I defy you, cinephile. Rebecca Black Performs Live on America's Got Talent 2011, The Results - YouTube
Curious but what does fllr stand for? I can't place it. Or at least haven't seen it anywhere I don't think. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Hahaha I had to stop at around 30 seconds because the lady across the hall wanted to know what I was laughing at so hard..... Hahaha!
Yeah, but i looked around forever for a version where the judges got to weigh in and give her three "X"s, then realized they weren't allowed to give their opinions, it was a semi-publicity stunt, semi-show for her. [br][/br]Edited by merge:
Didn't the PPC crew just talk about how you're our joke-punching bag in a Skype call last night? Bad move on your half, man. This is my PPC.
still isn't your ppc? told ya \o Too bad you didn't watch Luther first, it's worth watching but isn't as good as Sherlock :C.
oh dear. oh dear. boys and toys. just because you can lock it doesnt mean its yours. and just because you make most people in here lol doesnt make it yours either. default ownership goes to theorem.