
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by I3ush, Aug 8, 2011.

  1. I3ush

    I3ush Forerunner

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    Well I've been spending a lot of time looking at map previews lately, and I've noticed that a vast majority have been tested constantly, even those not made by well known community members. I know that there's the Tester's Guild, but they are only good for one or two tests. So I'm wondering how else you guys test your maps, other than putting them in the Tester's Guild. Because I've had hardly any tester's for my map, and I was wondering if it's just because I haven't been looking in the right places. :/
  2. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    My advice? Put up threads in the customs lobby recruiting testers and custom game players, or (perhaps a better choice) join up with other people's groups. Right now GrenadeGorilla8 and myself kinda run the customs lobby - I think we generate 80% of its threads - based on a customs and testing night we run every Tuesday (plus the occasional auxiliary game on the weekend). You're welcome to join up with us at any time. If you need a map tested, you can sign up for a slot or two in our threads. Anyway, like I said, we generate most of the testing sessions in that forum right now, but we're always hopeful that it will spin off into more and more open tests.

    The other choice is to fill up your friends list with Reach players and forgers, and when there's a lot of people online, just start inviting them in. I've done some of this too. And from joining into other people's tests, you can add some of the players as friends and start building a network of players who are always down for some new map testing. It does take time though - it really helps if you help these other people test their maps first, and get to know them before you just start tossing out invites. My friends list is about half full of people from Forge Hub who I've played with a few times before, so I know I can count on a lot of those guys to join in for tests if they're online and not elbow-deep in a forge session or something. But you really need to start by looking for other people's test sessions you can get into, rather than trying to recruit them into yours immediately. Trust me on that.
  3. availablemoth

    availablemoth Forerunner

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    What he said! Also, if you would like you can add me(Availablemoth)and I'm sure I can get some people to test your maps, as long as it is not a BTB or Invasion map. Normally I can get 2v2-4v4 pretty easy. Also if you add me, you will be able to get some games on some of these other maps you are seeing posted! Anyways, hope Nut and I helped!
  4. I3ush

    I3ush Forerunner

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    Thanks guys, I'll post a topic in the customs and I planned on going to your testing session this Tuesday anyways, Nutduster. :p And my map is a 2v2 map, avaliablemoth, so I'll add you.

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