He didn't flush out the cheat fast enough. I saweded it. I like the door and the walls. This map would look sick if the same door and wall design was kept throughout, though I don't know how much budget it takes to make them
Do I get a lazyness award for finding the screenshot without cracking the code? IMO it looks like an overdecorated hallway, typical of your maps. There's really nothing to say about a hallway. For the later people I leave a slightly easier riddle: Why eavesdrop when you can ask the source?
Unfortunately, I'm restricted to objects (not budget) in making those walls, I can only make 12 panels until I can find a suitable alternative. I'm almost certain I'll be remodelling the design of the map so I can make a similar wall piece available throughout. Please name another of my maps (besides Diadem, which overdecoration was the whole point) that has overdecorated hallways?
Spoiler 37kus377660jpgvalue37kus377660jpg Seems like it is some part of the code. Spoiler 37kus377660.jpg value37kus377660.jpg 37.k.us37.7660.jpg
As I said I would, the code has been updated revealing 2 characters to give you guys a clue as to how this works....
This is ****ing bullshit stevo, I assumed a map was supposed to be previewed in a Map Preview post. Guess not, so im going to take thisa to mean that the second I start a map and give it a name, I can throw up some random ****, pictureless, off topic, thread in this forum without being infracted, nor having said thread closed. Awesome. Brb. I have about 4 threads to post real quick. Bullshit. ****ing bullshit, and its from a "journalist" Just, next time you abuse your position, put: "/corruptstaff" at the end of tour post. Thx.
First of all: The picture IS there. second point to your fail rant: there are NO rules that state you MUST post pictures with any map preview thread. Third: This whole block of text is ENTIRELY on topic to this map. Next time you decide to fail so hard, don't click "Submit Reply".
I hope for your's, as well as for everyone who "participated" in this marketing ploy's sake, that this map is gods gift to forging, because if it isn't, and it turns out to be an average inverse symmetrical map, with some cool doorways and expensive hallways, then more than a few people will be extremely dissapointed. Balls in your court now stevo, can't wait for the real preview post.
It is slightly annoying that having posted my own map preview with tons of pictures, i have recieved 3 replies of which only one made any sort of mention to the map itself and steve makes a map preview with one picture that requires effort to view and he has 33 replies. Saying that, I can't work out the code so haven't seen the picture but I know you're a good forger so am looking forward to seeing the map in full.
Unfortunately though Knarly, no one has posted any information on what they're currently doing with the code (if at all) and the main posts are just "WAH WAH WAH NO PICTURE" comments which benefits absolutely no one. If people worked together with the code and thought about what things could mean, the picture would be visible within the day.
sigh... broc, because simply posting the picture that you found in a different way is not equal to that of deciphering the code and posting the answer with the code visible for all to see.
Stevo... da ****? The code is clever, but I really cba to solve it. [br][/br]Edited by merge: wait... cracked it!