The Flaming Ninja Challenge 2

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by petetheduck, Jan 18, 2011.

  1. petetheduck

    petetheduck Cartographer Emeritus
    Forge Critic

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    EDIT: Fileset has been updated with vids showing all 6 sections

    The Flaming Ninja Challenge 2, an obstacle course.


    -Supports 16 players!
    -All checkpoints unlocked!
    -A Jetpack loadout for casual play!
    -A no-Jetpack loadout for serious!
    -Falcons, just for fun!


    [Download the Map and Gametype from this File Set]
    (gametype is the same file as FNC1, if you already have that one)


    But wait, there's more!

    It's Red Ninjas vs. Blue Ninjas in the first ever team-based competitive obstacle challenge! This special gametype transforms the Flaming Ninja Challenge 2 into an epic ninja battle to be the first team to defeat obstacles and claim their territories!
    Does your team split up, or do you stick together to ensure success on a difficult territory?

    -Supports 2-16 players, RvB or multiteam!
    -Deliberate map design prevents cheating!
    -3x 4-minute rounds!

    Gametype-specific object spawn settings actually REMOVE the checkpoints that aren't used in Team Ninja Challenge. I don't just mean checkpoint teleporters--I mean entire obstacles. If it doesn't belong in Team Ninja Challenge, it isn't there! No confusion!


    And finally, here's an overview of the obstacles you'll face:







    Thanks for checking it out, and good luck!

    #1 petetheduck, Jan 18, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2011
  2. Draco Cosimo

    Draco Cosimo Forerunner

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    I'd recommend posting a runthrough video, because I can't really see much from the pictures alone.
  3. AnthraXe187

    AnthraXe187 Guest

    Best obstacle course series of all time! More innovative obstacles, more fun! I really hope that you keep making these. Always good to find something aside from all of the competitive-ness of normal Halo. On a side note, which I find just fascinating, first Ninja course, 55,000+ DL's, second Ninja course, 12 DL's. But I have a feeling that this will catch up in no time.
  4. coldevil123

    coldevil123 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I downloaded the first and had a blast with friends. After I saw the second I knew I had to have it. After playing through almost all of it, I seem to be stuck on the Jetpack part, but I'm just fail. All I can say is: Keep up the great work, and I hope to see a third.
  5. petetheduck

    petetheduck Cartographer Emeritus
    Forge Critic

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    Thanks! Both sections of the jetpack part are a bit tricky.. for the first bit, it is possible, but you need to find when to actually trigger the jetpack in order to get that upward momentum back. Once you figure that out, you'll consistently nail those first few "jumps"
  6. Scrappy T

    Scrappy T Forerunner

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    the second gravgate is flawed. i can't get thru it. sometimes i actually get thru it. and i honestly can not get thru that part of the gravgates where u have return to battlefield if my life depended on it. do u have any tips so that i can get thru it. please help, i want to see the rest of it! ;)
  7. petetheduck

    petetheduck Cartographer Emeritus
    Forge Critic

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    There is a seam there, where the two tall 4x4 blocks joined together. I had an issue during development where, if you were moving slowly, you would get stuck on that seam and have to back up and get a "running start" to cross through.

    I had moved the blocks and I wasn't getting stuck any more, so I thought the issue had been fixed :(. If you're still having trouble, just back up and try going faster.
  8. Scrappy T

    Scrappy T Forerunner

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    I wish i could, but the return to battlefield is kinda making it hard. I see that so i hurry thru there but since gravity is low, im slowing down and going thru there. i actually got thru there couple times (but i didnt know how i was doing it) and since the "return to battlefield" was at 2 seconds, i hurried thru the last gravgate and got blown up. lol i know i fail at obstacle maps. This is actually my first obstacle map.
  9. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Black Theorem's Pick for the week of 2/14 to 2/20
  10. petetheduck

    petetheduck Cartographer Emeritus
    Forge Critic

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    I'm not sure exactly what that means, but I see you're a mod, so it must be both important and awesome--so thanks!

  11. OMGod

    OMGod Forerunner

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    It means you get stickied to the top of this section for a week, congrats!

    Also, this map looks great so I'll give it a download and see how it goes my first time, lol.
  12. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    I'll admit that I downloaded this after Rooster Teeth played about with it, but I still enjoyed it thoroughly. I've been a fan of your maps since the one on Blackout back in the days, and this map is, once again, a step forward.

    One thing, though. It's HARD. By about 30 minutes in, our vocabulary had been limited to swears and your gamer tag. That landmine maze is also horribly frustrating with multiple people, but that's nothing you can help.

    So yeah, download this, but be warned. IT WILL DRIVE YOU INSANE.
  13. HiddenForger

    HiddenForger Forerunner

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    This map is amazing. I saw it on Aichievement H-O-R-S-E and it didn't look that hard. I have never been more wrong.
  14. petetheduck

    petetheduck Cartographer Emeritus
    Forge Critic

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    The good thing about letting people cheat is you don't feel bad about making the obstacle course a little more difficult :)

    I mean, it's no excuse for lazy design: the obstacle themselves are cheatproof for the default loadout (except for one exploit I missed, but I won't mention it here). But I give people the choice of a jetpack loadout so if they're having trouble with obstacle 3 of 3, they can jetpack directly to it and not repeat 1 and 2 over and over and over and over.

    I'm not sure why everyone thinks they need to have locked checkpoints too. I guess it's just my perspective on things: I don't want you to give up and miss out on the rest of the map because of one early obstacle you can't overcome, and I don't want to punish you because you choose to play the map over multiple sessions instead of just one. Also, what if you've finished it already and just want to replay some highlights, or show your buddies "that one cool part"..

    Basically, I wanted the map to be harder but I didn't want people to resort to Forge, get frustrated and give up, or feel like they couldn't play it because it's too hard. If you're super hardcore Halo man, you can be a Ninja and beat the map straight-up and have a real challenge of it. If you're still getting a handle on Halo, you can use the jetpack loadout and fly back up when you fall off, and that's OK.

    I guess people are more into puzzle maps now anyway, though.
  15. VIP3R0X

    VIP3R0X Forerunner

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    this map is horse@#$% LOL
    I cant get passed a single obstacle
    but the ideas for the challenges LEGIT my friends and i spent a solid 2 hours at this today LOVED IT
  16. Heatzone10

    Heatzone10 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I came into this map and got to the soccer ball balance part and thats as far as i got. i loved the challenge though.
  17. chicken hater75

    chicken hater75 Forerunner

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    fantastic obstacle course, nothing else in reach compares. This is also slightly easier than the first one, making it actually possible to beat. I have made it all the way to the last part with next to each other. (I used the teleporters as checkpoints) I CAN NOT GET INTO THE COLISEUM!!! i hate you for that.
  18. petetheduck

    petetheduck Cartographer Emeritus
    Forge Critic

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    Man! Here's a thread from way back.

    Glad you liked it! I assure you, it is possible to reach the coliseum.. although there are two tricks to that part:

    Trick one:
    It's impossible to reach the Coliseum itself. Try to reach the tiny rock ledge below it

    Trick two:
    Don't max out your jump. What I mean is, when you're building momentum and you tap the ceiling of Forge World, you won't make it. Your momentum needs to be JUST shy of max--just shy of tapping the ceiling

    This is probably my hardest obstacle course, but it was for a contest so it's singleplayer only. I started another singleplayer only one.. not sure when that will be finished. It won't be as hard and there won't be an associated contest. I'm really taking my time with it, just letting ideas bubble to the surface.
  19. chicken hater75

    chicken hater75 Forerunner

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    Thanks for the tips, I definitely want to finish now. I actually think this one is easier than the original, but maybe i gave up on it too soon.

    Wait, i didnt realize "this is my hardest obstacle course" was a link, never mind to second sentence.

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