more like a double rainbow that arcs slightly behind you. but in all seriousness, i would like that shade idea that pac suggested but i would make it slightly translucent as if the player is actually slowly turning into a black smoke and when they die they explode into a puff of black smoke. a little bit like those alan wake monster people. and for the love of all that is living! why the **** can we not edit the eye color of forge monitors!? if i were to take it any further i would say editing the body of the monitor to some cool alternatives.
I WANTS GRENADE LAUNCHERZ AND SCOPEZ ON MAH ASSAULT RIFLEZ! caps But seriously, I don't use armor affects because it decreases stealth. If you are about to ambush someone then they see a fly coming out of the roof, and know you are above it. If I had to create one, I'd like an Old Snake face.
I think a Shinobi-style red trailing scarf that's a good eight feet long. You could circlestrafe and it would wrap around your head. lol