I got sick of Minecraft, so I changed my appearance settings on my laptop back to what they used to be. No moar ghey ass windows classic. Hooray for smoothed font.
If you do a show in Vegas (HARD ROCK CAFE FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD IN THE WORLD) I'll show up.
It's okay. You're dreaming big anyways. We'll probably never see anything but the east coast and maybe some places like Ohio and Michigan.
I like to call it "[sigh]" AWWWW but I need a reason to go to Vegas, and specifically the hard rock cafe. D:
I'd love to play everywhere. I'd love to do it for a living. Right now, traveling anywhere seems like a dream. We can't even get a good hold of our own hometown.
Was going to do the community spotlight on TSB, but I don't want to talk about his band for an hour and a half.