Remake Grounded (Zanzibar)

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by JDHarbs19, Aug 6, 2011.

  1. JDHarbs19

    JDHarbs19 Forerunner

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    Grounded (Zanzibar) v5

    V5 IS NOW AVAILABLE. DOWNLOAD HERE! : Halo Reach : File Details

    Classic remake of the Halo 2 map "Zanzibar" designed to play with default and Team Classic gametypes. Built by JDHarbs19 with assistance from dt192, Xsjados, and MindYourOwnCake.

    Nearly all original jumps are makable with Classic settings, but only most with default. With that said, I'd recommend using the Custom settings that I have linked above for the best gameplay possible. Tried to make it as accurate as Forge would allow possible. Of course an exact replica isn't exactly possible for a map as complex as Zanzibar so some changes had to be made. Most of the changes I made were just small things to help getting around the map easier and smooth out the gameplay a little. Such things include replacing the Gauss Hog with a regular Warthog due to the Gauss cannon glitch.

    Supports only team-based gametypes for the moment. Includes all except Invasion and Race. Supports up to 12 players. Best for teams of 4/5/6. Also supports Speedpile. Expect more updates to come.

    #1 JDHarbs19, Aug 6, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2011
  2. Lorenzo2691

    Lorenzo2691 Forerunner

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    I was beginning to wonder if I'd ever see a remake of my favorite Halo 3 map and I'm so glad to see someone finally made one.
    From what I can see in the pictures, it seems to be a pretty nice remake, nice work.

    CAPTAIN O8VIOUS Forerunner

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    Actually it's Zanzibar from Halo 2. The layouts are quite different. for example the catwalk in the back near the gate is in Last Resort, the Halo 3 version, not Zanzibar. But I did see remake of last resort on here recently and it wouldn't be too hard to convert this into Last Resort if you wanted to.
  4. kingofaces

    kingofaces Forerunner

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    wow u got the size and every thing perfect , nice work man looks pretty accurate
  5. DominationQ

    DominationQ Forerunner

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    I've seen other remakes using full artificial flooring, and some that use the canyon beachside as well, but this one looks pretty good, maybe the best I've seen so far. It is too bad that the gauss hog glitches through pieces, maybe that'll get patched sometime. Otherwise, I'd have to dl it to examine it more thoroughly.
  6. pajama dad

    pajama dad Forerunner

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    looks exceptionally clean and simply forged. I'm hoping you have left a decent budget left... I look forward to playing around on it and with it.
  7. The Muppet King

    The Muppet King Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is has to be one, no, the best remake of Zanzibar I have seen so far. Sure, the neatness is a bit iffy, but that doesn't matter when the structure, layout, and everything else is in place. Great job, you have my DL.
  8. JDHarbs19

    JDHarbs19 Forerunner

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    Thanks for all the feedback and support guys. Just wanted to let you all know that this isn't my final version and you will be seeing a few more changes here and there. I'm always looking for more ways to make it more efficient and accurate.

    Who knows, maybe 343 will keep Forge remakes in their Classic playlist after HCEA releases and I'd love to have this one make it in if 343 hasn't already decided to remake it for HCEA. [crosses fingers]

    Any chance for a ForgeHub favorites nomination?
  9. broccollipie

    broccollipie Forerunner

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    The way camp froman kinda floats bugs me, but otherwise this is astoundingly accurate. I never saw the original, so I'm basing my examinations off of Halo 3, of course.
  10. BlondishFiber

    BlondishFiber Forerunner

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    This is maby the best version of this map i have seen yet BUT!
    I did nothis that the jump dont work between the betch and the mountain :p plz fix that if not thats not an original remake :p
  11. JDHarbs19

    JDHarbs19 Forerunner

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    Could you be more specific? I want to include as many original jumps from Zanzibar as I can. Unless you are referring to a super jump or jump from Last Resort.

    P.S. Some jumps are only makeable with Team Classic gametypes which this map is best played with. Also can't wait to get my hands on some Title Update gameplay on this map.
    #11 JDHarbs19, Aug 8, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2011
  12. Random1

    Random1 Forerunner

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    So the I was, happy as a fox on a chicken farm that Zanzibar was being done justice, and then I suddenly realise that Invasion mode has been removed, despite being a brilliant gametype for Zanzibar. Why JD? Why?
    PS: Sexy map BTW :)
  13. JDHarbs19

    JDHarbs19 Forerunner

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    For those of you who don't know, I actually had a pretty wicked Invasion gametype set up for this map in one of my earlier builds. It basically took the three best gametypes for the map and combined them into one. Yes, Random1 I do plan on bringing it back for my final version of this map. I just wanted to save as much money and pieces as I can to get the map itself completed correctly. Now that it is basically done aside from some tweaks and a bit of clean up I believe I have enough left to bring it back. Keep an eye out for v4.

    Also, I've been wondering which map I should remake next once this one is done. Any suggestions? Sorry, no Last Resort. I gotta say I've tried converting this one into Last Resort myself and it just isn't gonna happen without the map coming out like trash. I was already low on cash and pieces with Zanzi alone. Last Resort is still playable online anyway so I prefer CE and H2 maps that aren't already remade by Bungie and 343.

    Edited by merge:

    v4 is up everyone so get it while it's hot!

    changes includes:
    - FFA support
    - Multi-team support
    - 16 player support
    - less z-fighting
    - more accuracy
    - better piece/budget efficiency
    - better aesthetics
    - Fixed objectives
    - added fusion coils
    - added sandbags to turrets

    coming in v5:
    - Invasion support
    - special compatible Invasion gametype
    - possibly Race support
    - Bro Slayer support
    note: v5 should be my final version
    #13 JDHarbs19, Aug 10, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2011
  14. Random1

    Random1 Forerunner

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    I would like to see Midship or Terminal; Midship because no-one has done it justice and Terminal because you work really well with the natural environment.
  15. JDHarbs19

    JDHarbs19 Forerunner

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  16. dt192

    dt192 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Silv3r Sk3eter is planning to do midship and he makes really well forged accurate maps, so it should be a good one to keep an eye out for, there are a few ppl that have been mulling over doing terminal accurately & laglessly, but i'm not sure that anybody has started work on it
  17. JDHarbs19

    JDHarbs19 Forerunner

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    If I had to choose a map other than one from CE or H2 to remake (which nearly all of them have been remade pretty well by now or are impossible to remake) then I'd have to say I'll go for something like Snowbound. I haven't seen hardly any remakes of that map and I kind of liked it back in Halo 3.

    When I pick a remake to do I usually go for the ones that have been remade by a few people, but none of them could really get it right. This is why I went with Zanzibar as my first map. The maps that are easy to remake like Wizard and/or are fan favorites like Lockout are usually built to near-perfection right out of the gate. It's the other maps that I try to focus on b/c I know there are at least some gamers out there who enjoyed them, but the lack of effort from the forging community has kept from enjoying them again so they try and remake the maps themselves and many don't turn out too well.
  18. Random1

    Random1 Forerunner

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    I would love to see you make Terminal.
    OT: When is the next release coming out?
  19. CyborgAnthro

    CyborgAnthro Forerunner

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    This is a very awesome remake and you did well on budget and frame rate considering the complexity of the map. There are a few pieces here and there that lay over one another funny or asymmetrically, which might be from save-shifting. Also, if you can I would change the ramps in the defender's base to 30 degress, 45 is just too steep for smooth gameplay. I'm sure it would be harder to make the room to scale that way but I think it would improve that area.
  20. JDHarbs19

    JDHarbs19 Forerunner

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    Now that I'm connected to XBC, I was able to go back and play a few games again on Zanzibar just to get a sense of how it played again. I've got some changes in store that will hopefully make this map feel a little more like Zanzibar. Hope i still have the budget and pieces left to do it. [crosses fingers]

    Sorry, but Invasion may be out...or I'll have to rethink it.

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