Halo 4 Discussion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by thesilencebroken, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    I dont find myself getting excited for either. Not because I dont like them, but for two reasons. H4 is a while off yet, and, like DTL said, I haven't heard anything about it save a few scant things that are likely speculation. And I cant really get excited for CEA because I've already played the game, essentially, and its also being released 4 days after Skyrim, and Ill be basically pouring my life into that game until I feel Ive finished it. So no other games for about a year after 11/11/11.
  2. Security

    Security Ancient
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    I think the AR from the E3 demo is just a placeholder using the Reach model, and they have since made it into what it is supposed to look like.

    I do like the Reach AR, but if they used that model it wouldn't fit canonically.
  3. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    Wait...what? The events of halo immediately proceed the events of Reach. POA (in the game) was even stationed on Reach.
  4. Security

    Security Ancient
    Senior Member

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    MA37 Individual Combat Weapon System - Halopedia, the Halo encyclopedia

    MA5B Individual Combat Weapon System - Halopedia, the Halo encyclopedia

    From the first article, "In the Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary announcement trailer, the MA5B Assault Rifle uses the MA37's model as a placeholder model. The weapon has since received a new model that resembles its appearance in the original game"
    #464 Security, Jul 26, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2011
  5. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    My comment was strictly based on you saying it wouldn't fit within Canon. They could use whatever model they want but the reach ar in halo would make sense going from canon.
  6. Security

    Security Ancient
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    Well, considering the the story is fiction, they can do whatever they want. You have to draw the line somewhere. And using your logic, Halo: Reach would be more likely to use the Halo: CE AR model more than the other way around.
  7. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    ...wait, what? Halo after Reach chronologically. I get its just fiction and they can use whatever they want, because I just said that.

    I think you're confusing why the developers are doing what they're doing in real life as it relates to time periods of when the games released and what I'm saying based on purely story timeline across the entire canon. I'm not sure why this needed 3 posts of explanation for a small pointless correction of what you said.
  8. Security

    Security Ancient
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    Yeah I don't know what the **** I was saying.
  9. SpartanA95

    SpartanA95 Forerunner

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    me and my freinds talked, for halo 4 multiplayer, all but the 1st player (master cheif) would use it like on reach, their own customed armor. same for the halo CE remake,

    I'm soo ampped, can't wait to stay up for days playing the new halo CE!!!
  10. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I'm almost 100% positive that's what they'll be doing for the new "classic" hopper that will be releasing with the CE game in November.

    I'm slightly irked that the original reach maps aren't being included on the CE disk... because there are going to be many people who purchase CE without owning reach, and people owning reach but not purchasing CE. So we're going to see a lot of players only able to play one or the other, and I'm already disappointed with the implementation of current map packs.

    I thought that ODST was the perfect way to handle DLC. It significantly increased and unified the DLC userbase all at once without highly alienating anyone.
  11. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    Until they announced otherwise, I was under the impression they'd be doing this. It seems to be the most logical thing, especially since they mentioned not wanting to separate the community.

    However, it seems that's exactly what they're going to end up doing.
  12. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
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  13. Jaidabecca

    Jaidabecca Forerunner

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    IDK, he doesn't look too bad in either game but to be honest I was probably only going to play through CEA once(maybe twice) with the new textures then switch back to the old. I do like how it's not necessary to even pause the game to switch between the new & old visuals.
  14. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    Those textures are pretty hot. I like that futuristic energy charging twang the weapons have to them.
  15. holycrapitsme

    holycrapitsme Ancient
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    I am going to have the exact same problem. Skyrim may be the last game I ever have time for, so I don't think I'll be buying CEA 4 days later. Plus I've already played it. and I prefer the old graphics, It just feels like when you pull out an old N64 game and play it- classic.
  16. Aggregate 0072

    Aggregate 0072 Forerunner

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    Heh, thanks for the graphical examples as well with those.


    Am I the only one who keeps watching Halo 4's teaser, waiting for some more information that would be available?
    #478 Aggregate 0072, Aug 10, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2011
  17. Dean PHD

    Dean PHD Forerunner

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    Halo CEA is just remasterd with no changes to any gameplay within the campaign so no assasinations. I heard they are adding theater though which will be nice to be able to fly around in the campaign.

    Also Halo 4 will be a complete Rebuild by 343. New Multiplayer, Gmaeplay in the campaign, and most importantly for most of us here a new Forge Engine. There are a lot of changes I am hoping for (link/group objects, copy and paste objects, natural objects (trees,etc.) change weather elements.)
  18. Starship Forge

    Starship Forge Recruit
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    Sorry, but this is going to be a long post. I wish I could break it up into a couple smaller posts, but it won't let me (just merges them automatically).

    Here is what I personally want changed in Forge for Halo 4 are (since I doubt there will be any radical changes to the basic Forge engine in CEA):

    1) Fix the rotation so that rotations are stable (ie, no more unwanted rotation shifts), and so that objects are easier to rotate without going askew (annoying how 90 degrees on the pitch seems to cause the engine to confuse yaw and roll). Should also fix rotation snaps so that they don't do weird, unexpected things (no reason for something already snapped to 90 degrees to suddenly rotate another 90 degrees when it's grabbed). For that matter, I personally think that rotation snaps should only take effect if/when you actually try to rotate, and not just because you grabbed it, and it would be nice if you could somehow have only certain rotation values snap & not others (so that you could take something with a rotation of say 90, 27, 12 & rotate the pitch by another 90 without affecting the other two).

    2)Fix the file save system, so that you never, ever have a map get saved over another random file. I recently had a friend lose a map to this. Thankfully he had an older, unfinished version, but he still lost quite a few hours of hard work. Also, I've noticed that you pretty much have to select a map from the file menu each time you want to open it for editing, even if it was the last map you edited, because often it will load up an older version of that map from the cache, prior to the last save. Would be nice if that wasn't a concern either.

    3) An undo (accessible through the start menu, maybe?), hopefully with some sort of back history

    4) More precision for nudging, using perhaps a "precision snap" system where you can choose how many decimal points you want for coordinate accuracy, as well as a toggle for slow hand-nudging (rather than having to hold the left stick down the whole time, which makes it awkward). There should also be more compatibility between free-hand and coordinate, so that a free-hand nudge isn't completely destroyed by going into the coordinate menu.

    5)The ability to temporarily lock specific objects from editing. For instance, this would make it easier to forge inside a structure without worrying about accidentally moving or deleting the floor instead of the weapon. Locked objects should still allow read-only access to the coordinate menu, so that you can check the coordinates (like if you wanted to copy or mirror the rotation and/or position) without worrying about accidentally moving it, it or snapping the rotation, or undoing a hand-nudge. The ability to lock down specific position and/or rotation values apart from the others would also be nice (though a lot less likely, I would imagine), so that for instance you could do free-hand nudging that would be guaranteed to only affect what you want it to (eg, so that you could nudge up or down without worrying about errors creeping into your carefully placed width and depth).

    6)Group select, so that a group of objects can be moved/manipulated all together (remaining in the exact same positions/rotations relative to each other)

    7)Copy and paste (should only allow if the source & destination map were both created by the player, to discourage using it for map stealing)

    8) More variation in Forge objects, both in size/shape & texture. Would be nice to have more possible textures to choose from, other than all gray. Also, more variation in size/shape, which should include either more variation or else more standardization in thickness. I personally find it annoying how a 2x2 flat is so much thicker than a 5x5 flat; imo, this makes them incompatible for many applications

    9)Lower framerate issues by getting rid of z-fighting, and by getting rid of unecessary lights & glass (eg, really no reason for the railings of a bridge to have glass; glass should only be there if it's the point of the object, like a window or glass cover or something). Perhaps object lights could be toggled, so that they would still be there if wanted. Hopefully, we will be able to get more objects on the screen without having lag. And I really hope they get rid of the disco glitch; I personally find it a lot more obnoxious than just plan lag

    10)Some sort of find & highlight feature. Some objects can be a major pain to find once placed, either due to being obscured by another object, or due to being very small. This is especially a problem with things like killzones (you have to be right on top of them before they're visible). On a similar note, it would also be nice if you could somehow view more than one boundary shape at a time. This would make it a LOT easier to coordinate various safe/kill boundaries.

    11)Less open space required for the monitor to manipulate an object (or at least someway for the game to lower the space requirements based on what is actually available nearby). This would make forging in tight spaces easier, so that you don't have to worry so much about getting bumped around, or worse, having the screen shake violently when you get stuck somewhere without the ideal amount of space. Similar to that, I personally hope we get more control over where we can be looking/focusing on while rotating an object. Sometimes, while rotating something large like say, a coliseum wall, I would like to be able to focus on one particular edge, so that I can match that edge the edge of some other object. The way it's currently setup, I'm forced to view the wall as a whole, and it's hard to see what how close the edge is getting to where I want it. This sometimes forces me to stop rotating, fly over to the edge to see if it looks right, rotate a little more, check again, etc.

    12) Some way to view the total number of objects on your map, as well as how many of a specific item you have on the map. Currently, you can keep track of how many objects from a certain category you have on the map, but sometimes it would be helpful to know how many of a specific object you've used.
    #480 Starship Forge, Aug 12, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2011

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