
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by CAPTAIN O8VIOUS, Aug 7, 2011.


    CAPTAIN O8VIOUS Forerunner

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    Hey guys, I re-uploaded it with a few changes. The roof of the center was off balance, and weapon spawns were all the same. these are all fixed now.
    Victryte is a roughly medium sized, symetrical map, with a fair amount of wiggle room. It plays well with 4-12 players, but it could probably squeeze in 4 more for the full 16 players. This is my first posted map as well, so constructive criticism is GREATLY appreciated. There is a soft kill barrier on top of both bases and the center structure. Right now it supports Slayer, Team Slayer, Crazy King, KOTH, Headhunter, and Assault. If you would like to add support for other gametypes, feel free to because I don't feel that I'm ready to tackle the more complicated setups. That and if I have to set up one more gametype I'll probably jump out my window. BTW that's only a 3-4 ft drop, so no worries, I'll be fine. Might break a finger at the most. Anyways, ONWARD TO VICTORY!!! I mean pictures onward to the pictures...

    DMR x 6
    Grenade Launcher x 1
    Magnum x 2
    Rocket Launcher x 1
    Shotgun x 2
    Sniper Rifle x 2
    Frag Grenades x 4
    Concussion Rifle x 1
    Focus Rifle x 2
    Needle Rifle x 4
    Needler x 4
    Plasma Pistol x 2
    Plasma Repeater x 2
    Plasma Rifle x 2
    Plasma Grenades x 6

    This is red base. It's just like blue base, only redder.

    This is the bottom floor of red base

    This is the top floor. The sniper is in here

    Those to ramps from the first picture lead here.

    The shotgun is located in the building from the last pic.

    These ramps are on either side and grant access to the top level of the center

    There are mini-bases on either side of the map...

    ...with ramps in front of them that lead to the center.

    View of center structure from above red base.

    Top level of center structure. Note: The shield barriers only spawn in symmetrical gametypes

    Inside second level of center structure. That shield door keeps people from dropping down into the third level, to spice things up a bit.

    Looking into second level from the outside.

    This is the bottom level.

    This is the reason this place and everyone on it hasn't fallen to their watery grave... yet.

    So, that's the rundown of things here. Be sure to leave feedback, because, again, this is my first map, and it is appreciated and encouraged!
    #1 CAPTAIN O8VIOUS, Aug 7, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2011
  2. MCGreen24

    MCGreen24 Forerunner

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    Hahaha very original power weapon spawn arrangment. (Rockets) I like it.

    Also how it seems as though some force of halo makes the physics possible. (The lifts "holding" up the map)

    Very creative, I was also thinking of somthing like that to recommend to sky maps. I like maps that look like they are accually possible in nature (Physics). Obvisouly we dont know the technology that would be able to hold up a map, but maybe in the 2500s.
  3. Jakisthe

    Jakisthe Forerunner

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    Brilliant structure and lines, and my favorite kind of creative elements: existing ones :p. I'll go give it a play right now, but one [very] quick thing before I do: that upside down platform in the 9th pic appears to be slightly off center :p

    CAPTAIN O8VIOUS Forerunner

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    Crap your right I'll go fix that right quick you can redownload in a few minutes or fix yourself if you want. BTW thanks for the great feedback guys! Is there a way to change the download link and not have to start a whole new thread?
    #4 CAPTAIN O8VIOUS, Aug 8, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2011
  5. X RS Sniper X

    X RS Sniper X Forerunner

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    Go to Edit on your Map then go to advance then done just change then finished.

    OT : I like you structures they have some Feel to it and the map looks good to say DL for me and keep up the good work

    CAPTAIN O8VIOUS Forerunner

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    Thanks X RS Sniper X! I will edit it and post up in a little bit, about to watch a movie. Also I will add the weapons too, forgot to do that.
  7. Jakisthe

    Jakisthe Forerunner

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    Regarding the weapons: you might want to mix around the spawn timers/spares on them. Everything cept the RL seems to have a 30 sec timer and 2 clips, which would just be kinda messy between the gl, sniper, cr, and shotgun you have :/

    CAPTAIN O8VIOUS Forerunner

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    I thought I had forgot something. It was supposed to be 50 seconds for FFA gametypes and 1 minute and 20 seconds for team games. My bro probably messed with it when I wasn't looking. Also I unfortunately couldn't get on today lost my halo reach disc for a while (don't worry, it was in the case) just found it before I got on here. Should be able to fix stuff tomorrow kinda tired right now.
    #8 CAPTAIN O8VIOUS, Aug 9, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2011

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