Whatever happened to all of the Conquest maps from Halo 3? Conquest was single-handily my favorite gametype from Halo 3 and now it's extinct. I really wish we could get a community-sized effort to bring back Conquest to Halo: Reach and to get some really amazingly crafted Conquest maps.
I heard that the REACH Conquest gametype was nothing like the original and immediately turned to ****. Meh. Katy Perry - Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.) - YouTube
This. However, I don't think it should be non-existent. It was fun to play when there was nothing else to do.
AZN FTW changed it up from halo 3, to be more like what he considered it should be. Basically, he wanted to take all the skill out of it, and just have people die in a pile. Turning off headshots, up-ing damage, downing melee damage, etc.
Conquest never really excited me in Halo 3. I think I played one game of it in Reach and it was worse.