Not sure if you're getting the news outside the UK, but there's been some serious rioting and a crime wave to follow it in the UK. (mainly London/popular cities) It supposedly started because of people annoyed by 'police persecution' (police treating people improperly/violently) A similar thing happened at G20 a while ago when a member of the police hit a passing civilian brutally, thinking he was another G20 protester (and the passer-by actually died of a heart attack about 5 minutes later) Unlike G20, this one has been followed up by a large crimewave of looting and violence. BBC Source Some more images to lighten the mood: Spoiler
Nevertheless. It's escalated far beyond what the rioters were originally rioting about. People are just using it as an excuse to be violent. Some would think it has to do with money. The rioters were apparently using their blackberries to contact eachother. ****'s ridiculous.
Exactly. Being a guy who's lived in both places, I must say the England has been too soft on their people for too long. I think this is a rude awakening about what has been building up for the past nearly 20 years. The dickhead thieves who have started this 'riot' probably don't have the bollocks to stand up against a police officer which is authorized to use deadly force. I bet this will affect the 2012 London olympic games with half the city centre burnt to the ground.
what poor thief who has only his rights to defend him can stand up against an armed soldier with a license to kill? police have too much power, and get away with too much bullshit. hell, a year or 2 ago here in chicago, a cop was driving drunk and hit and killed some people. after a bunch of legal magic, he was let go free. anyone else would have been charged with murder and dui. sometimes the only way a population can say what they want to say about it is by rioting. other avenues do exist, but their voices would not be heard, and their complaints filed with all the others, never to be seen again. "england has been too soft on their people" ??? so are you saying you are supportive of an oppressive government and a militaristic police state???
So you think police brutality is alright? (just to get the ball rolling.. needless to say I think it's a teensy bit more complicated than that.)
I like Texas style: Trespassers will be shot. Survivors will be shot again. Police are more corrupt than sarge though, so its best to avoid any interaction. The stuff in England is just pointless. Protest is enough to get the point across. Destruction only hardens opposition. Edit: just watched a police car going 60 in a 30 area. Probably wanted donuts.
The UK isn't a third world country, people don't have to resort to riots to get things changed. Its called Peaceful Protesting, ever heard of it? I'm not condoning it, I'm just saying that Americans are a lot less dickish about it.
The people have taken advantage of the governments leniency. With a quite vast amount of people falsely claiming government benefits. These people (especially youths) then have nothing to do bit wander the streets and cause trouble. A stricter crackdown on these people might have prevented things such as this. These massive groups of jobless kids have no care for society, other people and their property, nor do they have any respect for the law... And the fact that it takes longer than four days of constant rioting to not yet decide if they want to use rubber bullets?? David Cameron announced today that the rioters will 'soon feel the full force of the law'. I think it's about time they did. And btw, you cannot compare the American and British justice systems. Police officers often go to jail for small crimes, just like regular people. When did I ever say that? Police brutality is not alright. What is alright is when a police officer is allowed to defend himself, which hasn't necessarily been the case for the past 3 days
okay, granted. but still, shouldn't we hope for a government to give its people what they want / need, instead of "cracking down harder" on them? and, i am speaking in general, not necessarily to the specifics of this case as i do not know all the details behind it.
I've been keeping tabs on this, and it just seems to be pointless violence and looting. Yes there was a bit of police brutality, but you try the officers who committed, not the entire force. I'm disappointed with the way the British government handled it.
@ Security, peaceful protesting has been tried and done with. Honestly, something like this was going to happen sooner or later, because the British government might as well be completely ignoring it's people. Honestly, I know the majority of people looting are doing it for no reason, because they're scumbags who want a reason to be mindlessly violent. But still, police brutality isn't always the answer, although in this case, it has it's premises.
Look man, if you destroyed my property and all my belongings, you can bet your ass i'd be looting and punching people's children in the face.
Maybe I'm reading it wrong, but it sure sounds like you're saying: "Hey, looters destroyed my property and caused me thousands in damages. So I'm now going to join those looters and rioters and cause the same damage to OTHER COMPLETELY INNOCENT PEOPLE to get them back". And so the cycle continues.