I've made a Timberland remake if you want to check that out /advertising. I like how this map is coming along. The door is cool; does it open from both buildings? Longshore was one of my favorite maps, and I can't wait til this gets released.
Pardon me, but is this getting a release any time soon? I could have sworn you said that it was being released "this Friday" many weeks ago...
Hey KingBoris I am on your xBox friends list you know lol you could have just asked me, erm well.....yes and no its basicly finished but i lost interest a bit, so i started remaking hang em high which is also now almost finished and then lost interest and am currently working on a Classic Slayer sized Foundation lol, but yes i promise at some point i will finish all three and get them up, but if you just want to have a look at it gimme a shout next time your on
ok ok ok i'll try my best to get it finished and out this week but i warn you now ive got a really short attention span, i doubt i'll even finish this po....
Outstandingly accurate remake bro . I remember loving this map in halo 3. I'm just wondering how did you afford all of the construction for this map? :/