
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by forgemonkey, Aug 7, 2011.

  1. forgemonkey

    forgemonkey Forerunner

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    [FONT=&quot]Pride v2.0[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]Hey everyone. After much feedback, testing, and edits, I am proud to introduce (no pun intended) Pride v2.0. There are quite a few updates from the previous version, which are listed below:

    [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Updates v2.0[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
    -removed lights to fix frame rate issues (this made me sad)
    -removed columns and changed certain walkways to again fix frame rate issues.
    -fixed a few objective issues, notably the default koth hill
    -added more kill boundaries to prevent map exploits
    -changed area around 3rd tier man cannon
    -added blocks covering 3rd tier walkway to break line of sight, leaving players less exposed and increasing frame rates
    -change weapon locations for more balance (removed gravity hammer)


    This is one of my countless forge products, but only the second one I’ve ever finished. I usually get frustrated that the form isn’t quite developing as I had seen it in my head, and then trash it. This map, however, turned out about how I imagined. Normally, I begin with a game play design in mind and then work to add the aesthetics, but this time, I had the picture of the main hall in my head and went from there. So, for a description:


    The map is symmetric and the primary feature is a relatively open main hall with support beams providing the majority of the cover. The main hall is two-tiered with access to the second tier coming from two lifts and two ramps (one of each on each side). This area of the map plays like many standard open area arenas.

    The third tier, however, has a more “long bridge” design. Access to it comes from two larger tube lifts and a teleporter (depending on the game type). The support beams have also been updated to allow for running up them, providing greater access to the the tier.

    At the end of the long bridge on the third tier is an enclosed grove area that houses the teleporter exit and a grenade launcher. The grove has two over-under entrances to prevent camping with the top entrance being accessed by the man-cannon further down the level. This provides for often hectic assaults during objective games as teams will often choose to send some members in the bottom while shooting others in the top, causing chaos for the defenders.

    Please let me know what you guys think about the map and any bugs you find. Enjoy!

    [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Weapon List
    1x Sniper Rifle
    1x Grenade Launcher
    1x Shotgun
    1x Concussion Rifle
    2x Plasma Pistol
    2x Needler
    2x Needle Rifle
    2x DMR
    4x Frag Grenade
    4x Plasma Grenade[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Main Hall[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]Red Lift (Bottom)

    [FONT=&quot]Blue Lift (Bottom)

    [FONT=&quot]Blue Lift (Top)

    [FONT=&quot]Top View (as seen from Blue Lift)

    [FONT=&quot]Top View (as seen from Red Base)


    [FONT=&quot]1st Tier Hallway

    [FONT=&quot]1st Tier Lift



    #1 forgemonkey, Aug 7, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2011

    OTT2RAPEU Forerunner

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    Beautifully forged and very clean map by the looks of things! Its a download for sure! I would be proud too... if i forged this lol ! :)
  3. DjShiftD

    DjShiftD Forerunner

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    nice map, looks fun, but i hate the 4x1 pieces... im just OCD about parts lining up. they look good tho, im just super picky, lol. gonna give it a try
  4. forgemonkey

    forgemonkey Forerunner

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    aww, is it that you hate that they have a slight overlap required for the shape of the supports, or is there something wrong with how I lined them up?

    I actually tweaked the design yesterday to allow for walking up the supports, which required altering the angles. Thanks for your feedback.
  5. DUCK NG

    DUCK NG Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I gave this a forge through a few minutes ago, so I thought i'd come offer a few thoughts on the map. I liked the layout of the map, it had a number of paths, and looked like it could incorporate a few different play styles. Jet pack would be very useful here, even though I think I could still use sprint effectively on the lower levels. I noticed many of your power weapons are on the default (30s) spawn timer, you should increase these spawn times depending on the weapon, many of them should be around 90, 120, 180s.

    I had a concern about your top lift, that launches you into the red base, as you hit a tree and it can cause minor shield damage, I would suggest trying to tweak it, so that no damage is received. Also you may want a soft kill just barely above the floor in the tunnel said lift lands you on, as to prevent camping with a sniper, or another weapon (it has a nice view of the map, and only 1 way up(sans jet pack)). I did notice a bit of frame rate lag on the map, it was mostly minor (I was by my self). The first thing I would suggest trying to remove it, would be to remove your lights, as you have a lot of glass, and other lighted objects on the map, a reduction in lights could greatly help the map. Good luck on the map, I think you have a solid layout, it just needs a little polishing.
  6. forgemonkey

    forgemonkey Forerunner

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    I was aware of the chance of shield damage, but didn't think it was too big of a deal. A couple people, however, have commented on it, so I fixed it. It doesn't look quite as good visually, but the gameplay improvement was worth it. I also added the soft kill boundary. During our test runs, I can only recall once where someone used that as a sniping perch, but I see that once people become familiar with the level, that instance of that will probably increase.

    I don't know how I missed fixing the respawn times on the weapons. I will have to talk to my testing buddies for not pointing that out to me earlier (failures). In regards to the frame rate issues, I was worried with the complexity of the map that they would occur, but I haven't yet had a problem. I really do like the light placement, and when I'm editing the map, the only framerate issues occur near the red base away from the lights. So, i tried to trim down the amount of rocks and stuff, but I think because of how open/complex the architecture of the map is, it's always going to be on the edge of the framerate threshold. (I did try removing the lights, but it seemed to have little effect even when I was playing 4 screens at once).

    Oh, and thanks so much for your feedback. If only my original testers were as observant as you, I could have avoided these problems earlier.
  7. spartan ricky

    spartan ricky Forerunner

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    This map is amazing. I wish I had found out about forgehub sooner, because the maps that my friends are always recommending to me are awful, but almost every map I find here is great. This one is no exception.

    At first I was impressed with the visuals and the style of the map, but I was skeptical of how it would play. It has a very unique design that I wasn't sure would work. I was wrong, though. The map plays almost well as it looks. I can also see that you fixed the issues that other posters have commented on, or at least they weren't there when I played it.

    Anyways, one of the best maps I've see yet. Gonna keep searching though for other gems. Keep up the good work.
  8. PhantomStrike

    PhantomStrike Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I got to give it to you, this is got to be one of the best maps I've ever seen. There is barely anything I have to comment on except the fact that I wish the place was just a bit bigger. I remember walking in to church for the first time in life when I was 5. Just holy, structures, walls, archs. I feel like I am standing in my old church for the first time in a long time. Its beautiful and its great. This is... Pride!

    I see you take PRIDE in your work so great job and just beautiful, I think I going to cry...
    #8 PhantomStrike, Aug 9, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2011
  9. DUCK NG

    DUCK NG Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    If your playing split screen the lights get turned off anyways, so it wouldn't effect it at that point. The light's only become an issue in full screen. If you want a non-forge world example look at the chute in sword base, it's quiet hard to see in when playing in split screen because that light doesn't come on. As far as your testers not noticing some of those things, that's why it's good to test with many different people, casual, competitive, forgers, whatever each offers a unique view and will notice different things. If you ever need help testing a map feel free to send me an invite.
  10. forgemonkey

    forgemonkey Forerunner

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    Well, I posted the updated version. I took out the lights, and as Duck NG suggested, that really helped the frame rate issues the more I tested it. I also slimmed down some other stuff to help with the frame rate. The complete list of updates can be seen in the initial thread area.

    Thanks a lot for all the feedback. It was very helpful. Also, I'm sorry that I made PhantomStrike cry, but since it can be triggered by a Halo map, I get the feeling that it's a somewhat common occurrence.
  11. Branzor

    Branzor Forerunner

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    The map is aesthetically awesome, but after trying it out with some friends the game-play seemed a little too one sided. Me and a friend held off the rock area the entire match in a 2v2 slayer pro with me watching the front and him watching the teleporter, it was a really easy spot to camp. Other than that everything seemed to work fine, I just felt like there wasn't much area to walk around. Great map though.
  12. forgemonkey

    forgemonkey Forerunner

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    In regards to holding the top area, it seems to work better with regular slayer. Armor lock, jet packs, etc. are quite helpful there. Sorry that you didn't feel there was enough room to move. Most people I played with were taking advantage of the supports that run from the 2nd to 3rd floor and hoping around on them. Made for some really interesting firefights. Some people, though, prefer large rooms/hallways. Anyway, thanks for the feedback.

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