The biggest d-bags on Reach matchmaking?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Gazzaverage, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
    Senior Member

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    it's true.

    this one time me and shanon and insane were like playing snipers on Hem and shanon killed everyone a lot and the people ragequit n stuff.
  2. Berb

    Berb Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    That's a very cool story you've got thir dunkin

    Lol the sniping on hemorrhage is bad tho. I blame the initial design. I mean, they mixed coagulation: a map designed with different bases, a different floor plan and meant for good banshee gameplay with blood gulch: a map with lower bases, a different floor plan and base-to-base sniping
  3. Carter1234

    Carter1234 Forerunner
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    That's the thing I hate the most about people in MM, people that quit just because they don't like the map we are playing on. If you don't like the map, who cares, power through it and try to have a good time, don't ragequit or betray your teammates just because you don't like it. I personally like all the maps in BTB except Boneyard and Boardwalk (Boardwalk isn't a BTB IMO) but all of the Forge World map variants I love very much.

    On my last comment, I know that Hemmorhage is not the best map, but It's not really that bad for me. My deal is that both sides have the same weapons/vehicles (there's like one or two weapons that are neutral, so as long as you (and your team) play your power weapons/vehicles correctly, you shouldn't have that much of a problem. This applies for most all maps in MM, not just Hemmorhage. A few however (like Oasis (I think that's what it's called) ) are not asymmetrical, so there could be problems there.
  4. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
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    When people who play snipers on atom quit.

    And the biggest d-bag of all time is the one that jumps in front of the wraith or revenant that you are in so they die, then insta boot you.
  5. Carter1234

    Carter1234 Forerunner
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    Same thing almost happened when they jumped in the rotors of my falcon so I'd get the betrayal points. Thing is that Bungie now follows the three strike code, so two people jumped in the rotors but I didn't get booted.
  6. broccollipie

    broccollipie Forerunner

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    People that boot you faster than humanly possible.
    Like you're gone the instant they die.
    They must be serious assholes.
  7. Carter1234

    Carter1234 Forerunner
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    The other falcon pilot (we stole theirs) got booted instantly after one of the passengers jumped and got hit by the rotors, causing a black hawk down moment when the falcon went down right next to an enemy warthog.
  8. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Wait, someone was defending Hemorrhage? Now I've seen it all.
  9. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
    Senior Member

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    and yeah, the canyon has always just been a piss poor map design since the beginning. i've never been a fan, never will be.
  10. So Saucy

    So Saucy Forerunner

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    When my teammate Yoinks me I make it my Personal Vendetta to get him booted...I hatttte getting Yoinked. I will stop at nothing to ruin that persons game, it's just soo disrespectful.
  11. Carter1234

    Carter1234 Forerunner
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    I think you are a D-bag for trying to boot someone for saving you time. It's only ONE kill, does one kill mean that much to you?

    You're disrespectful for trying to do full animation because you think it looks cool.
  12. So Saucy

    So Saucy Forerunner

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    Not when no one is around and i have enough time to do it and its Yoinked on purpose, then I get pissed
  13. Carter1234

    Carter1234 Forerunner
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    Don't do full animation when you think a teammate near you will do it, just go for the beat down. I do full animation some times, but I don't give a **** if people yoink me. I just don't care.
  14. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
    Senior Member

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    Why are you trying to argue in this thread?

    Guys, get on topic.

    on topic: Dont you just love it when people talk **** to you when you win?

    I love it, I just start breaking out in laughter all over their voices.
  15. ZombieGuineaPig

    ZombieGuineaPig Forerunner

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    Its probably been said but this happens to me ALL the time:

    Someone repeatedly betrays me to the point it ruins my game completely and I don't get offered to boot them, then I betray them once and I get booted.
  16. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    when you are assassinated in grifball... humiliating
  17. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
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    I once assassinated somebody camping with active camo.

    Good times. Turns out it was a two year old who decided to put on his lowest toughest voice and insult my mum in messages that lasted two hours. For the last half hour I just heard his mum shouting at him to stop swearing, and then he swears back and so on.

    And for the biggest d bags I offer this:

    People who register on the mlg website then spam everybody they know or have ever played with, talking **** about how they are so great.
    They credit farm and betray for the sniper rifle which they then go and spam, constantly screaming about how they are mlg pro and reminding others pre game during game and post game, then following it up with an insultig message after the game about how I am not mlg pro like him.

    /run on sentence
  18. Carter1234

    Carter1234 Forerunner
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    I have to agree with Oli here, the first one was the best D-bag ever.

    A similar thing happened to me in BTB matchmaking. While I had the sniper rifle, a little 8 year old told me to get in his warthog and I said no way, I has the sniper rifle dude, ask someone else, then he's like "Then I have no choice..." He plowed through like two people with the warthog up the sniping ridge, until he drove it off and then walked back up and spammed grenades and AR ammo around me like a retard for like 30 seconds. After a while I got tired of it and 90 degree no scoped him for being an asshole. He rage quit in about 1.5 seconds.

    I laughed and told my teammates, I think he's just MAD
    #278 Carter1234, Aug 12, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2011
  19. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    I was just in a game of BTB. So we all spawn, I grab snipes. The enemy sniper immediately starts wrecking our team, so I move to get a better shot.

    While this is happening, one of our team mates rushes the PL in the middle of the map, and shoots our wraith with it, betraying him. I ignore this, kill 1 of the enemy team with the sniper, and start having a long range snipe battle with the enemy sniper, we're both jumping in and out of cover.

    The earlier idiot walks in, shoots one plasma shot at me, which kills me, takes my sniper and starts shooting into the air. He spends the rest of the game betraying people and destroying our vehicles and wasting our power weapons, and the dude didn't get booted. According to the guys I was talking to, of which he had betrayed several times, no one got the boot message.
  20. Carter1234

    Carter1234 Forerunner
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    I'd report that ****sack.

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