Vertigo- A 2 Player Co op Challenge by Smok3Monsta and Juggacly Hi Guys, I haven't posted a new map for quite some time. In fact it has been about six months since I last posted a map on here. This is my fifth 2 player co op puzzle map and, as with the Emerald Skull, it has been made with the assistance of my bro Juggacly. I have this time tweaked the gametype and map to the extent that I do not need to explain any "honor rules" except that this map is intended for 2 players only and the main objective which is to capture the flag to complete the puzzle. I would describe this as a moderately difficult puzzle. But once again logic is key to finishing this map and challenges have been designed to keep frustration to a minimum. I have also brought back the large set piece puzzles of my prior maps. If you find you are getting stuck, just keep in mind that a lot of the challenges in this puzzle have been inspired by Portal. Good luck and enjoy!
haha yeah I know I said my last map would be the end of Smokey but I had so many requests for another that I couldn't let my fans down. Seriously though I think this will be my final puzzle map..
its been a long time bro. its me diablo jaguar. new gamertag is Khozi. the map looks like your other maps and the challenges look different. i hope its as fun as the others. going to give this a try!
Hi Diablo, hope you enjoy the map. After 6 months of trying I am still yet to figure out a single map of your haha . @MrFun - I won't give too much away but I will say that you need the dice [br][/br]Edited by merge: Btw i have recently made a few changes to this map to make it a little bit less breakable
it was fun me and my friend got stuff at Pic 4 (Already destroyed the Fusion Coil) but its fun how you made the map. I hope this isnt your Last map tho.
Me and my friend made it to the end. We grabbed the flag, brought it back to that "area" , and we think we know what to do Spoiler put the flag in that slot that looks like it fits perfectly but we can't fit it in. I'm stuck. Nice map anyways!
Hahaha. Me and my friend tried to do that at first. We got the flag stuck behind the shield door. It's simpler than that.
I should mention, being a perfectionist i have made some more changes to the map to remove a few more bugs. So u might wanna make sure u have the latest map before playing
Well done Smokemonster. In my opinion, this is your best map yet (Emerald Skull is a close second). It is definitely the funnest with the teleporters and all. You've given me ideas for some of my future maps. Bul1etCatcher and I have played all your maps now and truly enjoy your puzzle levels. There are some really good puzzles out there, but a good chunk of them are just too hard or are not fun to play. Yours are challenging, but not too difficult, the puzzles are extremely creative, and they are fun. If you do make more, we look very forward to playing them.