DOWNLOAD This was made for a map i was making, a storm the house and eliminate all the terrorist kidna sorta map, if you catch my drift. Anyways, this helicopter is floating in the foundry warehouse. Its got interlocking for ya. So hear we are, pics! Oh this map took me about two hours just so ya know. And, Weekend warrior helped me brainstorm and get the basic shape. And, again, there is a big huge block of boxes under the helicopter, i deleted them for the pic. This is a main view. View from the tail. View in the cockpit, sorry its in forge, didnt have time to start a slayer game. Another overview pic. ~Lolbyhouse
^ Haha, how did you possibly beat me to first post, I was with him when he posted this, you First Post Stealer, you! Alby, nice job with this one, I'm really liking the main propeller. The cockpit bugs me slightly, but it's nothing a slight edit won't fix, and I even offer my assistance. You should branch off an entire scene from this, for another idea - have the choppa' rain down upon a couple of buildings, you know.
Looks pretty good, can't wait to download it and see it in game. Wish we had more options in forge so we could make things like these look even better.
That looks really nice, and I love how you can enter it. It'd probably be fun to modify the map and use the helicopter in a bomb or VIP gametype.
Thats what i origingally had it doin, i was still making the buildings though. Thanks to everybody else. And, is it really possible to beat dom to the first post?
hey nice helo do you mind if i use it to make a map from it? or atleast the idea you get credit of course
This reminds me of the scene from the first matrix where neo guns the living **** out of the agents in the skyscraper. Put a turret in it, make a building, enjoy the game. You'll find lots of inspiration in action movies if you intend to make a edited version.
very impressive, the idea is good even though its been (tried) many times but i feel this one stands out, looks very realistic and im sure it would b cool to hav a heli pad in the map just to add on the affect and atsmophere, good job
Wow that must be some serious piloting skills you have to bring a helicopter in to Foundry, I can't even find a switch to open the doors to the warehouse!
Ok well, long story short, dom wanted me to post this map for a while, so i did today, and i accidentally hit forge instead of custom, so....
pretty cool i like what you did with the stairs. i think it would be cool if u could make another right next to it and mabey have a couple turrets in there and a way to get up there...just an idea. Keep up the good work.
Thanks guys. I had a bunch of ideas for maps to make this out of, the heli Vs Heli was one of them, i also had though of a whole town, you were a recon team, and had to eliminate(bomb) the main building where the terrorists are.