Boiling Point

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Nutduster, Jul 30, 2011.

  1. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Boiling Point is an asymmetrical map in the spirit of Halo CE classics like Chill Out (a.k.a. Cold Storage) and Damnation. In fact the name and certain features of the map are direct homages to Chill Out. I feel this type of slayer map - room-based, proudly asymmetrical, with no particular "bases" and a crazy variety to the gameplay - has been mostly absent from Halo games following CE, so I wanted to try making something that offered it. I think I succeeded, but you be the judge.

    Boiling Point's design offers strong aesthetics matched to endless variety. Every area feels completely different and ensures instant orientation no matter where you are or how many people you're fighting/running away from. There's a wide assortment of elevations and ways to get from place to place - two one-way teleporter pairs, two lifts, one ladder, and a bunch of walkways, jump-ups, and more. It's a map that will reward knowing your way around and understanding how it all fits together. Also, it was built high above Forge World to eliminate lighting inconsistency, giving the whole map a gleaming, beautiful tone.

    Boiling Point supports all standard competitive gametypes but was really made with slayer (team and FFA) in mind, as well as free-flowing objective games like oddball and crazy king. CTF works OK but I'd recommend one flag with a short flag reset time for maximum enjoyment. Anywhere from 2-10 players can play, but really this is meant as a 4v4 map. It should be free of framerate problems even in splitscreen (has been tested in game situations by two players on one box).

    Weapons and equipment

    - Rocket launcher (4 shots, 3 minute respawn)
    - Sniper (8 shots, 2 minute respawn)
    - Sword (2 minute respawn)
    - 1 needler
    - 2 plasma pistols
    - assorted DMRs, magnums, needle rifles, and grenades
    - Overshield (2 minute respawn)
    - 2 health stations


    ‪Boiling Point (Halo: Reach map)‬‏ - YouTube









    #1 Nutduster, Jul 30, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2011
  2. TehxWalrii

    TehxWalrii Forerunner

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    I can really see the similarities! It looks a lot like that mission on Halo: CE,( which is probably the map you were trying to make ) and is a very nice remake/refit of it. I'll try and get a game on it in my next testing/screwing around session.
    #2 TehxWalrii, Jul 30, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2011
  3. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Great map, the one thing I found less appealing was the lift up to the sort of "trampoline" area. I dont know, i just was never fond of that area. After countless plays on this map, I have to say it has not changed much, but the few tweaks you did create made the map better as we played on. For instance the jump pad was a nice touch, but the removal of it just made the flow more streamlined. I thoroughly enjoy games on this map and hope that we still play it even though you are done testing, and look forward to your next creation.

    Edit: ZOMG! I just realized the second to last picture is me being a badass!
    #3 Audienceofone, Jul 30, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2011
  4. GrenadeGorilla8

    GrenadeGorilla8 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This map has been one of my favorites of yours for a while. It plays in a uniquely old school fashion like many of the classic maps. It's a refreshing change from the constant barrage of symmetrical maps being made by everyone (myself included) well done my friend! Huzzah!

    Oh and another great video!
    #4 GrenadeGorilla8, Jul 31, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2011
  5. CyborgAnthro

    CyborgAnthro Forerunner

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    This map was a blast to play on, even when I was playing poorly it was still fun and that says something. I'm actually sad this is finished because I'll probably play on it less often than when you were testing. I don't have any criticisms at this point, props for a well thought out and well executed map!
  6. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Thanks lads. @Cyborg - hopefully it will still find its way into our custom game nights occasionally, if not the testing nights. @Gorilla - thanks man. :) I like building and playing symmetrical maps - frankly it's just easier - but it's nice to have something that breaks from the norm a little bit. @Audience - yeah, that damn jump pad. Grumble grumble. It initially solved a problem I had perfectly (how to create a hole you could both jump up out of, and fall into) but it was so buggy. The current solution accomplishes the same thing, is more user-friendly, seems to work 100% of the time, and looks about as good to me. So things worked out.

    @TehxWalrii - if you come back with feedback, it would be most appreciated. These other yahoos have all played the map with me; I'd love to hear from someone just seeing it for the first time, and not subjected to my many beta versions.
  7. MidnightoasT

    MidnightoasT Forerunner

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    Very good layout... and the design with the four bunkers together was really neat. The only thing I didn't totally enjoy was the teleporters. Downloading for some good action.
  8. DUCK NG

    DUCK NG Forerunner
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    I'm not sure why I havn't posted on this yet, and was sure I had the thread open before to do so, but alas, better late than never. Boiling Point is a mid size asymmetrical map, because of this, and the many different objectives on the map it plays differently each time. I think my favorite gametype on here was KOTH, each hill is contestable from multiple angles and by moving around the map it showcases each area of the map, and thus keeps the combat fresh. I feel like the weapon set on the map balances out fairly well, although i'm sure you know I wasn't a big fan of the 4 shot rockets on here, as I seem to get stuck eating about 6 or so of those each game. It's too bad that frame rate issues made you lose some of the aesthetics that went along quiet well with the map's name, but the improvement in gameplay was worth it. I've enjoyed testing this a number of times, and would recommend it to anyone who is reading this, especially if your in the market for a good asymmetrical map.
  9. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Thanks! Hope you enjoy it.

    Thanks for commenting, Duck. You played this enough to know it well, you poor testing group guinea pig, you. The 4 shot rockets are always going to be a point of contention - personally I like the old school-ness of it, and it's right in line with the 4 shot rockets on Chill Out and Damnation, the two main inspirations for this map. But admittedly, any time the other team has the rockets and not you, it's going to be a little frustrating. Anyone who finds it too irritating to put up with is welcome to swap out the rockets for, say, a 5 shot grenade launcher, which is probably what I would have done myself on a less CE-styled map.

    Yeah, I miss my circular kill ball towers and especially that purple light in the center room, but it was not to be, mon cheri. At least I was able to keep the orange light in the sword corridor - that makes for a cool loadout cam, too. Framerate on the final version is much better even in splitscreen than it was on the beta, so I'm happy. Someday perhaps we'll have a Halo where you can make complex and pretty maps that don't screenlag like a mf'er...

    EDIT - Boiling Point is now the subject of an interview I gave to Podcast Cartographer. Check out the podcast here: I really liked talking to these guys and their podcast is a good one if you're into forge and map-making generally.
    #9 Nutduster, Aug 11, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2011

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